Real-World XML

Manipulate XML Data Easily with Integrated Readers and Writers in the .NET Framework

Dino Esposito

Code download available at:Real-WorldXML.exe(120 KB)

This article assumes you're familiar with XML and the .NET Framework

Level of Difficulty123


In the .NET Framework, XmlTextReader and XmlTextWriter provide for XML-driven reading and writing operations. In this article, the author discusses the architecture of readers and how they relate to XMLDOM and SAX parsers. He also shows how to use readers to parse and validate XML documents, how to leverage writers to create well-formed documents, and how to optimize the processing of large XML documents using functions to read and write Base64 and BinHex-encoded text. He then reviews how to implement a stream-based read/write parser that combines the functions of a reader and a writer into a single class.


From MSXML to XML in .NET
The XML Parsing Model
The XmlReader Class
Parsing the Contents of Attributes
Manipulating XML Text
Strings and Fragments
Validating Readers
Node Readers
The XmlTextWriter Class
Reading and Writing Streams
Devising an XmlReadWriter Class
Summing it Up

About three years ago, I left a software conference believing that no future programming would be possible without a strong understanding of XML. XML has indeed come a long way since the early days, finding its way into even the deepest recesses of common programming frameworks. In this article, I'll review the role and internal characteristics of the Microsoft® .NET Framework API that deals with XML documents and then I'll move on to address a few open points.

From MSXML to XML in .NET

Prior to the advent of the .NET Framework, you used to write XML-driven applications for Windows® by exploiting the services of MSXML—a COM-based library. Unlike the classes in the .NET Framework, the MSXML library is more of a bolted-on API than a piece of code that is fully integrated with the underlying operating system. MSXML can certainly communicate with the rest of your application, but it doesn't really integrate with the surrounding environment.

The MSXML library can be imported in Win32® and even common language runtime (CLR)-targeted code, but it remains an external black box acting as a server component. .NET Framework-based applications, on the other hand, can use XML core classes right alongside the other namespaces of the .NET Framework so that the final code is well integrated and easy to read.

As a self-contained component, the MSXML parser provides advanced features such as asynchronous parsing. This feature is apparently lacking in the XML classes of the .NET Framework. By integrating XML classes with other classes in the .NET Framework, however, you can easily obtain the same functions and gain even more control over the process.

A library of XML functions should provide at least a set of basic services including parsing, querying, and transformations. In the .NET Framework, you find classes that support XPath queries and XSLT transformations, as well as classes to read and write XML documents. In addition, the .NET Framework incorporates classes that perform XML-related tasks such as object serialization (the XmlSerializer and the SoapFormatter classes), application configuration (the AppSettingsReader class), and data persistence (the DataSet class). In this article, I'll focus on the classes that accomplish basic I/O operations.

The XML Parsing Model

Since XML is a markup language, a tool capable of analyzing and understanding the lexical syntax is needed to effectively use the information stored in the documents. This tool is the XML parser—a sort of black box component that reads in markup text and returns platform-specific objects.

All the XML parsers available to programmers fall in one of two main categories, regardless of the underlying platform: tree-based and event-based processors. These two categories are commonly identified with their two most popular and concrete implementations, the Microsoft XML Document Object Model (XMLDOM) and Simple API for XML (SAX). The XMLDOM parser is a generic tree-based API which renders XML documents as an in-memory structure. The SAX parser provides an event-based API for processing each significant element in a stream of XML data. In general, a Document Object Model (DOM) implementation can be loaded from a SAX stream, so the two types of processors are not mutually exclusive.

Conceptually speaking, a SAX parser is diametrically opposed to an XMLDOM parser and the gap between the two models is indeed fairly large. XMLDOM is well defined in its set of functionalities and there is not much more you can reasonably expect from the evolution of this model. With this large set of functionalities, of course, comes a downside—a large memory footprint and hefty bandwidth that is required in order to process large documents.

SAX parsers work by letting client applications pass living instances of platform-specific objects to handle parser events. The parser controls the whole process and pushes data to the application which, in turn, is free to accept or just ignore it. This model is extremely lean and features a very limited memory footprint.

The .NET Framework provides full support for the XMLDOM parsing model, but not for SAX. There's a good reason for this. The .NET Framework supports two different models of parser: XMLDOM parsers and XML readers. The apparent lack of support for SAX parsers does not mean that you have to renounce the functionality that they offer. All the functions of a SAX parser can be implemented easily and more effectively by using an XML reader. Unlike a SAX parser, a .NET Framework reader works under the total control of the client application. In this way, the application itself can then pull out only the data it really needs and skip over the remainder of the XML stream. With SAX, the parser passes all available information to the client application, which will then have to either use or discard the information.

Readers are based on .NET Framework streams and work in much the same way as a database cursor. Interestingly, the classes that implement this cursor-like parsing model also provide the substrate for the .NET Framework implementation of XMLDOM parser. Two abstract classes, XmlReader and XmlWriter, are at the very foundation of all the .NET Framework XML classes, including XMLDOM classes, ADO.NET-related classes, and configuration classes. So in the .NET Framework you have two possible approaches when it comes to processing XML data. You can either use classes built directly on XmlReader and XmlWriter, or classes that expose information through the well-known XMLDOM object model. A more general-purpose introduction to readers of documents in the .NET Framework is available in my August 2002 Cutting Edge column.

The XmlReader Class

An XML reader supplies a programming interface that callers use to connect to XML documents and pull out the data they need. If you look at readers more closely, you realize that under the hood they work just like applications that fetch data out of a database. The database server returns a reference to a cursor object, which contains all the query results and makes them available on demand. The clients of an XML reader receive a reference to an instance of the reader class, which abstracts the underlying data stream and renders it as an XML tree. Methods on the reader class allow you to scroll forward through the contents, moving from node to node rather than from byte to byte or from record to record.

When viewed from the perspective of readers, an XML document is not a tagged text file but a serialized collection of nodes. Such a cursor model is specific to the .NET Framework; you will not find a similar programming API available elsewhere.

There are several key differences between readers and XMLDOM parsers. XML readers are forward-only, they have no notion of the surrounding nodes (siblings, parent, ancestors, children), and they are limited to reading. In the .NET Framework, reading and writing XML documents are two completely separate functions that require different, unrelated classes: XmlReader and XmlWriter. To be able to edit the contents of an XML document, you either use the XMLDOM parser (built around the XmlDocument class) or you design a custom class that aggregates two distinct entities like the reader and the writer under a common logical roof. Let's start by analyzing the programming features of the reader classes.

XmlReader is an abstract class that you can use to build more refined functionality. User applications are usually based on one of three derived classes: XmlTextReader, XmlValidatingReader, or XmlNodeReader. All these classes share a common set of properties (see Figure 1) and methods (see Figure 2). Note that sometimes the value that the properties actually contain depends on the reader class you are using in your code. Hence, the description of each property provided in Figure 1 refers to its intended goal, even though this may not reflect the role of the property in a derived reader class. For example, CanResolveEntity returns True only for XmlValidatingReader; it is set to False for any other type of reader class. Likewise, the behavior and the return value of some of the methods listed in Figure 2 are influenced by the type of the node the reader is working on. For example, all methods that involve attributes are void if the node is not an element node.

Figure 2 Methods of XmlReader-derived Classes

Method Description
Close Closes the reader and sets the internal state to Closed
GetAttribute Gets the value of the specified attribute; an attribute can be accessed by index, local, or qualified name
IsStartElement Indicates whether the current content node is a start tag
LookupNamespace Returns the namespace URI to which the given prefix maps
MoveToAttribute Moves the pointer to the specified attribute; an attribute can be accessed by index, local, or qualified name
MoveToContent Moves the pointer ahead to the next content node or end of file; the method returns immediately if the current node is already a content node such as non-white space text, CDATA, Element, EndElement, EntityReference, or EndEntity
MoveToElement Moves the pointer back to the element node that contains the current attribute node; relevant only when the current node is an attribute
MoveToFirstAttribute Moves to the first attribute of the current Element node
MoveToNextAttribute Moves to the next attribute of the current Element node
Read Reads the next node and advances the pointer
ReadAttributeValue Parses the attribute value into one or more Text or EntityReference nodes
ReadElementString Reads and returns the text from a text-only element
ReadEndElement Checks that the current content node is an end tag and advances the reader to the next node; throws an exception if the node is not an end tag
ReadInnerXml Reads and returns all the content below the current node, including markup information
ReadOuterXml Reads and returns all the content of the current node, including markup information
ReadStartElement Checks that the current node is an element and advances the reader to the next node; throws an exception if the node is not a start tag
ReadString Reads the contents of an element or text node as a string; the method concatenates all the text until the next markup; for attribute nodes, it is equivalent to reading the attribute value
ResolveEntity Expands and resolves the current entity reference node
Skip Skips the children of the current node

Figure 1 Properties of XmlReader-derived Classes

Property Description
AttributeCount Gets the number of attributes on the current node
BaseURI Gets the base URL of the current node
CanResolveEntity Gets a value indicating whether the reader can resolve entities
Depth Gets the depth of the current node in the XML document
EOF Indicates whether the reader has reached the end of the stream
HasAttributes Indicates whether the current node has any attributes
HasValue Indicates whether the current node can have a value
IsDefault Indicates whether the current node is an attribute that originated from the default value defined in the DTD or schema
IsEmptyElement Indicates whether the current node is an empty element with no attributes or value
Item Indexer property which returns the value of the specified attribute
LocalName Gets the name of the current node with any prefix removed
Name Gets the fully qualified name of the current node
NamespaceURI Gets the namespace URI of the current node; relevant to Element and Attribute nodes only
NameTable Gets the name table object associated with the reader
NodeType Gets the type of the current node
Prefix Gets the namespace prefix associated with the current node
QuoteChar Gets the quotation mark character used to enclose the value of an attribute
ReadState Gets the state of the reader from the ReadState enumeration
Value Gets the text value of the current node
XmlLang Gets the xml:lang scope within which the current node resides
XmlSpace Gets the current xml:space scope from the XmlSpace enumeration (Default, None, or Preserve)

The XmlTextReader class is designed to provide fast access to streams of XML data in a forward-only, read-only manner. The reader verifies that the submitted XML is well formed and throws an exception if it is not. The reader also performs a quick check to ensure that the referenced Document Type Definition (DTD), if any, exists. There's no case in which the XmlTextReader class validate the document contents against a schema or a DTD. The XmlTextReader parser is ideal for the quick processing of well-formed XML data accessible through file names, URLs, or open streams. If you need data validation, then you should use the XmlValidatingReader class.

An instance of the XmlTextReader class can be created in a number of ways and from a variety of sources including disk files, URLs, streams, and text readers:

XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(file);

Note that all the public constructors available require you to indicate the source of the data, be it a stream, a file, or whatever. The default constructor of the XmlTextReader class is marked as protected and, as such, is not used directly. As with all .NET Framework reader classes, once the reader object is up and running, you have to use the Read method to access the data. Readers move from their initial state to the first element only using the Read method. To move from any node to the next, you can continue using Read as well as a number of other more specialized methods including Skip, MoveToContent, and ReadInnerXml. To process the entire contents of an XML source, you typically set up a loop controlled by the Read method's return value: False when data is left to read and True otherwise.

Figure 3 shows a simple function that outputs the node layout of a given XML document. The function opens the document and sets up a loop to navigate through all the contents. Each time the Read method is called, the reader's internal pointer is moved one node forward. Although you will most likely be using the Read method to process element nodes, consider that in general when you move from one node to the next you are not necessarily moving between nodes of the same type. For example, the method does not move through attribute nodes. The reader's MoveToContent method lets you skip all the heading nodes and position the pointer directly on the first content node. Thus, the method skips over nodes of type ProcessingInstruction, DocumentType, Comment, Whitespace, and SignificantWhitespace.

Figure 3 Outputting an XML Document Node Layout

string GetXmlFileNodeLayout(string file) {
    // Open the stream 
    XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(file);
    // Loop through the nodes and accumulate text into a string 
    StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
    string tabPrefix = "";
    while (reader.Read()) {
        // Write the start tag 
        if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) {
            tabPrefix = new string('\t', reader.Depth);
            writer.WriteLine("{0}<{1}>", tabPrefix, reader.Name);
        } else {
            // Write the end tag 
            if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement) {
                tabPrefix = new string('\t', reader.Depth);
                writer.WriteLine("{0}</{1}>", tabPrefix, reader.Name);
    // Write to the output window 
    string buf = writer.ToString();
    // Close the stream 
    return buf;

Each node is given a type picked up from the NodeType enumeration. In the code shown in Figure 3, only two types of nodes are relevant: Element and EndElement. The output of the code duplicates the structure of the original document but discards attributes and text, preserving only the node layout. Let's assume I use the following XML fragment:

    <mag name="MSDN Magazine"> MSDN Magazine </mag>
    <mag name="MSDN Voices"> MSDN Voices </mag>

The final output looks like the following:


The indentation of child nodes is obtained using the reader's Depth property, which returns an integer value denoting the level of nesting of the current node. All the text is accumulated in a StringWriter object—an extremely handy stream-based wrapper for the StringBuilder class.

As I mentioned earlier, attribute nodes are not automatically visited by a reader that moves forward with the Read method. To visit the set of attributes of the current element node you must use a similar loop, but one that is controlled by the MoveToNextAttribute method. The following code accesses all the attributes of the current node (the one you selected with Read) and concatenates their names and values into a comma-separated string:

if (reader.HasAttributes) 
  while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute()) 
    buf += reader.Name + "=\"" + reader.Value + "\",";

Once you're finished with node attributes, consider calling MoveToElement on the reader object. MoveToElement will "move" the internal pointer back to the element node that contains the attributes. To be precise, the method does not really "move" the pointer because the pointer never moved away from that element node during the attribute's navigation. The MoveToElement method simply refreshes some internal members making them expose values from the element node rather than the last attribute that was read. For example, the Name property returns the name of the last attribute that was read before you called MoveToElement and the name of the parent node read afterward. If you have no more work to do on the node and want to proceed to the next element once you're finished with the attributes, you don't really need to call MoveToElement.

Parsing the Contents of Attributes

In most cases, the content of an attribute is a simple string of text. However, it does not mean that string is the actual type of an attribute value. Sometimes the attribute value consists of the string representation of a more specific type, such as a Date or a Boolean, that you then convert into the native type using the methods of the static classes, XmlConvert or System.Convert. The two classes perform nearly identical tasks, but the XmlConvert class works according to the XML Schema Definition (XSD) data type specification and ignores the current locale.

Suppose that you have an XML fragment like the following:

<person birthday="2-8-2001" />

Let's also assume that, according to the current locale, the birthday attribute is February 8, 2001. If you convert the string into a specific .NET Framework type (the DateTime type) using the System.Convert class, everything will work as expected and the string will be transformed into the expected date object. By contrast, if you convert the string using XmlConvert, you'll get a parse error because the XmlConvert class does not recognize a correct date in the string. The reason is that in XML a date must have the YYYY-MM-DD format to be understood. The XmlConvert class works as a translator between CLR types and XSD types. When the conversion takes place, the result is locale independent.

In some situations, the value of the attribute comprises plain text along with entities. Of all the reader classes, only XmlValidatingReader is actually capable of resolving entities. The XmlTextReader class, although unable to resolve entity references, can separate text from entities when both are embedded in an attribute's value. For this to happen, you must parse the attribute's content using the ReadAttributeValue method instead of simply reading it through the Value property.

The ReadAttributeValue method parses the attribute value and isolates each constituent token, be it plain text or an entity. You call ReadAttributeValue repeatedly in a loop until the end of the attribute string value is reached. Since XmlTextReader does not resolve entities, there is not much you can do with the embedded entity other than writing your own resolver or maybe recognizing and skipping it. The following code snippet shows how you can call a custom resolver:

while (reader.ReadAttributeValue()) {
    if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EntityReference)
    // Resolve the "reader.Name" reference and add 
    // the result to a buffer 
    buf += YourResolverCode(reader.Name);
    // Just append the value to the buffer 
    buf += reader.Value;

The final value of a mixed content attribute is determined by accumulating the text in a global buffer. When the attribute value has been fully parsed, the ReadAttributeValue method returns False.

Manipulating XML Text

When working with XML markup text, some features can quickly become issues if not properly tackled. One such stumbling point is character conversion, which is sometimes necessary in order to transmit non-XML text in an XML stream of data. Not all the characters you may find available on a given platform are necessarily valid XML characters. Only the characters in the XML specification ( can be safely used for element and attribute names.

The XmlConvert class provides key functionality for tunneling non-XML names through XML between servers. When names contain invalid XML characters, the methods EncodeName and DecodeName can adjust them to fit into an XML name schema. Several applications, including SQL Server™ and Microsoft Office, allow and support Unicode characters in their documents. However, some of these characters are not valid as XML names. The typical circumstance, which demonstrates the importance of XmlConvert, occurs when you manipulate database column names containing blanks. Although SQL Server allows for a column name like Invoice Details, this would not be a valid name for an XML stream. The space must be replaced with its hexadecimal encoding, resulting in Invoice_0x0020_Details. The only valid form for hexadecimal sequences is _0xHHHH_, where HHHH stands for a four-digit hexadecimal value. Similar but different formats are left unaltered, though they can be considered logically equivalent. Here's how you can programmatically obtain that string:

XmlConvert.EncodeName("Invoice Details");

The reverse operation is accomplished by DecodeName. This method translates an XML name back to its original form by unescaping any escaped sequence. Notice that only fully escaped forms are detected. For example, only _0x0020_ is rendered as a blank, while _0x20_ would not be processed:


In XML, whitespace found in the body of an XML document can either be significant or insignificant. Whitespace is said to be significant when it appears in the text of an element node or when it appears to be within the scope of a whitespace declaration:

<MyNode xml:space="preserve">
  <!-- any space here must be preserved --> 

In XML, the blanket term "whitespace" encompasses not just blanks (ASCII 0x20), but also carriage returns (ASCII 0x0D), line feeds (ASCII 0x0A), and tabs (ASCII 0x09).

The XmlTextReader class lets you control how whitespace is handled through the WhiteSpaceHandling property. This property accepts and returns a value taken from the WhiteSpaceHandling enumeration, which lists three feasible options. The default option is All and means that both significant and insignificant spaces are returned as distinct nodes—SignificantWhitespace and Whitespace, respectively. The option None indicates that no whitespace at all will be returned as a node. Finally, the option "Significant" discards all insignificant whitespace and only returns nodes of the type SignificantWhitespace. Note that the WhiteSpaceHandling property is one of the few reader properties that can be changed at any time and takes effect on the very next Read operation. The other "sensitive" properties are Normalization and XmlResolver.

Strings and Fragments

Programmers who cut their teeth on MSXML will certainly notice a key difference between the COM library and the .NET Framework XML API. The .NET Framework classes don't provide a native way to parse XML data stored in a string. Unlike the MSXML parser object, the XmlTextReader class doesn't provide any kind of loadXML method to build a reader from a well-formed string. This lack of a loadXML-style method is moot. There's no need for one because you can get the same functionality using a particular text reader—the StringReader class.

One of the XmlTextReader constructors accepts a TextReader-derived object and instantiates the XML reader from the contents of the text reader. A text reader class is a stream which has been optimized for character input. The StringReader class inherits from TextReader and uses an in-memory string as the input stream. The following code snippet shows how to initialize an XML reader with a well-formed XML string:

string xmlText = "...";
StringReader strReader = new StringReader(xmlText);
XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(strReader);

Likewise, using the StringWriter class in lieu of a TextWriter class, you can create XML documents in memory strings.

A special type of XML string is the XML fragment. The fragment is made of XML text in which the root-level rules for well-formed XML documents are not applied. As a result, an XML fragment differs from an ordinary document because it may lack a single root node. For example, the following XML string is a valid XML fragment but not a valid XML document since XML documents must have a root node:


The .NET Framework XML API allows programmers to associate XML fragments with a parser context made of information like the encoding character set, the DTD document, namespaces, language, and whitespace handling:

public XmlTextReader( string xmlFragment, 
  XmlNodeType fragType, XmlParserContext context );

The xmlFragment parameter contains the XML string to parse. The fragType argument represents the type of the fragment and is given by the type of the fragment's root node(s). Only element, attribute, and document nodes are permitted as the root of a fragment and the parser context is expressed by the XmlParserContext class.

Validating Readers

The XmlValidatingReader class is an implementation of the XmlReader class that provides support for several types of XML validation: DTD, XML-Data Reduced (XDR) schemas, and XSD. DTD and XSD are official recommendations issued by the W3C, whereas XDR is the Microsoft implementation of an early working draft of XML Schemas.

You can use the XmlValidatingReader class to validate entire XML documents as well as XML fragments. The XmlValidatingReader class works on top of an XML reader—typically an instance of the XmlTextReader class. The text reader is used to walk through the nodes of the document, whereas the validating reader is expected to validate each single piece of XML according to the requested validation type.

The XmlValidatingReader class implements only a very small subset of the functionalities that an XML reader must expose. The class always works on top of an existing XML reader and mirrors many methods and properties. The dependency of validating readers on an existing text reader is particularly evident if you look at the class constructors. An XML validating reader cannot be directly initialized from a file or a URL. The list of available constructors comprises the following overloads:

public XmlValidatingReader(XmlReader);
public XmlValidatingReader(Stream, XmlNodeType, XmlParserContext);
public XmlValidatingReader(string, XmlNodeType, XmlParserContext);

A validating reader can parse any XML fragments accessible through a string or an open stream, as well as any XML document for which a reader is provided.

The list of methods for which the class provides a significant implementation is very short. In addition to Read there are the Skip and the ReadTypedValue methods. The Skip method jumps over the children of the currently active node in the underlying reader. (It's worth noting that you cannot skip over badly formed XML text.) The Skip method also validates the skipped contents. The ReadTypedValue method returns the value of the underlying node as a CLR type. If the method can map an XSD type with a CLR type, it will return it as such. If a direct mapping isn't possible, the node value will be returned as a string.

The validating reader is just what its name suggests—a node-based reader that validates the structure of the current node against the current schema. The validation occurs incrementally; there is no method that returns a Boolean value to indicate whether the given document is valid. You move around the input document using the Read method as usual. Actually, you use the validating reader as you would any other XML-based .NET Framework reader. At each step, the structure of the currently visited node is validated against the specified schema and an exception is raised if an error is found. Figure 4 contains a console application that takes the name of a file on the command line and then outputs the results of the validation process.

Figure 4 Console App

using System;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Schema;
class MyXmlValidApp {
    public MyXmlValidApp(String fileName) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Console.WriteLine("Error:\t{0}", e.Message);
            Console.WriteLine("Exception raised: {0}", e.GetType().ToString());
    private void Validate(String fileName) {
        XmlTextReader xtr = new XmlTextReader(fileName);
        XmlValidatingReader vreader = new XmlValidatingReader(xtr);
        vreader.ValidationType = ValidationType.Auto;
        vreader.ValidationEventHandler += 
          new ValidationEventHandler(this.ValidationEventHandle);
        while (vreader.Read()) {}
    public void ValidationEventHandle(Object sender, ValidationEventArgs args) {
        Console.Write("Validation error: " + args.Message + "\r\n");
    public static void Main(String[] args) {
        MyXmlValidApp o = new MyXmlValidApp(args[0]);

The ValidationType property sets the type of validation you want—DTD, XSD, XDR, or none. If no validation type is specified (by using the ValidationType.Auto option), the reader automatically applies the validation it determines to be most appropriate for the document. The caller application is notified of any error through a ValidationEventHandler event. If you don't specify a custom event handler, an XML exception is thrown against the application. Defining a ValidationEventHandler method is a way to catch any XML exceptions caused by inconsistencies in the source document. Note that the reader's mechanisms for checking whether a document is well formed and for checking schema compliance are distinct. If a validating reader happens to work on a badly formed XML document, no event is fired but an XmlException exception is raised.

The validation takes place as the user moves the pointer forward with the Read method. Once the node has been parsed and read, it gets passed to the internal validator object for further processing. The validator operates based on the node type and the type of validation that has been requested. It makes sure that the node has all the attributes and the children it is expected to contain.

The validator object internally invokes two flavors of objects: the DTD parser and the schema builder. The DTD parser processes the content of the current node and its subtree against the DTD. The schema builder builds up a schema object model (SOM) for the current node based on the XDR or XSD schema source code. The schema builder class is actually the base class for more specialized XDR and XSD schema builders. What matters, though, is that XDR and XSD schemas are treated in much the same way and with no difference in performance.

If a node has children, another temporary reader is used to collect information about the children of the node so that the schema information for the node can be fully investigated, as you can see in Figure 5.

Figure 5 Using A Temporary Reader on Child Nodes

Figure 5** Using A Temporary Reader on Child Nodes **

Note that although the signature of one of the XmlValidatingReader constructors refers generically to an XmlReader class as the underlying reader, that reader can only be an instance of the XmlTextReader class or a class which derives from it. This means that you cannot use any class which happens to inherit from XmlReader (such as a custom XML reader). Internally, the XmlValidatingReader class assumes that the underlying reader is an XmlTextReader object and specifically casts the input reader to XmlTextReader. If you use XmlNodeReader or a custom reader class, you will not get any error at compile time but an exception will be thrown at run time.

Node Readers

XML reader classes provide a way to process the contents of documents in an incremental way, one node after the other. So far, I've assumed that the source document is a disk-based stream or a string. However, nothing really prevents me from using an XMLDOM object as the source document. In this case, though, I would need a special class with an ad hoc Read method. For this purpose, the .NET Framework provides the XmlNodeReader class.

Just as XmlTextReader visits all the nodes of a specified XML stream, the XmlNodeReader class visits all the nodes that form an XMLDOM subtree. The XMLDOM class (XmlDocument in the .NET Framework) supplies XPath-based methods such as SelectNodes and SelectSingleNode. The net effect of such methods is that the matching node sets are loaded into memory. If you need to process all the nodes in the subtree, a node reader is more efficient as it just processes one node after the next in an incremental cursor-like manner:

// xmldomNode is the XML DOM node
XmlNodeReader nodeReader = new XmlNodeReader(xmldomNode); 
while (nodeReader.Read()) { // Do something here }

Using the XmlNodeReader class along with the XML DOM classes is also beneficial when you're processing an XMLDOM tree full of custom data excerpted from a configuration file (for example, web.config).

The XmlTextWriter Class

Creating XML documents in a programmatic way has never been particularly difficult. For years, developers did it by concatenating a few strings in a buffer and flushing the buffer out to a file when complete. But creating XML documents this way is effective only as long as you can guarantee that subtle errors will never find their way into the code stream. The .NET Framework provides for a more productive and elegant approach to creating XML documents by using XML writers.

An XML writer class outputs XML data to streams or files in a forward-only manner. More importantly, an XML writer guarantees—by design—that all the XML data it produces conforms to the W3C XML 1.0 and Namespaces recommendations. You don't even have to care about a single angle bracket or worry about the last element node that you left open. XmlWriter is the base abstract class for all XML writers. The .NET Framework provides only one actual writer class—the XmlTextWriter class.

To see the difference between XML writers and old-style writers, let's consider the following code to persist an array of strings:

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(""); 
foreach(string s in theArray) { 
  sb.Append("<element value=\""); 

The code loops through the elements of the array, prepares markup text, and accumulates it in a string buffer. The code is responsible for ensuring that the output is well formed and takes care of indentation, new lines, and namespace support. As long as the document to be created is simple and somewhat structured, there's nothing particularly wrong with this approach. However, when you have to support processing instructions, namespaces, indentation, formatting, and entities, the complexity of the necessary code grows exponentially, as does the likelihood of introducing errors and bugs.

An XML writer features write methods for each possible XML node type and makes the creation of XML output more logical and less dependent on the minutia of the markup languages. Figure 6 shows how to serialize an array of strings using the services of the XmlTextWriter class. Although comparably compact, the code that makes use of an XML writer is far clearer and better structured.

Figure 6 Serializing a String Array

void CreateXmlFileUsingWriters(String[] theArray, string filename) {
    // Open the XML writer (default encoding charset) 
    XmlTextWriter xmlw = new XmlTextWriter(filename, null);
    xmlw.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
    foreach(string s in theArray) {
        xmlw.WriteAttributeString("value", s);
    // Close the writer 

Unfortunately, the XML writer isn't magic—it can't fix input errors. The XML writer does not check for invalid characters in element and attribute names and does not guarantee that any Unicode characters that are used will fit into the current encoding schema. As mentioned earlier, to avoid incorrect output, non-XML characters must be properly escaped when round-tripped as XML. This service is not provided by the writer.

In addition, when creating an attribute node, the writer does not verify whether an attribute with the same name already exists for the element. Finally, the XmlWriter class is not a validating writer and does not guarantee the output to be valid against any schema or DTD. A validating writer class is not currently available in the .NET Framework. However, a homemade implementation is available with the companion code of my book Applied XML Programming for Microsoft .NET (Microsoft Press®, 2002). You can download the code from

Figure 7 summarizes the feasible states for an XML writer. All the values come from the WriteState enumerated type. When you create a writer, its state is set to Start, meaning that you are still configuring the object and the actual writing phase has not begun. The next state is Prolog, which is reached as soon as you call the method WriteStartDocument to begin working. After that, the state transition depends on the type of document you are writing and its contents. The state remains Prolog as long as you add non-element nodes, like comments, processing instructions, and document type. When the first element node—the document root node—is written, the state changes to Element. The state switches to Attribute when you call the WriteStartAttribute method, but not when you write attributes using the more direct WriteAttributeString method. In that case, the state remains set to Element. Writing a closing tag moves the state to Content. When you are finished, you call WriteEndDocument and the state returns to Start until you begin another document or close the writer.

Figure 7 States for XML Writer

State Description
Attribute The writer enters this state when an attribute is being written
Closed The Close method has been called and the writer is no longer available for writing operations
Content The writer enters this state when the content of a node is being written
Element The writer enters this state when an element start tag is being written
Prolog The writer is writing the prolog of a well-formed XML 1.0 document
Start The writer is in an initial state, awaiting for a write call to be issued

The writer stores the output text in an internal buffer. Normally, the buffer is flushed, and the XML text only written when the writer is closed. By calling the Flush method, you can then empty the buffer at any time and write the current contents down to the underlying stream (which is exposed through the BaseStream property). Some working memory is freed, the writer remains open, and the operation can continue. Note, though, that the partially written storage file cannot be accessed by other processes until the writer is closed.

Attribute nodes can be written in two ways. The first involves the use of the WriteStartAttribute method to create a new attribute node and update the state accordingly. The WriteString method is then used to set the value of the attribute. WriteEndElement closes the writing phase for the node. Alternatively, you can use the WriteAttributeString method, which works when the state is Element and creates the attribute in a single shot. Likewise, the WriteStartElement writes the opening tag of the node, leaving you free to set the node's attributes and text at will. Normally, the closing tag of element nodes takes the compact form "/>". Use the WriteFullEndElement method if you want a full closing tag.

All the text that is passed to writing methods is automatically escaped if it contains sensitive markup characters such as the less-than (<) symbol. The WriteRaw method, though, gives you a chance to enter unparsed data into the stream. If you look at these two lines of code, the first outputs &lt, whereas the second outputs the unparsed < character:


Reading and Writing Streams

Interestingly, the reader and the writer classes provide methods to read and write streams of data even if they're encoded as Base64 or BinHex. The methods WriteBase64 and WriteBinHex feature a signature that is slightly different from other writing methods. Because they are stream-based, the methods function like an array of bytes rather than a string. The following code first transforms a string into an array of bytes and then writes it as a Base64-encoded stream. The static GetBytes method on the Encoding class performs the translation:

writer.WriteBase64( Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(buf), 0, buf.Length*2);

The code in Figure 8 persists an array of strings to a Base64-encoded XML stream while Figure 9 illustrates the final result as it appears in Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Figure 8 Persisting a String Array as Base64

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;
class MyBase64Array {
    public static void Main(String[] args) {
        string outputFileName = "test64.xml";
        if (args.Length > 0) outputFileName = args[0]; // file name 
        // This is the array to convert to XML String[] 
        theArray = {
            "Rome", "New York", "Sydney", "Stockholm", "Paris"
        CreateOutput(theArray, outputFileName);
    private static void CreateOutput(string[] theArray, string filename) {
        // Open the XML writer 
        XmlTextWriter xmlw = new XmlTextWriter(filename, null);
        xmlw.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
        xmlw.WriteComment("Array to Base64 XML");
        xmlw.WriteAttributeString("xmlns", "x", null, "dinoe:msdn-mag");
        foreach(string s in theArray) {
            xmlw.WriteStartElement("x", "element", null);
              0, s.Length * 2); // Unicode 
        // Close the writer 
        // Read it back! 
        XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(filename);
        while (reader.Read()) {
            if (reader.LocalName == "element") {
                byte[] bytes = new byte[1000];
                int n = reader.ReadBase64(bytes, 0, 1000);
                string buf = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(bytes);
                Console.WriteLine(buf.Substring(0, n));

Figure 9 String Array in Internet Explorer

Figure 9** String Array in Internet Explorer **

Reader classes feature corresponding methods to decode Base64 and BinHex streams. The following code snippet shows how to decode the previously created file using the ReadBase64 method of the XmlTextReader class:

XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(filename);
while (reader.Read()) {
    if (reader.LocalName == "element") {
        byte[] bytes = new byte[1000];
        int n = reader.ReadBase64(bytes, 0, 1000);
        string buf = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(bytes);
        Console.WriteLine(buf.Substring(0, n));

The bytes-to-string translation is performed by the GetString method of the Encoding class. Although I presented code for the Base64 encoding schema, using BinHex is as easy as replacing the method names. This technique can be successfully used with any sort of binary data that can be expressed with an array of bytes, especially images.

Devising an XmlReadWriter Class

As mentioned earlier, XML readers and writers work in separate compartments: readers just read and writers just write. Suppose your application manages lengthy XML documents that contain volatile data. Readers provide a great way to read that content. Writers, on the other hand, are a very useful tool for creating that document from scratch. But if you want to read and write the document at the same time, you must resort to a full-fledged XMLDOM. If the document is particularly large, you have a problem. What, for example, can you do to read and write an XML document without loading it entirely in memory? Let's review how to set up a mixed type of streaming parser that works as a lightweight XMLDOM parser.

As for a read-only operation, you would use a normal XML reader to visit the nodes in sequence. The difference is that while reading you would have the opportunity to change attribute values and node contents by using an XML writer on top of the reader. You use the reader to read each node in the source document and an underlying writer to create a hidden copy of it. In the copy, you can add some new nodes, ignore or edit some others, and edit attribute values. When you are finished, you just replace the old document with the new one.

An efficient way to (bulk) copy blocks of nodes from the read-only stream to the writing stream is to use two methods of the XmlTextWriter class: WriteAttributes and WriteNode. The WriteAttributes method reads all the attributes available on the node that is currently selected in the reader. Next, the method copies attributes as a single string to the current output stream. Likewise, the WriteNode method does the same for any other type of node, except attribute nodes. Figure 10 shows a piece of code that uses these methods to create a copy of the original XML file, modified to skip some nodes. The XML tree is visited in the usual node-first approach, but only every other node is written out. You can aggregate the reader and the writer in a single new class and build a brand new programming interface to allow for an easy read/write streaming access to attributes or nodes.

Figure 10 Using the WriteNode Method

XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(inputFile);
XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(outputFile);
// Configure reader and writer 
writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
// Write the root 
// Read and output every other node 
int i = 0;
while (reader.Read()) {
    if (i % 2) writer.WriteNode(reader, false);
// Close the root 
// Close reader and writer 

My XmlTextReadWriter class does not inherit from XmlReader or XmlWriter but, instead, coordinates the activity of running instances of both classes—one operates on a read-only stream while the other works on a write-only stream. The methods of the XmlTextReadWriter class read from the reader and write to the writer, applying any requested change in the middle. The internal reader and writer are exposed through read-only properties called Reader and Writer, respectively. Figure 11 lists the methods of the new class.

Figure 11 XmlTextReadWriter Class Methods

Method Description
AddAttributeChange Caches all the information needed to perform a change on a node attribute. All the changes cached through this method are processed during a successive call to WriteAttributes.
Read Simple wrapper around the internal reader's Read method.
WriteAttributes Specialized version of the writer's WriteAttributes method, writes out all the attributes for the given node, taking into account all the changes cached through the AddAttributeChange method.
WriteEndDocument Terminates the current document in the writer and closes both the reader and the writer.
WriteStartDocument Prepares the internal writer to output the document and add a default comment text and the standard XML prolog.

The class has a Read method which is a simple wrapper for the reader's Read method. In addition, it features a pair of WriteStartDocument and WriteEndDocument methods that initialize and finalize the internal readers and writers and do all the required I/O operations. Changes that involve nodes are performed directly by the client during the reading loop. For performance reasons, changes that involve editing on the attributes must first be registered using the AddAttributeChange method. All the changes to a node's attributes are temporarily stored in an internal table and flushed when WriteAttributes is called.

The code in Figure 12 shows a client that takes advantage of the XmlTextReadWriter class to change attribute values while reading. The full source code of the XmlTextReadWriter class is available, both in C# and Visual Basic® .NET, with this month's code download (see the link at the top of this article).

Figure 12 Changing Attribute Values

private void ApplyChanges(string nodeName, string attribName, 
  string oldVal, string newVal) {
    XmlTextReadWriter rw = new XmlTextReadWriter(InputFileName.Text, 
    rw.WriteStartDocument(true, CommentText.Text);
    // Modify the root tag manually 
    // Prepare attribute changes 
    // (Can Modify more attributes for the node) 
    rw.AddAttributeChange(nodeName, attribName, oldVal, newVal);
    // Loop through the document 
    while (rw.Read()) {
        switch (rw.NodeType) {
            case XmlNodeType.Element:
                if (nodeName == rw.Reader.LocalName)
                // apply attribute changes 
                // deep copy 
                rw.Writer.WriteAttributes(rw.Reader, false);
                if (rw.Reader.IsEmptyElement) rw.Writer.WriteEndElement();
    // Close the root tag 
    // Close the document and any internal resources 

The XmlTextReadWriter class is more of a reader than a writer. The idea is that you use it to read the contents of an XML document but, if needed, you can also perform some basic updates. By basic updates, I mean changing the value of one or more existing attributes or the contents of a node, or adding new attributes or nodes. For more complex operations, nothing can take the place of XMLDOM parsers.

Summing it Up

Readers and writers are the foundation of XML data support in the .NET Framework. They represent a primitive API for all XML data access features. Readers work as a new and innovative type of parser that falls somewhere between the true power of XMLDOM and the fast and simple approach carried by SAX. Writers are a parallel universe made of tools designed to simplify the creation of XML documents. Although commonly referred to as pieces of the .NET Framework, readers and writers are actually completely separate APIs. In this article, I discussed how to accomplish key tasks using readers and writers and introduced the architecture of validating parsers. Unifying readers and writers in a single, all-encompassing class is still possible and results in a lightweight, cursor-like XMLDOM model.

For related articles see:
XML in .NET: .NET Framework XML Classes and C# Offer Simple, Scalable Data Manipulation
Implementing XmlReader Classes for Non-XML Data Structures and Formats
Applied XML Programming for Microsoft .NET by Dino Esposito (Microsoft Press, 2002)

Dino Espositois an instructor and consultant based in Rome, Italy. He is the author of Building Web Solutions with ASP.NET and ADO.NET, both from Microsoft Press. This article adapts some of the concepts expanded on in his book Applied XML Programming for Microsoft .NET (Microsoft Press, 2002). Reach Dino at