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Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.VirtualNetworks.Models Namespace

The Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.VirtualNetworks.Models contains classes for managing Virtual Networks settings.


Class Description
ClientRootCertificateCreateParameters Represents the parameters that are used to create a client root certificate.
ClientRootCertificateGetResponse Represents a retrieved client root certificate.
ClientRootCertificateListResponse Represents a list of client root certificates.
ClientRootCertificate Represents a client root certificate.
GatewayConnectDisconnectOrTestParameters Represents the parameters that are used to connect to, disconnect from, or test a network connection.
GatewayCreateParameters Represents the parameters that are used to create a Virtual Network Gateway.
GatewayEvent Represents a management event for the Virtual Network Gateway.
GatewayGenerateVpnClientPackageParameters Represents the parameters that are used to the generate a VPN client package.
GatewayGetDeviceConfigurationScriptParameters Represents the parameters that are used to retrieve a device configuration script.
GatewayGetDeviceConfigurationScriptResponse Represents the device configuration script.
GatewayGetOperationStatusResponse Represents the status of an asynchronous operation.
ErrorDetails Represents the details about an error that occurred.
GatewayGetResponse Represents a retrieved Virtual Network Gateway.
GatewayGetSharedKeyResponse Represents a shared key.
GatewayListConnectionsResponse Represents the list of connections to a Virtual Network Gateway.
GatewayConnection Represents a Virtual Network Gateway connection.
GatewayListSupportedDevicesResponse Represents the list of supported device configurations.
OSFamily Represents the family of the client operating system.
Platform Represents the name and supported OS Families for the vendor on the platform.
Vendor Represents the name and supported platforms for the vendor.
GatewayOperationResponse Represents the status of an asynchronous operation.
GatewayProvisioningEventStates Specifies the standard states for Virtual Network Gateway provisioning events.
GatewayResetSharedKeyParameters Represents the length of a shared key to generate.
NetworkGetConfigurationResponse Represents a retrieved Virtual Network configuration.
NetworkListResponse Represents the list of Virtual Network sites.
AddressSpace Represents the address space.
Connection Represents the type of connection of the local network site.
DnsServer Represents a DNS server for a Virtual Network site.
Gateway Represents the gateway references to the local network sites to which the Virtual Network can connect.
LocalNetworkSite Represents the local network site.
Subnet Represents a subnet for Virtual Network site.
VirtualNetworkSite Represents the Virtual Network space that is dedicated to a subscription.
VPNClientAddressPool Represents the VPN client address pool.
NetworkSetConfigurationParameters Represents the parameters that are used to configure a Virtual Network.
VirtualNetworkOperationStatusResponse Represents the status of an asynchronous operation.
ErrorDetails Represents the details about an error that occurred.
VirtualNetworkState Specifies the state of a Virtual Network.


Enumeration Description
GatewayConnectionUpdateOperation Specifies the operation to perform on the connection.
GatewayConnectivityState Specifies the status of the connection.
GatewayOperationStatus Specifies the status of an asynchronous request.
GatewayProcessorArchitecture Specifies the processor architecture for the generated VPN client package.
GatewayProfile Specifies the sizes of a gateway profile.
GatewayType Specifies the type of the Virtual Network Gateway.
LocalNetworkConnectionType Specifies the type of connection of a local network.
OperationStatus Specifies the status of the asynchronous request.