January 2013

Volume 28 Number 01

January 2013 Code Downloads

January 2013

ASP.NET - Building Hypermedia Web APIs with ASP.NET Web API

Pablo Cibraro discusses why hypermedia is an interesting factor for achieving evolvability in Web API designs, and how it can be implemented in practice using ASP.NET Web API.
VB Version

Cutting Edge - Essential Facebook Programming: Building a Windows Client

Remember Cardfile? With Windows 8, Microsoft is telling app developers to stay away from tired meatspace analogies in their UIs.
    VB Version

Data Points - Shrink EF Models with DDD Bounded Contexts

Applying a concept from domain-driven design -- Bounded Context -- can help you build a targeted model with Entity Framework. Julie Lerman uses EF's Code First feature to show you how.
VB Version

DirectX Factor - Windows 8 Sound Generation with XAudio2

For sophisticated audio processing in a Windows Store application, you'll want to take advantage of XAudio2. Charles Petzold gets you started with two simple programs.
     VB Version

Security - Access Online Services with the Windows Runtime and OAuth

With WinRT, you can bring the power of mashups to your next Windows Store app. Whether you are managing data with XHR or authenticating to a remote service with the WebAuthenticationBroker, WinJS and WinRT makes mashing online services with your app easy.

Test Run - Artificial Immune Systems for Intrusion Detection

Artificial immune systems model the behavior of white blood cells, antibodies and other parts of the human immune system to detect harmful network packets. James McCaffrey explains how artificial immune systems work and presents a complete demo program using the C# language.
VB Version