Ribbon for WPF




  • Microsoft Ribbon for WPF October 2010, Managed implementation of the Ribbon for WPF. The Ribbon is designed to help you quickly find the commands that you need to complete a task. https://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=2BFC3187-74AA-4154-A670-76EF8BC2A0B4&displaylang=en

    • This release includes several samples, including a nice MVVM sample.
    • RibbonWindow Wordpad Sample
      This sample illustrates a Ribbon control hosted within a RibbonWindow that emulates the Wordpad appearance.
    • RibbonWindow MVVM Sample
      This sample illustrates a Ribbon control hosted within a RibbonWindow that is completely populated from a view-model collection.
    • RibbonBrowser Wordpad sample
      This sample illustrates a Ribbon control hosted within a browser window that emulates the Wordpad appearance.
    • RibbonBrowser MVVM sample
      This sample illustrates a Ribbon control hosted within a browser window that is completely populated from a view model collection.
      All four samples are available as part of the source and samples download (separate from the control download)
  • 其他选择:Fluent Ribbon Control Suite, Fluent Ribbon Control Suite is a library that implements an Office-like (Microsoft® Office Fluent™ user interface) for the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). It provides well-customized controls such as RubbonTabControl, Backstage, Gallery, QuickAccessToolbar, ScreenTip and so on. It is bundled with the most up-to-date Office 2010 styles. http://fluent.codeplex.com/
