CloudException 成员

Represents the exception that is thrown for responses that are not valid.

以下各表列出了由 CloudException 类型公开的成员。

公共 构造函数

  Name 说明
  CloudException 重载。  


公共 属性

  Name 说明
Data  (继承自 Exception
ErrorCode Gets the error code that is returned from the server.
ErrorMessage Gets the error message that was returned from the server.
HelpLink  (继承自 Exception
HResult  (继承自 Exception
InnerException  (继承自 Exception
Message  (继承自 Exception
Request Gets information about the associated HTTP request.
RequestId Gets the request identifier.
Response Gets information about the associated HTTP response.
RoutingRequestId Gets the routing request identifier.
Source  (继承自 Exception
StackTrace  (继承自 Exception
TargetSite  (继承自 Exception


公共 方法

(另请参见 受保护 方法)

  Name 说明
Create 重载。  
CreateFromJson Creates a CloudException from a failed response using JSON. 已过时。
CreateFromXml Creates a CloudException from a failed response that was sent using XML. 已过时。
Equals  (继承自 Object
GetBaseException  (继承自 Exception
GetHashCode  (继承自 Object
GetObjectData  (继承自 Exception
GetType  (继承自 Exception
ParseJsonError Parse the response content as an JSON error message.
ParseXmlError Parse the response content as an XML error message.
ParseXmlOrJsonError Parse the response content as either an XML or JSON error message.
ToString  重写。 (继承自 Object


受保护 方法

  Name 说明
Finalize  (继承自 Object
MemberwiseClone  (继承自 Object


受保护 事件

  Name 说明
SerializeObjectState  (继承自 Exception




CloudException 类
Microsoft.WindowsAzure 命名空间