XAudio2 constants

This section details constants available in the XAudio2 API.

In this section

Topic Description
FXECHO Constants
Defines values for use with the FXECHO_PARAMETERS structure.
FXEQ Constants
Defines values for use with the FXEQ_PARAMETERS structure.
Defines values for use with the FXMASTERINGLIMITER_PARAMETERS structure.
FXREVERB Constants
Defines values for use with the FXREVERB_PARAMETERS structure.
XAudio2 Boundary Values and Flags
XAudio2 constants that specify default parameters, maximum values, and flags.
XAudio2 Error Codes
XAudio2 specific error codes returned by XAudio2 methods.
Defines values to use with XAudio2Create to specify available processors.
I3DL2 (Interactive 3D Audio Rendering Guidelines Level 2.0) preset identifiers for initializing the XAUDIO2FX_REVERB_I3DL2_PARAMETERS structure for use in the ReverbConvertI3DL2ToNative function.
Default values for use with the XAUDIO2FX_REVERB_PARAMETERS structure.
Maximum values for use with the XAUDIO2FX_REVERB_PARAMETERS structure.
Minimum values for use with the XAUDIO2FX_REVERB_PARAMETERS structure.

XAudio2 Programming Reference