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Options Page, Debugging Node Properties


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The following tables describe the pages (or properties collections) that are associated with the Debugging category, DTE.Properties("Debugging", <Property Page>) of the Options dialog box.


DTE.Properties("Debugging", "General")

Property Item Name Value Description
PromptOnBreakpointDelete Get/Set (Boolean) Determines whether the debugger prompts for permission before deleting all breakpoints in a project.
BreakAllProcesses Get/Set (Boolean) Determines whether the debugger breaks all processes whenever a single process breaks.
BreakAtBoundaries Get/Set (Boolean) Determines whether the debugger breaks execution when an exception crosses a border between AppDomains or between managed and native code.
EnableAddressLevelDebugging Get/Set (Boolean) Determines whether address-level debugging features are enabled.
ShowDisassemblyIfNoSource Get/Set (Boolean) Determines whether the debugger displays disassembly code when source code is not available.
EnableBreakpointFilters Get/Set (Boolean) Determines whether breakpoint filtering is enabled.
EnableExceptionAssistant Get/Set (Boolean) Determines whether the Exception Assistant is used for managed exceptions.
UnwindCallstack Get/Set (Boolean) Determines whether the debugger unwinds the call stack for an unhandled exception.
EnableJustMyCode Get/Set (Boolean) Determines whether Just My Code is enabled for C# and for Visual Basic code.
ShowAllMembers Get/Set (Boolean) For non-user objects, determines whether the debugger displays all object members in the variables windows. This option has no effect unless Just My Code is enabled.
WarnIfNoUserCode Get/Set (Boolean) Determines whether the debugger emits a warning when the user tries to attach to a process that has no user code. This option has no effect unless Just My Code is enabled.
EnablePropertyEvaluation Get/Set (Boolean) Determines whether the debugger automatically evaluates properties and implicit function calls in managed code.
CallStringConversion Get/Set (Boolean) Determines whether the debugger implicitly calls a string conversion function on objects in the variables windows. This option applies to C# and JScript code only.
EnableSourceServer Get/Set (Boolean) Determines whether the debugger can access code from a source server.
PrintSourceServerDiagnostics Get/Set (Boolean) Determines whether the Output window shows diagnostic messages related to the source server. This option has no effect unless source server access is enabled.
HighlightEntireLine Get/Set (Boolean) Determines whether the debugger highlights an entire line for breakpoints and the current statement.
RequireSourceToMatch Get/Set (Boolean) Determines whether the debugger requires source files to exactly match the original version when you open files for debugging.
RedirectOutputToImmediate Get/Set (Boolean) Determines whether Output window output is redirected to the Immediate Window.
ShowRawVariableStructure Get/Set (Boolean) Determines whether objects in the variables windows are shown in raw form.
SuppressJitOptimization Get/Set (Boolean) For managed code, determines whether just-in-time optimization is suppressed by the debugger.
WarnIfNoSymbols Get/Set (Boolean) Determines whether the debugger displays a warning if no debugging symbols are available when a process is launched.
WarnIfScriptDisabled Get/Set (Boolean) Determines whether the debugger displays a warning if script debugging is not enabled when a process is launched.
ShowMarkersForAllThreads Get/Set (Boolean) Determines whether the debugger displays thread markers.
StepOverPropertiesAndOperators Get/Set (Boolean) Specifies whether to step over properties and operators in managed code only.

Edit and Continue

DTE.Properties("Debugging", "EditAndContinue")

Property Item Name Value Description
EnableEditAndContinue Get/Set (Boolean) Determines whether Edit and Continue is enabled. This option applies to all languages that support Edit and Continue.
InvokedByCommands Get/Set (Boolean) Determines whether Edit and Continue automatically applies code changes when the user selects a debugging command such as Step or Continue. This option applies to native code only.
InvokedByCommandsAskFirst Get/Set (Boolean) Determines whether Edit and Continue prompts the user for permission to apply code changes when the user selects a debugging command such as Step or Continue. This option applies to native code only.
WarnAboutStaleCode Get/Set (Boolean) Determines whether the debugger issues a warning message when Edit and Continue would result in the execution of out-of-date, or stale, code. This option applies to native code only.
RelinkChangesOnStop Get/Set (Short) Determines whether Visual Studio relinks code changes applied by Edit and Continue when execution of the application stops. This option applies to native code only.
AllowPrecompiling Get/Set (Short) Determines whether Edit and Continue is allowed to load precompiled headers in the background. This option applies to native code only.


DTE.Properties("Debugging", "JustInTime")

Property Item Name Value Description
JitManaged Get/Set (Boolean) Determines whether Just-In-Time Debugging is enabled for managed code.
JitNative Get/Set (Boolean) Determines whether Just-In-Time Debugging is enabled for native code.
JitScript Get/Set (Boolean) Determines whether Just-In-Time Debugging is enabled for script code.


DTE.Properties("Debugging", "Native")

Property Item Name Value Description
LoadDllExports Get/Set (Boolean) Determines whether the debugger loads DLL export tables.
EnableRPC Get/Set (Boolean) Determines whether the debugger can step into COM remote procedure calls.

See Also

Controlling Options Settings Determining the Names of Property Items on Options Pages Options Page, Fonts and Colors Node Properties Options Page, Text Editor Node Properties General, Debugging, Options Dialog Box Edit and Continue, Debugging, Options Dialog Box Just-In-Time, Debugging, Options Dialog Box