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FROM Clause (Microsoft Access SQL)

Access Developer Reference

Specifies the tables or queries that contain the fields listed in the SELECT statement.


SELECT fieldlist     FROM tableexpression [IN externaldatabase]

A SELECT statement containing a FROM clause has these parts:

Part Description
fieldlist The name of the field or fields to be retrieved along with any field-name aliases, SQL aggregate functions, selection predicates (ALL, DISTINCT, DISTINCTROW, or TOP), or other SELECT statement options.
tableexpression An expression that identifies one or more tables from which data is retrieved. The expression can be a single table name, a saved query name, or a compound resulting from an INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN, or RIGHT JOIN.
externaldatabase The full path of an external database containing all the tables in tableexpression.

FROM is required and follows any SELECT statement.

The order of the table names in tableexpression is not important.

For improved performance and ease of use, it is recommended that you use a linked table instead of an IN clause to retrieve data from an external database.

The following example shows how you can retrieve data from the Employees table:

  SELECT LastName, FirstName
  FROM Employees;


Some of the following examples assume the existence of a hypothetical Salary field in an Employees table. Note that this field does not actually exist in the Northwind database Employees table.

This example creates a dynaset-type Recordset based on an SQL statement that selects the LastName and FirstName fields of all records in the Employees table. It calls the EnumFields procedure, which prints the contents of a Recordset object to the Debug window.

  Sub SelectX1()
    Dim dbs As Database, rst As Recordset
    ' Modify this line to include the path to Northwind
    ' on your computer.
    Set dbs = OpenDatabase("Northwind.mdb")
    ' Select the last name and first name values of all 
    ' records in the Employees table.
    Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset("SELECT LastName, " _
        & "FirstName FROM Employees;")
    ' Populate the recordset.
    ' Call EnumFields to print the contents of the
    ' Recordset.
    EnumFields rst,12
End Sub

This example counts the number of records that have an entry in the PostalCode field and names the returned field Tally.

  Sub SelectX2()
    Dim dbs As Database, rst As Recordset
    ' Modify this line to include the path to Northwind
    ' on your computer.
    Set dbs = OpenDatabase("Northwind.mdb")
    ' Count the number of records with a PostalCode 
    ' value and return the total in the Tally field.
    Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset("SELECT Count " _
        & "(PostalCode) AS Tally FROM Customers;")
    ' Populate the Recordset.
    ' Call EnumFields to print the contents of 
    ' the Recordset. Specify field width = 12.
    EnumFields rst, 12
End Sub

This example shows the number of employees and the average and maximum salaries.

  Sub SelectX3()
    Dim dbs As Database, rst As Recordset
    ' Modify this line to include the path to Northwind
    ' on your computer.
    Set dbs = OpenDatabase("Northwind.mdb")
    ' Count the number of employees, calculate the 
    ' average salary, and return the highest salary.
    Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset("SELECT Count (*) " _
        & "AS TotalEmployees, Avg(Salary) " _
        & "AS AverageSalary, Max(Salary) " _
        & "AS MaximumSalary FROM Employees;")
    ' Populate the Recordset.
    ' Call EnumFields to print the contents of
    ' the Recordset. Pass the Recordset object and
    ' desired field width.
    EnumFields rst, 17
End Sub

The Sub procedure EnumFields is passed a Recordset object from the calling procedure. The procedure then formats and prints the fields of the Recordset to the Debug window. The


variable is the desired printed field width. Some fields may be truncated.

  Sub EnumFields(rst As Recordset, intFldLen As Integer)
    Dim lngRecords As Long, lngFields As Long
    Dim lngRecCount As Long, lngFldCount As Long
    Dim strTitle As String, strTemp As String
    ' Set the lngRecords variable to the number of
    ' records in the Recordset.
    lngRecords = rst.RecordCount
    ' Set the lngFields variable to the number of
    ' fields in the Recordset.
    lngFields = rst.Fields.Count
    Debug.Print "There are " & lngRecords _
        & " records containing " & lngFields _
        & " fields in the recordset."
    ' Form a string to print the column heading.
    strTitle = "Record  "
    For lngFldCount = 0 To lngFields - 1
        strTitle = strTitle _
        & Left(rst.Fields(lngFldCount).Name _
        & Space(intFldLen), intFldLen)
    Next lngFldCount    
    ' Print the column heading.
    Debug.Print strTitle
    ' Loop through the Recordset; print the record
    ' number and field values.
    For lngRecCount = 0 To lngRecords - 1
        Debug.Print Right(Space(6) & _
            Str(lngRecCount), 6) & "  ";
        For lngFldCount = 0 To lngFields - 1
            ' Check for Null values.
            If IsNull(rst.Fields(lngFldCount)) Then
                strTemp = "<null>"
                ' Set strTemp to the field contents. 
                Select Case _
                    Case 11
                        strTemp = ""
                    Case dbText, dbMemo
                        strTemp = _
                    Case Else
                        strTemp = _
                End Select
            End If
            Debug.Print Left(strTemp _ 
                & Space(intFldLen), intFldLen);
        Next lngFldCount
    Next lngRecCount
End Sub
See Also

ALL DISTINCT, DISTINCTROW, TOP Predicates (Microsoft Access SQL)

IN Clause (Microsoft Access SQL)

INNER JOIN Operation (Microsoft Access SQL)

LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN Operations (Microsoft Access SQL)

SELECT Statement (Microsoft Access SQL)

SQL Aggregate Functions (SQL)

WHERE Clause (Microsoft Access SQL)