

Technical Sessions

  • Work Items in Visual Studio Team System

    Mid-Atlantic States Developer Evangelist G. Andrew Duthie demonstrates creating and using Work Items in Visual Studio 2005 Team System.

    Length: 10:16

  • Code Free Authentication and Authorization in ASP.NET 2.0

    For his next amazing trick, Mid-Atlantic States Developer Evangelist G. Andrew Duthie will demonstrate adding full-featured authentication and authorization in ASP.NET 2.0, including a login page, with no lines of code and in less than 10 minutes (less than 8, in fact)!

    Length: 7:48

  • File System Web Sites in ASP.NET 2.0

    Mid-Atlantic States Developer Evangelist G. Andrew Duthie shows you how to take advantage of this new feature of ASP.NET 2.0, the ability to create ASP.NET web sites within the file system, debug, and more, without the need for IIS.

    Length: 9:48

  • Consuming RSS in ASP.NET 2.0

    In this DevNugget, Mid-Atlantic States Developer Evangelist G. Andrew Duthie demonstrates how to use the new XmlDataSource control to consume an RSS feed, and display the result using a DataList control bound to the XmlDataSource control.

    Length: 6:17

  • Drag & Drop Databinding

    When I say "drag & drop" databinding, I bet most folks think of dragging controls from the Visual Studio 2005 toolbox onto the web form. But that's not the only way to make quick work of databinding in ASP.NET 2.0.

    In this DevNugget, .NET Developer Evangelist G. Andrew Duthie (aka .net DEvHammer), shows you how you can quickly and easily create databound controls that allow you to display and edit data, directly from the Server Explorer window.

    Length: 4:57

  • Customizing Schema-based Validation in Visual Studio 2005

    One cool new feature available in Visual Studio 2005 is the ability to take advantage of Intellisense statement completion in the Source view of an ASP.NET Web Form. In addition, Visual Studio 2005 provides validation of your markup. Both of these features are driven by XSD schemas that are installed with Visual Studio 2005, so you can change the schema on the fly, to test your markup for compatibility with a variety of browsers. Thanks to Mikhail Arkhipov from the ASP.NET team, I was able to put together a demonstration of this feature, including creating and using your own custom XSD schema to drive Intellisense and validation.

    In this DevNugget, .NET Developer Evangelist G. Andrew Duthie (aka .net DEvHammer), shows you how you can quickly and easily create and register a custom XSD schema that allows get Intellisense and validation of your schema within the Web Form source view window.

    Length: 7:37

  • Databinding to a Web Service in ASP.NET 2.0

    One of the cool new features of ASP.NET 2.0 is its rich declarative databinding. In addition to traditional techniques like databinding to a back-end SQL database, you can also databind to web services, using the ObjectDataSource.

    In this DevNugget, Mid-Atlantic .NET Developer Evangelist G. Andrew Duthie (aka .net DEvHammer) shows you how you can very quickly create a web service to return structured data using a .NET 2.0 DataSet class, then how you can easily bind your web service to an ASP.NET 2.0 GridView control using the ObjectDataSource, including both displaying and updating data.

    Length: 9:35