WorkflowInstanceManager.GetInstanceCount Method (String, WorkflowInstanceStatus, array<String[])

Retrieves the number of all workflow instances of a specific workflow that have a specific status and match specified activation metadata filter.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Workflow.Client
Assembly:  Microsoft.Workflow.Client (in Microsoft.Workflow.Client.dll)


Public Function GetInstanceCount ( _
    workflowName As String, _
    workflowStatus As WorkflowInstanceStatus, _
    ParamArray activationMetadataFilter As String() _
) As Integer
Dim instance As WorkflowInstanceManager 
Dim workflowName As String 
Dim workflowStatus As WorkflowInstanceStatus 
Dim activationMetadataFilter As String()
Dim returnValue As Integer 

returnValue = instance.GetInstanceCount(workflowName, _
    workflowStatus, activationMetadataFilter)
public int GetInstanceCount(
    string workflowName,
    WorkflowInstanceStatus workflowStatus,
    params string[] activationMetadataFilter
int GetInstanceCount(
    String^ workflowName, 
    WorkflowInstanceStatus workflowStatus, 
    ... array<String^>^ activationMetadataFilter
member GetInstanceCount : 
        workflowName:string * 
        workflowStatus:WorkflowInstanceStatus * 
        activationMetadataFilter:string[] -> int
public function GetInstanceCount(
    workflowName : String, 
    workflowStatus : WorkflowInstanceStatus, 
    ... activationMetadataFilter : String[]
) : int


  • workflowName
    Type: System.String
    The name of the workflow to which the instances belongs.
  • activationMetadataFilter
    Type: array<System.String[]
    The activation metadata filter for the workflow instances to be included in the count.

Return Value

Type: System.Int32
The instance count with the specified workflow name, status and activation metadata filter.

See Also


WorkflowInstanceManager Class

GetInstanceCount Overload

Microsoft.Workflow.Client Namespace