Step 5: Add Label References



  1. 通过使用下面的代码向窗体中添加标签引用。

    Public Class Form1
        ' firstClicked points to the first Label control  
        ' that the player clicks, but it will be Nothing  
        ' if the player hasn't clicked a label yet 
        Private firstClicked As Label = Nothing 
        ' secondClicked points to the second Label control  
        ' that the player clicks 
        Private secondClicked As Label = Nothing
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        // firstClicked points to the first Label control  
        // that the player clicks, but it will be null  
        // if the player hasn't clicked a label yet
        Label firstClicked = null;
        // secondClicked points to the second Label control  
        // that the player clicks
        Label secondClicked = null;

    这些引用变量看上去类似于你之前用来向窗体添加对象(如 Timer 对象、List 对象和 Random 对象)的语句。但是,这些语句不会导致窗体中显示两个额外的标签控件,因为这两个语句中都没有 new 关键字。没有 new 关键字,就不会创建对象。这就是将 firstClicked 和 secondClicked 称为引用变量的原因:它们只跟踪(或引用)Label 对象。

    当某变量不跟踪对象时,将设置为特殊的保留值:null(Visual C# 中)或 Nothing(Visual Basic 中)。因此,当程序启动时,firstClicked 和 secondClicked 都设置为 null 或 Nothing,这意味着两个变量不会跟踪任何对象。

  2. 修改 Click 事件处理程序,以使用新的 firstClicked 引用变量。移除 label_Click() 事件处理程序方法中的最后一个语句 (clickedLabel.ForeColor = Color.Black;),并将它替换为下面的 if 语句。(务必包括注释,以及整个 if 语句。)

    ''' <summary> 
    ''' Every label's Click event is handled by this event handler 
    ''' </summary> 
    ''' <param name="sender">The label that was clicked</param> 
    ''' <param name="e"></param> 
    ''' <remarks></remarks> 
    Private Sub label_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, 
                            ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Label9.Click, 
        Label8.Click, Label7.Click, Label6.Click, Label5.Click, Label4.Click, 
        Label3.Click, Label2.Click, Label16.Click, Label15.Click, Label14.Click, 
        Label13.Click, Label12.Click, Label11.Click, Label10.Click, Label1.Click
        Dim clickedLabel = TryCast(sender, Label)
        If clickedLabel IsNot Nothing Then 
            ' If the clicked label is black, the player clicked 
            ' an icon that's already been revealed -- 
            ' ignore the click 
            If clickedLabel.ForeColor = Color.Black Then Exit Sub 
            ' If firstClicked is Nothing, this is the first icon  
            ' in the pair that the player clicked,  
            ' so set firstClicked to the label that the player 
            ' clicked, change its color to black, and return 
            If firstClicked Is Nothing Then
                firstClicked = clickedLabel
                firstClicked.ForeColor = Color.Black
                Exit Sub 
            End If 
        End If 
    End Sub
    /// <summary> 
    /// Every label's Click event is handled by this event handler 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <param name="sender">The label that was clicked</param>
    /// <param name="e"></param>
    private void label_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Label clickedLabel = sender as Label;
        if (clickedLabel != null)
            // If the clicked label is black, the player clicked 
            // an icon that's already been revealed -- 
            // ignore the click 
            if (clickedLabel.ForeColor == Color.Black)
            // If firstClicked is null, this is the first icon  
            // in the pair that the player clicked, 
            // so set firstClicked to the label that the player  
            // clicked, change its color to black, and return 
            if (firstClicked == null)
                firstClicked = clickedLabel;
                firstClicked.ForeColor = Color.Black;
  3. 保存并运行程序。选择其中一个标签控件,它的图标将显示。

  4. 选择下一个标签控件,发现没有任何反应。该程序已跟踪玩家选择的第一个标签,因此 firstClicked 不等于 Visual C# 中的 null 或 Visual Basic 中的 Nothing。当 if 语句检查 firstClicked 以确定它是否等于 null 或 Nothing 时,它发现它不等于,因而不会在 if 语句中执行语句。因此,只有选择的第一个图标变为黑色,其他图标是不可见的,如下图所示。



