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Dive into the Summer with MSDN: Windows Phone 7 'Mango' Update

Dive into the Summer with MSDN:
Windows Phone 7 'Mango' Update

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Windows Phone 7 'Mango' Update

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Dive into Windows Phone 7 “Mango”
this summer
If you’ve got some spare time this summer to immerse yourself in some new technologies, then take a look at the various fascinating sources this page has to offer you for getting the extra info you need.

First watch the introductory video and then decide how much time you’d like to spend on the topic you want. We’ve got all the information you need to get started on the topic of your choice!

Select how much time you can spend

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        <h2>Windows Phone 7 Mango</h2>
        <p>One year after the beta release of the developer tools for Windows Phone 7, you now have the opportunity to go for the big enhancements in Windows Phone 7, codename “Mango” (or Windows Phone 7.1 beta), which offers more than 1500 new APIs for developers to tap into.</p>
        <p>These new developer tools and all sorts of other technical content are available now – so what better time to get started than at the beginning of a (theoretically) slower time of year: the summer?</p>
        <p>Windows Phone 7 Mango Beta SDK and developer tools were released in May. One of the most important pieces of information to go with them is that in addition to French, Belgian users will now also have a Dutch marketplace to operate in once the new devices are on sale. This is expected later in the year, in autumn 2011.</p>
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                <a name="halfuur" xmlns:ms="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt">In half an hour</a>
              <p>What can you do in half an hour? Maybe not get into developing a whole new app; but it should be more than enough to give you a pretty good idea about what’s new in the Mango edition.</p>
                  <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">Watch this video</a> by Joe Belfiore, which takes you on a trip to discover the new Mango features</li>
                <li>Read <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">the Application Platform Overview for Windows Phone</a> for a good idea about the different components available for developers</li>

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                <a name="halvedag" xmlns:ms="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt">In half a day</a>
                <li>Our first recommendation is to download and install the developer tools. (Mango update). Don't worry if you have already installed the previous version as it cannot run side by side. Just upgrade as the new version can multi-target project for both versions. <ul><li>Download the free tools, including Visual Studio and Expression Blend. More information about the <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">installation procedure</a>.</li><li>Or, optionally, <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">register for the Marketplace</a> (developer AppHub) to set the procedure in motion. Learn more about it in our MSDN session recording: <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">Tips and tricks for developer certification</a>.</li></ul></li>
                    <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">Watch this 1-hour recording from MIX</a> to learn what’s coming next to the Windows Phone Application Platform</p>
                    <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">
                      <img alt="What's coming next to the Windows Phone Application Platform" border="0" src="" title="What's coming next to the Windows Phone Application Platform" />
                <li>Create more than your ‘Hello World’ application by following <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">the Quickstarts</a>. Choose from more than 20 quickstarts that cover navigation, sensors, data, design, controls and more.</li>

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                <a name="heledag" xmlns:ms="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt">In a full day</a>
              <p>Have a day to spare? That’s enough to build your first Windows Phone 7 application right? OK, maybe not the most complex application in that time frame but enough to get your hands dirty, or find some new gems to get your current application to another level.</p>
              <p>To help you with consuming your favorite type of content we have structure this section per content type. Depending on your current knowledge you’d might to jump directly to top resources for example. Just making it easier for you, that’s all!</p>
                <li>Tutorials and training kits</li>
                <li>Video recordings from top Belgian and international events</li>
                <li>Top resources and blogs</li>
              <p> </p>
                  <a name="01" xmlns:ms="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt">1. Tutorials and training kits</a>
                  <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">Windows Phone 7 Mango Training Course</a>: Specifically the section Mango features provides you <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">hands-on labs</a> based on usage scenarios.</li>
                  <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">Windows Phone UI Design and Interaction Guide</a>: Don’t let user experience be an afterthought! Integrating with the Metro design language and taking advantage of design guidelines will make your application integrate with what the user is used to in the phone while at the same time forcing you to think how to make your application unique.</li>
                  <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">Programming Windows Phone 7 free e-book by Charles Petzold</a>: It’s not updated for Mango yet but more than worth it for learning how to develop for Windows Phone 7 in general.</li>
                  <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">Windows Phone 7 Guide for iPhone Application Developers</a>: if you are more familiar with the iOS we have got tailored information for you to kickstart on Windows Phone 7</li>
              <p> </p>
                  <a name="02" xmlns:ms="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt">2. Video recordings from top Belgian and international events</a>
                  <td width="230">
                    <strong>TechDays Belgium 2011</strong>
                    <br />
                    <br />
                  <td width="50"> </td>
                  <td width="230">
                    <strong>MIX 2011</strong>
                    <br />
                    <br />
                  <td valign="top">
                      <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">From Desktop to Phone: What Silverlight Developers Must Know to Build Great Mobile Applications by Jeff Prosise</a>
                      <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">
                        <img alt="From Desktop to Phone: What Silverlight Developers Must Know to Build Great Mobile Applications" border="0" src="" title="From Desktop to Phone: What Silverlight Developers Must Know to Build Great Mobile Applications" />
                  <td width="50"> </td>
                  <td valign="top">
                      <br />
                      <br />
                      <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">What's New in the Windows Phone Developer Tools?</a>
                      <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">
                        <img alt="What's New in the Windows Phone Developer Tools?" border="0" src="" title="What's New in the Windows Phone Developer Tools?" />
                  <td valign="top">
                      <br />
                      <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">Windows Phone and XNA for Fun, Games, Profit and Physics by Rob Miles</a>
                      <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">
                        <img alt="Windows Phone and XNA for Fun, Games, Profit and Physics" border="0" src="" title="Windows Phone and XNA for Fun, Games, Profit and Physics" />
                  <td width="50"> </td>
                  <td valign="top">
                      <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">Expert Lessons: Top Tips for Building a Successful Windows Phone Application by Stefan Wick</a>
                      <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">
                        <img alt="Expert Lessons: Top Tips for Building a Successful Windows Phone Application" border="0" src="" title="Expert Lessons: Top Tips for Building a Successful Windows Phone Application" />
                  <td valign="top">
                      <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">Designing and Building a Windows Phone 7 Application End-to-End by Isabel Gomez and Katrien De Graeve.</a>
                      <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">
                        <img alt="Designing and Building a Windows Phone 7 Application End-to-End" border="0" src="" title="Designing and Building a Windows Phone 7 Application End-to-End" />
                  <td width="50"> </td>
                  <td valign="top">
                      <br />
                      <a runat="server" target="_blank" href=";direction=desc&amp;term=&amp;t=windows%2bphone">More videos covering the features in the new version</a>
                      <a runat="server" target="_blank" href=";direction=desc&amp;term=&amp;t=windows%2bphone">
                        <img alt="More videos covering the features in the new version" border="0" src="" title="More videos covering the features in the new version" />

              <p> </p>
                  <a name="03" xmlns:ms="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt">3. Top resources and blogs</a>
                <li>Blog: <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">Jeff Wilcox</a></li>
                <li>Blog and podcast: <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">Jesse Liberty</a></li>
                <li>Blog: <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">Laurent Bugnion</a></li>
                <li>Toolkits: <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">Windows Azure Toolkit for Windows Phone 7</a></li>
                <li>Toolkits: <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">Windows Azure Toolkits for iOS, Android and Windows Phone</a></li>
                <li>Frameworks: <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">WP7Contrib</a></li>
                <li>Frameworks: <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">MVVM Light Toolkit</a></li>
                <li>Frameworks: <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">Caliburn.Micro</a></li>
                  <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">Forums and community help</a>

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