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Applying LINQ to New Data Type

By Octavio Hernandex

Given the enormous expressive power that the LINQ technology puts in the hands of developers, it is not surprising that we have started to search for ways to “LINQ-activate” more and more data types and technologies...


Community Content Archive

Inferred Typing with Factory Methods as Extension Methods

When working with instance variables and most factory and conversion methods you need to repeat the type name for both the declaration and the call to the static methods...

Deep Dive on Extension Methods

This article provides information about a new feature of C# 3.0 called Extension Methods. Extension Methods allow developers to add new methods to an existing type without having to create an inherited class or to recompile the original. This concept allows you to add methods to classes for which you might not even have the sources; e.g., System.String.

Lazy Computation in C#

In this article we will look how lazy computations can be written in C# (using some of the new language features from version 3.0). We will first implement a Lazy class to represent this kind of computation, then look at a few simple examples to demonstrate how the class can be used, and finally we will examine one slightly more complicated, but practically useful application.

Create Mixins with Interfaces and Extension Methods

Learn about mixins, small utility classes that define some useful functionality which will usually become part of something larger.

Multicast Delegate Internals

Learn the true story behind delegates. Explore the class structure of delegates, and how to handle sequential notifications for multicast delegates.

Reducing code-bloat with anonymous methods

Learn how to use anonymous methods to write shorter, easier to use read code, especially when handling events.

Custom Iterators

Learn from top selling author Bill Wagner how to create building blocks for your program using custom iterators and the yield statement.

Local Type Inference, Anonymous Types, and var

Of all the features in C# 3.0, local type inference is generating the most questions and misunderstanding.  Read this article to quickly come up to speed on this important subject.

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