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Microsoft.SpeechServer.Dialog Namespace

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Contains a set of classes that support speech applications.


Class Description
AnswerCallActivity Accepts an incoming call.
BaseCollection Represents the base class for collections.
BindableInstanceDependencyProperty Defines an InstanceDependencyProperty that supports ActivityBind (see System.Workflow.ComponentModel.ActivityBind).
BlindTransferActivity Transfers a connected call to another telephone number.
CallDisconnectedException Defines the exception that is thrown when an activity attempts to perform speech or telephony operations after a call is disconnected.
CallNotConnectedException Defines the exception that is thrown when an activity attempts to perform a speech or telephony operation and the call is not connected.
CommandActivity Represents a digression in the dialog flow caused by a request from the user.
CommandActivityCollection Defines a collection of CommandActivity objects.
CommandHistoryItem Indicates that the user's response matched a CommandActivity.
CommandsActivity Defines an activity whose children are CommandActivity objects.
ConsecutiveNoInputsSpeechEventActivity Represents a history-based event that is triggered when a specified number of consecutive non-responses occur in a speech application.
ConsecutiveNoRecognitionsSpeechEventActivity Represents a history-based event that is initiated when a user makes a specified number of consecutive responses that cannot be recognized.
ConsecutiveSilencesSpeechEventActivity Represents a history-based event that is initiated when a specified number of consecutive silences occur in a speech application.
DeclineCallActivity Rejects an incoming call.
DetectAnsweringMachineActivity Allows a voice response application to determine whether a call is answered by a person or by an answering machine. If the call is answered by an answering machine, this activity can leave a message.
DisconnectCallActivity Disconnects a previously connected telephone call.
FormFillingDialogActivity Implements a form-filling algorithm.
GetAndConfirmActivity Gets and confirms a single item of information.
GoToActivity Assists in transferring control flow from a given activity to a child activity of an ancestor of the given activity.
GrammarCollection Defines a collection of grammar objects.
HelpCommandActivity Defines a specialized type of CommandActivity that is used to initiate a more explanatory form of the prompt for the next turn.
HistoryChangedEventArgs Defines a type that is passed to the delegate that has subscribed to an application's HistoryChanged event.
HistoryItem Defines the base class for all items that are added to the dialog history.
InstanceDependencyProperty Defines a field that is shared by all executing instances of an activity.
InvokeWorkflowActivity Synchronously executes a different workflow.
MakeCallActivity Makes an outbound telephone call.
MenuActivity Gets and confirms a single selection from a short list of options.
NavigableListActivity Enables navigation through a list of items that are received from a data source.
NoRecognitionHistoryItem Defines a HistoryItem that indicates that the user's response is not recognized.
PhoneNumberTelephonyAddress Contains a telephone number.
PromptHistoryItem Defines a HistoryItem that indicates that a prompt completed without the user barging in.
QuestionAnswerActivity Defines an activity that plays a single prompt and performs a recognition on the response. A QuestionAnswerActivity repeats itself if the user stays silent or mumbles.
QuestionAnswerPromptSelector Chooses the correct prompt based on history.
RecognitionHistoryItem Defines a HistoryItem that indicates that the user's response is recognized.
RecordAudioActivity Plays a prompt and initiates recording of the user's response.
RecordAudioPromptSelector Chooses the correct prompt based on history.
RecordingHistoryItem Indicates that the user's utterance is recorded.
RecordMessageActivity Enables the user to record a message and then perform some actions on it (such as save, discard, and append).
RecordMessagePromptSelector Chooses the correct prompt based on history.
RepeatCommandActivity Activates the playing of the repeat prompt during the next turn.
SaltInterpreterActivity Executes SALT voice response applications.
SelectionTurnStartingEventArgs Contains information about the current position in a list and whether the user attempted to navigate past either end of the list.
SemanticItem Defines an abstract class for semantic items.
SemanticItem Stores a value and a SemanticItemState and raises the Changed event whenever the value or state changes.
SemanticItemCollection Defines a collection of SemanticItem objects.
SemanticUpdateEventArgs Contains information about a user's utterance: the spoken text, the semantic value produced from the spoken text, and the confidence in that semantic value.
SetTaskStatusActivity Sets the parameters of a specified logging task.
SilenceHistoryItem Indicates that the user stayed silent after being prompted.
SipUriTelephonyAddress Contains a SIP telephony address.
SpeechCompositeActivity Defines the base class for elements that participate in a dialog flow and the containers of these elements.
SpeechEventActivity Represents a system-initiated event in the dialog flow and a handler for the event.
SpeechEventsActivity Defines a collection of SpeechEventActivity objects.
SpeechSequenceActivity Represents a workflow activity that supports commands as well as goto execution semantics.
SpeechSequentialWorkflowActivity Defines a workflow that forms the basis for speech workflow applications.
StatementActivity Defines a SpeechCompositeActivity that plays a single prompt.
StatementPromptSelector Chooses the correct prompt for a StatementActivity.
StopRequestedEventArgs Contains information about a stop request.
SuppressDesignerWarningsAttribute Specifies that all Workflow Designer warnings within an assembly should be suppressed.
TelephonyAddress Contains a telephony address.
TurnStartingEventArgs Defines a container for information about the last HistoryItem recorded and the type of prompt that is played next.
ValidationEventArgs Defines a set of arguments that are passed to the delegate that is subscribed to a Validator's Validating event.
ValidationEventArgs Contains information about a semantic item and its validity.
ValidatorActivity Validates the semantic item with which it is associated.
VoiceXmlInterpreterActivity Executes VoiceXML applications.


Interface Description
IFormFillingElement Defines the interface for all activities that can be added to a FormFillingDialogActivity.


Delegate Description
InvokeDelegateInWorkflowMethod Defines the delegate that is passed from the workflow to the EventSerializer (by means of the application host), so that EventSerializer requests that events be raised in the workflow context.
MethodExternalToWorkflow Defines the delegate that is passed from the EventSerializer to the workflow, so that the delegate can be invoked in the proper workflow context.


Enumeration Description
DetectionResult Describes the state of a call as determined by a DetectAnsweringMachineActivity.
InstanceDependencyPropertyOption Controls how an InstanceDependencyProperty behaves.
MessageResult Describes whether DetectAnsweringMachineActivity attempted to leave a message, and if so, whether the attempt was successful.