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CrystalDecisions.Web Namespace


Class Description
Public class ControlParameter Binds the value of a property of a System.Web.UI.Control to a report parameter.
Public class CrystalImageCleaner Provides methods to delete dynamically generated images by the Web application.
Public class CrystalReportPartsViewer Provides properties, methods, and events that modify or retrieve information about how the CrystalReportPartsViewer control appears and functions.
Public class CrystalReportSource Provides properties that modify or retrieve information about how the report appears and functions.
Public class CrystalReportViewer Provides properties, methods, and events that modify or retrieve information about how the CrystalReportViewer control appears and functions.
Public class CrystalReportViewerBase Base class for the CrystalReportViewer class and the CrystalReportPartsViewer class.
Public class DataSourceRef Provides properties to modify or retrieve data binding information about the data source that is used by the report.
Public class DataSources Provides methods and properties to modify or retrieve information about the data sources that are used in the report.
Public class DrillDownEventArgs Provides data for the ChartDrillDown event and the FieldDrillDown event.
Public class DrillEventArgs Provides data for the Drill event.
Public class DrillSubreportEventArgs Provides data for the DrillDownSubreport event.
Public class ErrorEventArgs Provides data for the Error event in the CrystalReportViewerBase class.
Public class NavigateEventArgs Provides data for the Navigate event.
Public class Parameter Provides properties that modify or retrieve information about a parameter.
Public class ParameterCollection Provides properties and methods to add and retrieve Parameter objects to the collection.
Public class Report Provides properties that modify or retrieve information about the report.
Public class ReportPartBookmarkNavigationEventArgs Provides data for the ReportPartBookMarkNavigation event.
Public class ReportPartNode Provides properties to identify a report object in the report and contains enough information for the report engine to find this report object.
Public class ReportPartNodes Provides properties and methods to add and retrieve ReportPartNode objects to the collection.
Public class ReportPartsDefinition Provides properties for defining the report parts to display.
Public class SearchEventArgs Provides data for the Search event.
Public class ViewerEventArgs Provides data for the Viewer events.
Public class ViewInfo Provides properties for retrieving information about the report that binds to the CrystalReportViewer class.
Public class ZoomEventArgs Provides data for the ViewZoom event.


Delegate Description
Public delegate DrillEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the Drill event.
Public delegate DrillSubreportEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the DrillSubreport event.
Public delegate ErrorEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the Error event.
Public delegate NavigateEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the Navigate event.
Public delegate RefreshEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the Refresh event.
Public delegate ReportPartBookmarkNavigationEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the ReportPartBookmarkNavigation event.
Public delegate SearchEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the Search event.
Public delegate ZoomEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the Zoom event.


Enumeration Description
Public enumeration EnumAspNetLifeCycleStage Specifies the ASP.NET life cycle stages in the AspNetLifeCycleStage property of the ErrorEventArgs Class.
Public enumeration PrintMode Specifies the print mode in the PrintMode property of the CrystalReportViewer class.

See Also


Class Library