The FSCTL_DISMOUNT_VOLUME control code attempts to dismount a volume regardless of whether the volume is in use.

To perform this operation, call FltFsControlFile or ZwFsControlFile with the following parameters.


  • Instance [in]: FltFsControlFile only. Opaque instance pointer for the caller. This parameter is required and cannot be NULL.

  • FileObject: [in]: FltFsControlFile only. The file pointer object specifying the volume to be dismounted. This parameter is required and cannot be NULL.

  • FileHandle [in]: ZwFsControlFile only. The file handle of the volume to be dismounted. This parameter is required and cannot be NULL.

  • FsControlCode [in]: Control code for the operation. Use FSCTL_DISMOUNT_VOLUME for this operation.

  • InputBuffer [in]: None. Set to NULL.

  • InputBufferLength [in]: Set to 0.

  • OutputBuffer [out]: None. Set to NULL.

  • OutputBufferLength [out]: Set to 0.

Status block

FltFsControlFile or ZwFsControlFile returns STATUS_SUCCESS or an appropriate NTSTATUS value.


The FSCTL_DISMOUNT_VOLUME control code will attempt to dismount a volume regardless of whether any other processes are using the volume, which can have unpredictable results for those processes if they do not hold a lock on the volume. For information about locking a volume, see FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME.

The operating system does not detect unmounted volumes. If an attempt is made to access an unmounted volume, the operating system then tries to mount the volume. For example, a call to GetLogicalDrives triggers the operating system to mount unmounted volumes.

The FileHandle handle passed to ZwFsControlFile must be a handle to a volume, opened for direct access. To retrieve a volume handle, call ZwCreateFile with the ObjectAttributes parameter set to an ObjectName of the following form: \\.\X: where X is a drive letter of the volume, floppy disk drive, or CD-ROM drive. The application must also specify the FILE_SHARE_READ and FILE_SHARE_WRITE flags in the ShareAccess parameter of ZwCreateFile.

If the specified volume is a system volume or contains a page file, the operation fails.

If the specified volume is locked by another process, the operation fails.


Requirement type Requirement
Header Ntifs.h (include Ntifs.h or Fltkernel.h)

See also



