IVirtualMachineDiskOperations 成员

Represents the interface for the operations that are used to manage the disks in a subscription.

以下各表列出了由 IVirtualMachineDiskOperations 类型公开的成员。

公共 方法

(另请参见 Extension 方法)

  Name 说明
BeginCreatingDataDiskAsync The Create Data Disk operation adds a data disk to a virtual machine. There are three ways to create the data disk using the Add Data Disk operation. Option 1 - Attach an empty data disk to the role by specifying the disk label and location of the disk image. Do not include the DiskName and SourceMediaLink elements in the request body. Include the MediaLink element and reference a blob that is in the same geographical region as the role. You can also omit the MediaLink element. In this usage, Azure will create the data disk in the storage account configured as default for the role. Option 2 - Attach an existing data disk that is in the image repository. Do not include the DiskName and SourceMediaLink elements in the request body. Specify the data disk to use by including the DiskName element. Note: If included the in the response body, the MediaLink and LogicalDiskSizeInGB elements are ignored. Option 3 - Specify the location of a blob in your storage account that contain a disk image to use. Include the SourceMediaLink element. Note: If the MediaLink element isincluded, it is ignored. (see https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/windowsazure/jj157199.aspx for more information)
BeginDeletingDataDiskAsync The Begin Deleting Data Disk operation removes the specified data disk from a virtual machine. (see https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/windowsazure/jj157179.aspx for more information)
CreateDataDiskAsync The Create Data Disk operation adds a data disk to a virtual machine. There are three ways to create the data disk using the Add Data Disk operation. Option 1 - Attach an empty data disk to the role by specifying the disk label and location of the disk image. Do not include the DiskName and SourceMediaLink elements in the request body. Include the MediaLink element and reference a blob that is in the same geographical region as the role. You can also omit the MediaLink element. In this usage, Azure will create the data disk in the storage account configured as default for the role. Option 2 - Attach an existing data disk that is in the image repository. Do not include the DiskName and SourceMediaLink elements in the request body. Specify the data disk to use by including the DiskName element. Note: If included the in the response body, the MediaLink and LogicalDiskSizeInGB elements are ignored. Option 3 - Specify the location of a blob in your storage account that contain a disk image to use. Include the SourceMediaLink element. Note: If the MediaLink element isincluded, it is ignored. (see https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/windowsazure/jj157199.aspx for more information)
CreateDiskAsync The Create Disk operation adds a disk to the user image repository. The disk can be an operating system disk or a data disk. (see https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/windowsazure/jj157178.aspx for more information)
DeleteDataDiskAsync The Delete Data Disk operation removes the specified data disk from a virtual machine. (see https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/windowsazure/jj157179.aspx for more information)
DeleteDiskAsync Asynchronously deletes the specified data or operating system disk from the user disk repository.
GetDataDiskAsync Asynchronously retrieves information about the specified data disk.
GetDiskAsync Asynchronously retrieves information about a disk in the user disk repository.
ListDisksAsync Asynchronously retrieves a list of disks in the user disk repository.
UpdateDataDiskAsync The Update Data Disk operation updates the specified data disk attached to the specified virtual machine. (see https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/windowsazure/jj157190.aspx for more information)
UpdateDiskAsync The Add Disk operation adds a disk to the user image repository. The disk can be an operating system disk or a data disk. (see https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/windowsazure/jj157178.aspx for more information)


Extension 方法

  Name 说明
BeginCreatingDataDisk  The Create Data Disk operation adds a data disk to a virtual machine. There are three ways to create the data disk using the Add Data Disk operation. Option 1 - Attach an empty data disk to the role by specifying the disk label and location of the disk image. Do not include the DiskName and SourceMediaLink elements in the request body. Include the MediaLink element and reference a blob that is in the same geographical region as the role. You can also omit the MediaLink element. In this usage, Azure will create the data disk in the storage account configured as default for the role. Option 2 - Attach an existing data disk that is in the image repository. Do not include the DiskName and SourceMediaLink elements in the request body. Specify the data disk to use by including the DiskName element. Note: If included the in the response body, the MediaLink and LogicalDiskSizeInGB elements are ignored. Option 3 - Specify the location of a blob in your storage account that contain a disk image to use. Include the SourceMediaLink element. Note: If the MediaLink element isincluded, it is ignored. (see https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/windowsazure/jj157199.aspx for more information) (Defined by VirtualMachineDiskOperationsExtensions.)
BeginCreatingDataDiskAsync  The Create Data Disk operation adds a data disk to a virtual machine. There are three ways to create the data disk using the Add Data Disk operation. Option 1 - Attach an empty data disk to the role by specifying the disk label and location of the disk image. Do not include the DiskName and SourceMediaLink elements in the request body. Include the MediaLink element and reference a blob that is in the same geographical region as the role. You can also omit the MediaLink element. In this usage, Azure will create the data disk in the storage account configured as default for the role. Option 2 - Attach an existing data disk that is in the image repository. Do not include the DiskName and SourceMediaLink elements in the request body. Specify the data disk to use by including the DiskName element. Note: If included the in the response body, the MediaLink and LogicalDiskSizeInGB elements are ignored. Option 3 - Specify the location of a blob in your storage account that contain a disk image to use. Include the SourceMediaLink element. Note: If the MediaLink element isincluded, it is ignored. (see https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/windowsazure/jj157199.aspx for more information) (Defined by VirtualMachineDiskOperationsExtensions.)
BeginDeletingDataDisk  The Begin Deleting Data Disk operation removes the specified data disk from a virtual machine. (see https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/windowsazure/jj157179.aspx for more information) (Defined by VirtualMachineDiskOperationsExtensions.)
BeginDeletingDataDiskAsync  The Begin Deleting Data Disk operation removes the specified data disk from a virtual machine. (see https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/windowsazure/jj157179.aspx for more information) (Defined by VirtualMachineDiskOperationsExtensions.)
CreateDataDisk  The Create Data Disk operation adds a data disk to a virtual machine. There are three ways to create the data disk using the Add Data Disk operation. Option 1 - Attach an empty data disk to the role by specifying the disk label and location of the disk image. Do not include the DiskName and SourceMediaLink elements in the request body. Include the MediaLink element and reference a blob that is in the same geographical region as the role. You can also omit the MediaLink element. In this usage, Azure will create the data disk in the storage account configured as default for the role. Option 2 - Attach an existing data disk that is in the image repository. Do not include the DiskName and SourceMediaLink elements in the request body. Specify the data disk to use by including the DiskName element. Note: If included the in the response body, the MediaLink and LogicalDiskSizeInGB elements are ignored. Option 3 - Specify the location of a blob in your storage account that contain a disk image to use. Include the SourceMediaLink element. Note: If the MediaLink element isincluded, it is ignored. (see https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/windowsazure/jj157199.aspx for more information) (Defined by VirtualMachineDiskOperationsExtensions.)
CreateDataDiskAsync  The Create Data Disk operation adds a data disk to a virtual machine. There are three ways to create the data disk using the Add Data Disk operation. Option 1 - Attach an empty data disk to the role by specifying the disk label and location of the disk image. Do not include the DiskName and SourceMediaLink elements in the request body. Include the MediaLink element and reference a blob that is in the same geographical region as the role. You can also omit the MediaLink element. In this usage, Azure will create the data disk in the storage account configured as default for the role. Option 2 - Attach an existing data disk that is in the image repository. Do not include the DiskName and SourceMediaLink elements in the request body. Specify the data disk to use by including the DiskName element. Note: If included the in the response body, the MediaLink and LogicalDiskSizeInGB elements are ignored. Option 3 - Specify the location of a blob in your storage account that contain a disk image to use. Include the SourceMediaLink element. Note: If the MediaLink element isincluded, it is ignored. (see https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/windowsazure/jj157199.aspx for more information) (Defined by VirtualMachineDiskOperationsExtensions.)
CreateDisk  The Create Disk operation adds a disk to the user image repository. The disk can be an operating system disk or a data disk. (see https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/windowsazure/jj157178.aspx for more information) (Defined by VirtualMachineDiskOperationsExtensions.)
CreateDiskAsync  The Create Disk operation adds a disk to the user image repository. The disk can be an operating system disk or a data disk. (see https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/windowsazure/jj157178.aspx for more information) (Defined by VirtualMachineDiskOperationsExtensions.)
DeleteDataDisk  The Delete Data Disk operation removes the specified data disk from a virtual machine. (see https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/windowsazure/jj157179.aspx for more information) (Defined by VirtualMachineDiskOperationsExtensions.)
DeleteDataDiskAsync  The Delete Data Disk operation removes the specified data disk from a virtual machine. (see https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/windowsazure/jj157179.aspx for more information) (Defined by VirtualMachineDiskOperationsExtensions.)
DeleteDisk  Deletes the specified data or operating system disk from the user disk repository. (Defined by VirtualMachineDiskOperationsExtensions.)
DeleteDiskAsync  Asynchronously deletes the specified data or operating system disk from the user disk repository. (Defined by VirtualMachineDiskOperationsExtensions.)
GetDataDisk  Retrieves information about the specified data disk. (Defined by VirtualMachineDiskOperationsExtensions.)
GetDataDiskAsync  Asynchronously retrieves information about the specified data disk. (Defined by VirtualMachineDiskOperationsExtensions.)
GetDisk  Retrieves information about a disk in the user disk repository. (Defined by VirtualMachineDiskOperationsExtensions.)
GetDiskAsync  Asynchronously retrieves information about a disk in the user disk repository. (Defined by VirtualMachineDiskOperationsExtensions.)
ListDisks  Retrieves a list of disks from the user disk repository. (Defined by VirtualMachineDiskOperationsExtensions.)
ListDisksAsync  Asynchronously retrieves a list of disks from the user disk repository. (Defined by VirtualMachineDiskOperationsExtensions.)
UpdateDataDisk  The Update Data Disk operation updates the specified data disk attached to the specified virtual machine. (see https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/windowsazure/jj157190.aspx for more information) (Defined by VirtualMachineDiskOperationsExtensions.)
UpdateDataDiskAsync  The Update Data Disk operation updates the specified data disk attached to the specified virtual machine. (see https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/windowsazure/jj157190.aspx for more information) (Defined by VirtualMachineDiskOperationsExtensions.)
UpdateDisk  The Add Disk operation adds a disk to the user image repository. The disk can be an operating system disk or a data disk. (see https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/windowsazure/jj157178.aspx for more information) (Defined by VirtualMachineDiskOperationsExtensions.)
UpdateDiskAsync  The Add Disk operation adds a disk to the user image repository. The disk can be an operating system disk or a data disk. (see https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/windowsazure/jj157178.aspx for more information) (Defined by VirtualMachineDiskOperationsExtensions.)




IVirtualMachineDiskOperations 接口
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Compute 命名空间