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LocalizationExtenderProvider Klasa



This class has been deprecated. Use CodeDomLocalizationProvider instead. http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=14202

Zapewnia obsługę czasu projektowania dla funkcji lokalizacji dla głównego projektanta.

public ref class LocalizationExtenderProvider : IDisposable, System::ComponentModel::IExtenderProvider
public class LocalizationExtenderProvider : IDisposable, System.ComponentModel.IExtenderProvider
[System.Obsolete("This class has been deprecated. Use CodeDomLocalizationProvider instead.  http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=14202")]
public class LocalizationExtenderProvider : IDisposable, System.ComponentModel.IExtenderProvider
type LocalizationExtenderProvider = class
    interface IExtenderProvider
    interface IDisposable
[<System.Obsolete("This class has been deprecated. Use CodeDomLocalizationProvider instead.  http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=14202")>]
type LocalizationExtenderProvider = class
    interface IExtenderProvider
    interface IDisposable
Public Class LocalizationExtenderProvider
Implements IDisposable, IExtenderProvider


Poniższy przykład kodu dodaje element LocalizationExtenderProvider do składnika .

// Adds a LocalizationExtenderProvider that provides localization support properties to the specified component.
extender = gcnew LocalizationExtenderProvider( this->component->Site,this->component );
// Adds a LocalizationExtenderProvider that provides localization support properties to the specified component.
extender = new LocalizationExtenderProvider(this.component.Site, this.component);
' Adds a LocalizationExtenderProvider that provides localization support properties to the specified component.
extender = New LocalizationExtenderProvider(Me.component_.Site, Me.component_)

Poniższy przykład kodu zawiera przykładowy składnik i projektant. Projektant używa elementu , LocalizationExtenderProvider aby dodać właściwości obsługi lokalizacji dla składnika.

#using <system.dll>
#using <system.design.dll>
#using <system.windows.forms.dll>
#using <system.drawing.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::ComponentModel;
using namespace System::ComponentModel::Design;
using namespace System::Diagnostics;
using namespace System::Drawing;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms::Design;

// This example demonstrates adding localization support to a component hierarchy from a
// custom IRootDesigner using the LocalizationExtenderProvider class.
namespace LocalizationExtenderProviderExample

   // Example IRootDesigner implementation demonstrates LocalizationExtenderProvider support.
   private ref class SampleRootDesigner: public IRootDesigner

      // RootDesignerView is a simple control that will be displayed in the designer window.
      ref class RootDesignerView: public Control
         SampleRootDesigner^ m_designer;
         IComponent^ comp;

         RootDesignerView( SampleRootDesigner^ designer, IComponent^ component )
            m_designer = designer;
            this->comp = component;
            BackColor = Color::Blue;
            Font = gcnew System::Drawing::Font( FontFamily::GenericMonospace,12 );


         // Displays the name of the component and the name of the assembly of the component
         // that this root designer is providing support for.
         virtual void OnPaint( PaintEventArgs^ pe ) override
            Control::OnPaint( pe );
            if ( m_designer != 0 && comp != 0 )
               // Draws the name of the component in large letters.
               pe->Graphics->DrawString( "Root Designer View", Font, Brushes::Yellow, 8, 4 );
               pe->Graphics->DrawString( String::Concat( "Design Name  : ", comp->Site->Name ), gcnew System::Drawing::Font( "Arial",10 ), Brushes::Yellow, 8, 28 );
               pe->Graphics->DrawString( String::Concat( "Assembly    : ", comp->GetType()->AssemblyQualifiedName ), gcnew System::Drawing::Font( "Arial",10 ), Brushes::Yellow, System::Drawing::RectangleF( System::Drawing::Point( 8, 44 ), System::Drawing::Size( ClientRectangle.Width - 8, ClientRectangle.Height - 44 ) ) );
               // Uses the site of the component to acquire an ISelectionService and sets the property grid focus to the component.
               ISelectionService^ selectionService = dynamic_cast<ISelectionService^>(comp->Site->GetService( typeid<ISelectionService^> ));
               if ( selectionService != nullptr )
                  array<IComponent^>^myArray = {m_designer->component};
                  selectionService->SetSelectedComponents( static_cast<Array^>(myArray) );



      // RootDesignerView Control provides a full region designer view for this root designer's associated component.
      RootDesignerView^ m_view;

      // Stores reference to the LocalizationExtenderProvider this designer adds, in order to remove it on Dispose.
      LocalizationExtenderProvider^ extender;

      // Internally stores the IDesigner's component reference
      IComponent^ component;

      // Provides a RootDesignerView object that supports ViewTechnology.WindowsForms.
      Object^ GetView( ViewTechnology technology )
         if ( technology != ViewTechnology::WindowsForms )
            throw gcnew ArgumentException( "Not a supported view technology", "technology" );

         if ( m_view == nullptr )
            // Create the view control. In this example, a Control of type RootDesignerView is used.
            // A WindowsForms ViewTechnology view provider requires a class that inherits from Control.
            m_view = gcnew RootDesignerView( this,this->Component );

         return m_view;

      property array<ViewTechnology>^ SupportedTechnologies 

         // This designer supports the WindowsForms view technology.
         array<ViewTechnology>^ IRootDesigner::get()
            ViewTechnology myArray[] = {ViewTechnology::WindowsForms};
            return myArray;



      // Adds a LocalizationExtenderProvider for the component this designer is initialized to support.
      void Initialize( IComponent^ component )
         this->component = component;
         // If no extender from this designer is active...
         if ( extender == nullptr )
            // Adds a LocalizationExtenderProvider that provides localization support properties to the specified component.
            extender = gcnew LocalizationExtenderProvider( this->component->Site,this->component );

      property DesignerVerbCollection^ Verbs 

         // Empty IDesigner interface property and method implementations
         DesignerVerbCollection^ get()
            return nullptr;


      property IComponent^ Component 
         IComponent^ get()
            return this->component;

      void DoDefaultAction(){}

      void Dispose(){}


      // If a LocalizationExtenderProvider has been added, removes the extender provider.
      void Dispose( bool disposing )
         // If an extender has been added, remove it
         if ( extender != nullptr )
            // Disposes of the extender provider.  The extender
            // provider removes itself from the extender provider
            // service when it is disposed.
            extender = nullptr;


   // The following attribute associates the RootDesignedComponent with the RootDesignedComponent component.

   public ref class RootDesignedComponent: public Component


   // RootViewDesignerComponent is a component associated with the SampleRootDesigner
   // IRootDesigner that provides LocalizationExtenderProvider localization support.
   // This derived class is included at the top of this example to enable
   // easy launching of designer view without having to put the class in its own file.
   public ref class RootViewDesignerComponent: public RootDesignedComponent


using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.Design;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Windows.Forms.Design;

// This example demonstrates adding localization support to a component hierarchy from a 
// custom IRootDesigner using the LocalizationExtenderProvider class.
namespace LocalizationExtenderProviderExample
    // RootViewDesignerComponent is a component associated with the SampleRootDesigner
    // IRootDesigner that provides LocalizationExtenderProvider localization support.
    // This derived class is included at the top of this example to enable 
    // easy launching of designer view without having to put the class in its own file.
    public class RootViewDesignerComponent : RootDesignedComponent
        public RootViewDesignerComponent()

    // The following attribute associates the RootDesignedComponent with the RootDesignedComponent component.
    [Designer(typeof(SampleRootDesigner), typeof(IRootDesigner))]
    public class RootDesignedComponent : Component
        public RootDesignedComponent()

    // Example IRootDesigner implementation demonstrates LocalizationExtenderProvider support.
    internal class SampleRootDesigner : IRootDesigner
        // RootDesignerView Control provides a full region designer view for this root designer's associated component.
        private RootDesignerView m_view;			
        // Stores reference to the LocalizationExtenderProvider this designer adds, in order to remove it on Dispose.
        private LocalizationExtenderProvider extender;        
        // Internally stores the IDesigner's component reference
        private IComponent component;                
        // Adds a LocalizationExtenderProvider for the component this designer is initialized to support.
        public void Initialize(System.ComponentModel.IComponent component)
           this.component = component;
            // If no extender from this designer is active...
            if( extender == null )
                // Adds a LocalizationExtenderProvider that provides localization support properties to the specified component.
                extender = new LocalizationExtenderProvider(this.component.Site, this.component);

        // Provides a RootDesignerView object that supports ViewTechnology.WindowsForms.
        object IRootDesigner.GetView(ViewTechnology technology) 
            if (technology != ViewTechnology.WindowsForms)
                throw new ArgumentException("Not a supported view technology", "technology");
            if (m_view == null )
                // Create the view control. In this example, a Control of type RootDesignerView is used.
                // A WindowsForms ViewTechnology view provider requires a class that inherits from Control.
                m_view = new RootDesignerView(this, this.Component);
            return m_view;

        // This designer supports the WindowsForms view technology.
        ViewTechnology[] IRootDesigner.SupportedTechnologies 
                return new ViewTechnology[] {ViewTechnology.WindowsForms};
        // If a LocalizationExtenderProvider has been added, removes the extender provider.
        protected void Dispose(bool disposing)
            // If an extender has been added, remove it
            if( extender != null  )  
                // Disposes of the extender provider.  The extender 
                // provider removes itself from the extender provider
                // service when it is disposed.
                extender = null;                

        // Empty IDesigner interface property and method implementations
        public System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerVerbCollection Verbs
                return null;

        public System.ComponentModel.IComponent Component
                return this.component;

        public void DoDefaultAction()

        public void Dispose()
        // RootDesignerView is a simple control that will be displayed in the designer window.
        private class RootDesignerView : Control
            private SampleRootDesigner m_designer;   
            private IComponent comp;
            public RootDesignerView(SampleRootDesigner designer, IComponent component)
                m_designer = designer;                        
                this.comp = component;      
                BackColor = Color.Blue;
                Font = new Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, 12);

            // Displays the name of the component and the name of the assembly of the component 
            // that this root designer is providing support for.
            protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs pe)

                if( m_designer != null && comp != null )
                    // Draws the name of the component in large letters.
                    pe.Graphics.DrawString("Root Designer View", Font, Brushes.Yellow, 8, 4);                    
                    pe.Graphics.DrawString("Design Name  : "+comp.Site.Name, new Font("Arial", 10), Brushes.Yellow, 8, 28);                    
                    pe.Graphics.DrawString("Assembly    : "+comp.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName, new Font("Arial", 10), Brushes.Yellow, new Rectangle(new Point(8, 44), new Size(ClientRectangle.Width-8, ClientRectangle.Height-44)));                   

                    // Uses the site of the component to acquire an ISelectionService and sets the property grid focus to the component.
                    ISelectionService selectionService = (ISelectionService)comp.Site.GetService(typeof(ISelectionService));
                    if( selectionService != null )                
                        selectionService.SetSelectedComponents( new IComponent[] { m_designer.component } );             
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.ComponentModel.Design
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Windows.Forms.Design

' This example demonstrates adding localization support to a component hierarchy from a 
' custom IRootDesigner using the LocalizationExtenderProvider class.

' RootViewDesignerComponent is a component associated with the SampleRootDesigner
' IRootDesigner that provides LocalizationExtenderProvider localization support.
' This derived class is included at the top of this example to enable 
' easy launching of designer view without having to put the class in its own file.
Public Class RootViewDesignerComponent
    Inherits RootDesignedComponent

    Public Sub New()
    End Sub
End Class

' The following attribute associates the RootDesignedComponent with the RootDesignedComponent component.
<Designer(GetType(SampleRootDesigner), GetType(IRootDesigner))> _
Public Class RootDesignedComponent
    Inherits Component

    Public Sub New()
    End Sub
End Class

' Example IRootDesigner implementation demonstrates LocalizationExtenderProvider support.
Friend Class SampleRootDesigner
    Implements IRootDesigner

    ' RootDesignerView Control provides a full region designer view for this root designer's associated component.
    Private m_view As RootDesignerView
    ' Stores reference to the LocalizationExtenderProvider this designer adds, in order to remove it on Dispose.
    Private extender As LocalizationExtenderProvider
    ' Internally stores the IDesigner's component reference
    Private component_ As IComponent

    ' Adds a LocalizationExtenderProvider for the component this designer is initialized to support.
    Public Sub Initialize(ByVal component As System.ComponentModel.IComponent) Implements IRootDesigner.Initialize
        Me.component_ = component

        ' If no extender from this designer is active...
        If extender Is Nothing Then
            ' Adds a LocalizationExtenderProvider that provides localization support properties to the specified component.
            extender = New LocalizationExtenderProvider(Me.component_.Site, Me.component_)
        End If
    End Sub

    ' Provides a RootDesignerView object that supports ViewTechnology.WindowsForms.
    Function GetView(ByVal technology As ViewTechnology) As Object Implements IRootDesigner.GetView

        If technology <> ViewTechnology.WindowsForms Then
            Throw New ArgumentException("Not a supported view technology", "technology")
        End If
        If m_view Is Nothing Then
            ' Create the view control. In this example, a Control of type RootDesignerView is used.
            ' A WindowsForms ViewTechnology view provider requires a class that inherits from Control.
            m_view = New RootDesignerView(Me, Me.Component)
        End If
        Return m_view

    End Function

    ' This designer supports the WindowsForms view technology.
    ReadOnly Property SupportedTechnologies() As ViewTechnology() Implements IRootDesigner.SupportedTechnologies
            Return New ViewTechnology() {ViewTechnology.WindowsForms}
        End Get
    End Property

    ' If a LocalizationExtenderProvider has been added, removes the extender provider.
    Protected Overloads Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean)
        ' If an extender has been added, remove it
        If (extender IsNot Nothing) Then
            ' Disposes of the extender provider.  The extender 
            ' provider removes itself from the extender provider
            ' service when it is disposed.
            extender = Nothing
        End If
    End Sub

    ' Empty IDesigner interface property and method implementations
    Public ReadOnly Property Verbs() As System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerVerbCollection Implements IDesigner.Verbs
            Return Nothing
        End Get
    End Property

    Public ReadOnly Property Component() As System.ComponentModel.IComponent Implements IRootDesigner.Component
            Return Me.component_
        End Get
    End Property

    Public Sub DoDefaultAction() Implements IDesigner.DoDefaultAction
    End Sub

    Public Overloads Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
    End Sub

    ' RootDesignerView is a simple control that will be displayed in the designer window.
    Private Class RootDesignerView
        Inherits Control
        Private m_designer As SampleRootDesigner
        Private comp As IComponent

        Public Sub New(ByVal designer As SampleRootDesigner, ByVal component As IComponent)
            m_designer = designer
            Me.comp = component
            BackColor = Color.Blue
            Font = New Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, 12)
        End Sub

        ' Displays the name of the component and the name of the assembly of the component 
        ' that this root designer is providing support for.
        Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal pe As PaintEventArgs)

            If (m_designer IsNot Nothing) AndAlso (comp IsNot Nothing) Then
                ' Draws the name of the component in large letters.
                pe.Graphics.DrawString("Root Designer View", Font, Brushes.Yellow, 8, 4)
                pe.Graphics.DrawString("Design Name  : " + comp.Site.Name, New Font("Arial", 10), Brushes.Yellow, 8, 28)
                ' Uses the site of the component to acquire an ISelectionService and sets the property grid focus to the component.
                Dim selectionService As ISelectionService = CType(comp.Site.GetService(GetType(ISelectionService)), ISelectionService)
                If (selectionService IsNot Nothing) Then
                    selectionService.SetSelectedComponents(New IComponent() {m_designer.Component})
                End If
            End If
        End Sub
    End Class

End Class


LocalizationExtenderProviderprogram może rozszerzyć IRootDesigner o zestaw właściwości i metod, które zapewniają obsługę architektury lokalizacji .NET Framework. Aby uzyskać więcej informacji na temat korzystania z zasobów, zobacz Lokalizacja.

Architektura obsługi lokalizacji umożliwia projektantom inicjowanie właściwości składników przy użyciu plików zasobów, które można zamienić w czasie wykonywania w celu obsługi różnych języków, stylów specyficznych dla kultury i dynamicznie konfigurowalnych funkcji. Możesz użyć metod tej klasy, aby umożliwić projektantom i kodom generowanie serializatorów do ładowania z zasobów i kodu inicjowania kompilacji, który korzysta z funkcji lokalizacji.

Domyślne serializatory dostarczane z programem Visual Studio są już w stanie lokalizować składniki i kontrolki, ale robią to tylko wtedy, gdy lokalizują obsługę architektury lokalizacji .NET Framework. Aby wykryć obecność obsługi lokalizacji, system serializacji musi zlokalizować właściwość publiczną Boolean o nazwie "Lokalizable" w składniku głównego projektanta. Jeśli serializator znajdzie tę właściwość, wyszukuje właściwość typu CultureInfo o nazwie "Language", aby określić bieżącą konfigurację zasobu. Domyślne serializatory używają tych właściwości do określenia, czy powinny lokalizować jakiekolwiek lokalizowalne zasoby składnika, a jeśli tak, jaki CultureInfo format informacji o zasobie należy zapisać.


LocalizationExtenderProvider(ISite, IComponent)

Inicjuje LocalizationExtenderProvider nowe wystąpienie klasy przy użyciu określonego dostawcy usług i składnika podstawowego.



Wskazuje, czy ten obiekt może zapewnić jego właściwości rozszerzenia do określonego obiektu.


Usuwa zasoby (inne niż pamięć) używane przez program LocalizationExtenderProvider.


Zwalnia zasoby niezarządzane używane przez element LocalizationExtenderProvider i opcjonalnie zwalnia zasoby zarządzane.


Określa, czy dany obiekt jest taki sam, jak bieżący obiekt.

(Odziedziczone po Object)

Służy jako domyślna funkcja skrótu.

(Odziedziczone po Object)

Pobiera bieżącą kulturę zasobów dla określonego obiektu.


Pobiera domyślną kulturę zasobów do użycia podczas inicjowania wartości zlokalizowanego obiektu w czasie projektowania.


Pobiera wartość wskazującą, czy określony obiekt obsługuje lokalizację zasobów.


Type Pobiera wartość bieżącego wystąpienia.

(Odziedziczone po Object)

Tworzy płytkią kopię bieżącego Objectelementu .

(Odziedziczone po Object)

Resetuje kulturę zasobów dla określonego obiektu.

SetLanguage(Object, CultureInfo)

Ustawia bieżącą kulturę zasobów dla określonego obiektu na określoną kulturę zasobów.

SetLocalizable(Object, Boolean)

Ustawia wartość wskazującą, czy określony obiekt obsługuje zlokalizowane zasoby.


Pobiera wartość wskazującą, czy określony obiekt musi mieć wartości lokalizowalne utrwalone w zasobie.


Zwraca ciąg reprezentujący bieżący obiekt.

(Odziedziczone po Object)
