VerificationSvc namespace

The Office Store verification web service provides a method for validating license tokens for apps for Office and SharePoint, and for accessing properties of those licenses.

To access the Office Store verification web service, set a web reference to

The Office Store verification service also supports verifying app license tokens using REST calls. To verify an app license using REST, use the following syntax:{token}

In this syntax, {token} is the app license token, encoded by a method that complies with RFC 2396; for example, the encodeURIComponent() function in JavaScript, or the Uri.EscapeDataString method in the .NET Framework.

You must call the service URL using the HTTPS protocol.

The Office Store verification service does not support being called from client-side code.

To support app license testing, the Office Store verification web service does not validate the encryption token or any of the attribute values of license tokens where the test attribute is set to true. However, the service does interpret the token, and all the properties of the VerifyEntitlementTokenResponse object returned by the service can be read.


  Class Description
Public class VerificationServiceClient Provides a method for validating license tokens for apps for Office and SharePoint, and for accessing properties of those licenses.
Public class VerifyEntitlementTokenRequest Represents an app license token being submitted to the Office Store verification web service for validation.
Public class VerifyEntitlementTokenResponse Contains properties of an app license token, including whether that token is valid, returned by the Office Store verification web service upon validation.

See also


Other resources

License your apps for Office and SharePoint

How to: Add license checks to your apps for Office

How to: Add license checks to your app for SharePoint

Best practices and design patterns for app license checking

App License Schema