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Cache Client Configuration Settings for Azure Managed Cache Service


Microsoft recommends all new developments use Azure Redis Cache. For current documentation and guidance on choosing an Azure Cache offering, see Which Azure Cache offering is right for me?

This topic describes the requirements for supporting Managed Cache Service in a .NET Framework web.config or app.config configuration file. It also describes the available configuration options for cache clients.


When you use the NuGet package for Managed Cache Service, the package automatically modifies the configuration file. However, you can use this topic to further customize the cache client settings that NuGet inserts. For more information about the Caching NuGet package, see Configure a Cache Client using the Caching NuGet Package.

The following sections are covered in this topic.

  • <configSections>

    • <dataCacheClients>

      • <dataCacheClient>

        • <autoDiscover>

        • <localCache>

        • <clientNotification>

        • <serializationProperties>

        • <securityProperties>

      • <cacheDiagnostics>

        • <crashDump>

Cache Client Configuration Example

The following example shows the sections of a web.config or app.config file that are relevant to Managed Cache Service. In this example, the default cache client is accessing the cache hosted at, and local cache is enabled.

    <section name="dataCacheClients"
             allowDefinition="Everywhere" />
    <section name="cacheDiagnostics" 
             allowDefinition="Everywhere" />
    <dataCacheClient name="default">
      <!--To use the in-role flavor of Azure Caching, 
          set identifier to be the cache cluster role name -->
      <!--To use the Azure Caching Service, 
          set identifier to be the endpoint of the cache cluster -->
      <autoDiscover isEnabled="true" identifier="" />
      <localCache isEnabled="true" sync="TimeoutBased" objectCount="100000" ttlValue="300" />
      <!--Use this section to specify security settings for connecting to your cache. 
          This section is not required if your cache is hosted on a role that is a part 
          of your cloud service. -->
      <securityProperties mode="Message" sslEnabled="false">
        <messageSecurity authorizationInfo="MyAuthorizationKey" />
    <crashDump dumpLevel="Off" dumpStorageQuotaInMB="100" />


The following two named section elements should be added to the list of sections in the configSections element.

Name Description


Defines the dataCacheClients element of the configuration file. This section specifies the settings for all cache client configurations.


Defines the cacheDiagnostics element of the configuration file. This section configures diagnostics specific to Managed Cache Service.

The following example shows how to define these sections.

<section name="dataCacheClients"
          allowDefinition="Everywhere" />
<section name="cacheDiagnostics" 
          allowDefinition="Everywhere" />


Each dataCacheClients element contains one or more named dataCacheClient elements. The dataCacheClients element does not have any attributes. The ability to have multiple cache client configuration sections enables applications to use different settings with different kinds of cached data.


Each dataCacheClients element contains one or more named dataCacheClient elements. Application code loads the settings for a cache client by referencing the name of the associated dataCacheClient section.

The dataCacheClients element does not have any attributes. But the child dataCacheClient elements have several available attributes. These attributes are described in the following table.

Attribute Description


The name of the cache client configuration.


Enables or disables compression. Possible values include true or false. The default is false (disabled).


Enables or disables the connection pool. Possible value include true or false. The default is true (enabled).


When useConnectionPool is set to true, this attribute specifies the number of connections in the connection pool for this cache client configuration. When useConnectionPool is set to false, this attribute specifies the number of connections to use for each DataCacheFactory object in code.

The following sections describe the available child elements within each dataCacheClient element.


The autoDiscover element assists cache clients with automatically connecting to a target cache.

The following table describes the available attributes for the autoDiscover element.

Attribute Description


Set to true or false to enable or disable local automatic connection to the role that hosts Managed Cache Service.


For Managed Cache Service, it is the name of the cache endpoint.

For In-Role Cache, it is the name of the role in the same cloud service deployment that hosts In-Role Cache.

<autoDiscover isEnabled="true" identifier="" />


The localCache element controls the use of local cache. By default local cache is not enabled. When enabled, items retrieved from the cache are locally stored in memory on the client machine. This improves performance of subsequent get requests, but it can result in inconsistency of data between the locally cached version and the actual item in the cache. For more information, see Local Cache for Azure Managed Cache Service.

The following table describes the available attributes for the localCache element.

Attribute Description


Set to true or false to enable or disable local cache.


Determines how the local cache is invalidated. Possible values are TimeoutBased and NotificationBased.


The maximum number of objects to store in the local cache. The default is 10000.


The number of seconds that objects stay in the local cache. The default is 300 seconds.


Notifications are supported in the Standard and Premium cache offerings, and named caches within those offerings must be configured to enable notifications. For more information, see Notifications for Azure Managed Cache Service.

<localCache isEnabled="true" sync="TimeoutBased" objectCount="100000" ttlValue="300" />


The following table describes the available attributes for the clientNotification element. This element is responsible for controlling the notification behavior for the cache client.

Attribute Description


The number of seconds between polling attempts. Polling is used to check for notifications on the cache. The default is 300 seconds.


The maximum number of notifications to queue for this cache client between polling attempts. The default is 10000 notifications.

<clientNotification pollInterval="60" maxQueueLength="10000"/>


The following table describes the available attributes for the serializationProperties element. This element supports the choice of built-in or custom serialization for cached items. For more information, see Serialization for Azure Managed Cache Service.

Attribute Description


Determines the type of serialization for cached items. Possible values are NetDataContractSerializer, BinaryFormatter, and CustomSerializer. The default is NetDataContractSerializer.


The following table describes the available attributes for the securityProperties element.

Attribute Description


Possible values include None, Transport, and Message. Only Message is supported with Managed Cache Service. The other two settings are related to Microsoft AppFabric 1.1 for Windows Server.


Possible values are true and false. This setting is used to determine whether communication between the cache and cache clients is encrypted or not. The default is false. For more information, see Securing Communications between Cache Clients and the Cache.

The securityProperties element has a child element, messageSecurity. The following table describes the available attributes for the messageSecurity element.

Attribute Description


The access key for the cache, which can be retrieved from the cache dashboard in the . If this is not configured properly, the cache client will not be able to establish communication with the cache.

<securityProperties mode="Message" sslEnabled="false">
  <messageSecurity authorizationInfo="iz8zOmJ0dJBzzzzxa8JxdGJkb281bzxudGF0az9udGxzdGluZi111z8oZS5Ji28lP38jb250Pm9sLmludDMud2luZG93Pi1pb8Qubmx0L1dSQxB2MP45LiZxd25lPii0eDJJZQA5SlZQQUQ2xzIizk8iazlES1P08X8zOFIxZjdzZxp0i3lFQ2FFPSZodJRzOi8xS8JxdGJEb281bzxudGF0az9uxGxzdGluZi5jiz8oZS5pb8QzL8dpbmRxd3MQaz50Lm5ldA==" />


This section configures some of the diagnostics setting for Managed Cache Service.


In the Managed Cache Service release, the cacheDiagnostics and related sections described in this topic apply only for role-based cloud service cache clients. If your cache client is not a cloud service then these sections are not added by the Cache NuGet package. For more information, see About ClientDiagnosticLevel for Azure Managed Cache Service.

The following sections describe the available child elements within each cacheDiagnostics element.


The crashDump element controls the type of crash dumps collected for this application. Managed Cache Service crash dumps are primarily designed to diagnose problems with cache machines. For this reason, client configuration files should turn off the generation of crash dumps. This can be done by setting the dumpLevel attribute to Off.

When crash dumps are enabled, the caching local store and the diagnostics store should be adjusted in ServiceDefinition.csdef so that the size is always greater than the sum of the crash storage quota and log storage quota that is configured in CacheSettings.xml (the defaults are 1000 MB).

The following table describes the available attributes for the crashDump element.

Attribute Description


Possible values include Off, Mini, and Full.


The upper limit for crash dump size.


The number of minutes between transfers of the crash dumps to the diagnostic store.

<crashDump dumpLevel="Off" dumpStorageQuotaInMB="100" scheduledTransferPeriodInMinutes="5" />