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Microsoft.SharePoint.WorkflowServices.Activities namespace

The workflow activity classes associated with the Workflow Manager Client 1.0 infrastructure in Microsoft SharePoint 2013.


  Class Description
Public class ActivityPropertiesAttribute Provides an attribute that can be applied to any ActivityBuilder function in order to add metadata to that activity.
Public class AppOnlySequence Defines a workflow activity that runs as an app-only sequence.
Public class AtomicTaskItemUpdatedHelper This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code.
Public class Builders This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code.
Public class BuildSPListItemWebLink This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code.
Public class BuildSPUri Provides a workflow activity that builds a SharePoint uniform resource identifier (URI).
Public class Calc Defines a workflow activity that is used to perform an arithmetic operation.
Public class CallHTTPWebService Defines a workflow activity to communicate with an HTTP Web service.
Public class CheckInItem Defines a workflow activity that is used to check a document into its document library.
Public class CheckOutItem Defines a workflow activity that is used to check out a specified document from its document library.
Public class Comment Provides comments to a specific workflow instance.
Public class CompositeTask Defines a workflow activity that assigns a composite task.
Public class CompositeTaskConstants Provides the values of the completion criteria for the composite task.
Public class CompositeTaskHelper This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code.
Public class Constants Defines the constants used by workflow activities.
Public class ConvertPropertiesForSPListItem Converts properties for a SharePoint list item.
Public class ConvertTimeZoneFromSPLocalToUtc Provides a workflow activity that converts a specified local SharePoint DateTime to coordinated universal time (UTC).
Public class ConvertTimeZoneFromUtcToSPLocal Provides a workflow activity that converts a specified coordinated universal time (UTC) DateTime to local SharePoint time.
Public class CopyItem Defines a workflow activity that is used to copy the specified item from its document library to the specified destination document library.
Public class CreatedBy Defines a workflow activity that specifies the user that created an item in a document library.
Public class CreatedInRange Provides a workflow activity that is conditional on whether or not an item was created within the specified minimum and maximum timespan.
Public class CreateListItem Defines a workflow activity that is used to create an item in the specified list or document library.
Public class DateInterval Provides information about the interval between two specified dates.
Public class DefaultRetryPolicy Provides a workflow activity to define the default retry policy when calling a Web service.
Public class DelayFor Provides a time interval in which the workflow instance can be delayed.
Public class DelayUntil Defines a workflow activity that is used to pause the workflow until the specified moment in time.
Public class DeleteListItem Defines a workflow activity that is used to delete the specified item from its list or document library.
Public class Email Defines a workflow activity that is used to send an email message to the specified user or users.
Public class EmailDynamicValueConstants Defines the constants used to build dynamic values for a task email.
Public class ExpandGroupToUsers Provides a workflow activity that expands a group to individual users.
Public class ExpandInitFormUsers Provides a workflow activity that…
Public class ExtractSubstringFromEnd Extracts the specified string from the end of a given string.
Public class ExtractSubstringFromIndex Defines a workflow activity that is used to extract a substring from a specified string at a given index.
Public class ExtractSubstringFromIndexLength Extracts a substring from a specified string at the given index and length.
Public class ExtractSubstringFromStart Extracts a substring from the beginning of a given string.
Public class GenerateEmailDynamicValue This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code.
Public class GetCurrentItemGuid Provides a workflow activity that returns the globally unique identifier (GUID) for the current list item in a workflow instance.
Public class GetCurrentItemId
Public class GetCurrentListId Provides a workflow activity that returns the globally unique identifier (GUID) for the current list in a workflow instance.
Public class GetHistoryListId Provides a workflow activity that returns the globally unique identifier (GUID) for the workflow history list of a workflow instance.
Public class GetItemIdInCache
Public class GetTaskListId Provides a workflow activity that returns the globally unique identifier (GUID) of the workflow task list a workflow instance.
Public class HiddenClassSignatureAttribute Provides an attribute that can be used to specify the visibility of the activity's signature to the SharePoint Designer client.
Public class IsNull Defines a workflow activity that checks if a specified object is empty (a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic)).
Public class IsSPListItemPropertyLookupToDocsField
Public class IsValidUser Defines a workflow activity that checks if a specified user is a valid SharePoint user.
Public class JoinChoicesFromSPFieldMultiChoice Provides a workflow activity to use a specified separator to concatenate the property values of a SharePoint multi-choice field item.
Public class JoinIdOrValueFromSPFieldLookupMulti Provides a workflow activity to lookup the value and identifer of a SharePoint LookupMulti list item property, and concatenate them using the specified separator.
Public class JoinSiteUserInfoListPropertyFromSPFieldUserMulti Provides a workflow activity to look up the SharePoint SiteUserInfoList item properties associated with a list of user IDs, and concatenate the properties using the specified separator.
Public class JoinSPPrincipalPropertyFromInitFormParamUserMulti Provides a workflow activity to lookup SharePoint SPPrincipalInfo properties associated the specified user names and concatenate them, using the specified separator.
Public class LookupSPChoiceFieldIndex Provides a workflow activity that lookups the index of a selected SharePoint field.
Public class LookupSPField Provides a workflow activity to look up a SharePoint field.
Public class LookupSPFields Provides a workflow activity that lookups all SharePoint fields contained in a specified list.
Public class LookupSPGroup Provides a workflow activity that lookups a SharePoint group with the specified principal ID.
Public class LookupSPGroupMembers Provides a workflow activity that lookups the members of a SharePoint group with the specified principal ID.
Public class LookupSPList Provides a workflow activity to lookup a SharePoint list with the specified ID.
Public class LookupSPListItem Provides a workflow activity to lookup a SharePoint item contained in the specified list.
Public class LookupSPListItemBooleanProperty Provides a workflow activity to lookup a Boolean property of the specified SharePoint list item.
Public class LookupSPListItemDateTimeProperty Provides a workflow activity that lookups a DateTime property of the specified SharePoint list item.
Public class LookupSPListItemDoubleProperty Provides a workflow activity to lookup a double property contend in the specified SharePoint list item.
Public class LookupSPListItemDynamicValueProperty Provides a workflow activity to look up the dynamic value of a property in the specified SharePoint list item.
Public class LookupSPListItemGuid Provides a workflow activity to lookup a SharePoint list item with the specified globally unique identifier (GUID).
Public class LookupSPListItemId
Public class LookupSPListItemInt32Property Provides a workflow activity to lookup a SharePoint list item property as an Int32.
Public class LookupSPListItemProperty Provides a workflow activity to look up a SharePoint list item property.
Public class LookupSPListItemPropertyNameInREST Provides a workflow activity to lookup the name of a SharePoint list item property that is used in a REST query.
Public class LookupSPListItemSPFieldLookupMultiProperty Provides a workflow activity to lookup a SharePoint list item property as a SharePoint lookup multi type field.
Public class LookupSPListItemSPFieldLookupProperty Provides a workflow activity to lookup a SharePoint list item property as a SharePoint lookup field.
Public class LookupSPListItemStringProperty Provides a workflow activity to look up a SharePoint list item property as a string.
Public class LookupSPListProperty Provides a workflow activity to lookup a SharePoint list property.
Public class LookupSPPrincipal Provides a workflow activity to look up the SharePoint principal user or group with permissions to control security.
Public class LookupSPPrincipalId Provides a workflow activity to lookup the identifier of the SharePoint principal user or group with permissions to control security.
Public class LookupSPPrincipalProperty Provides a workflow activity to lookup a property of a SharePoint principal user or group with permissions to control security.
Public class LookupSPTaskAssignedToDisplayName Provides a workflow activity to lookup up a SharePoint task assigned to the specified display names.
Public class LookupSPTaskListItemAssignedTo Provides a workflow activity to lookup up a SharePoint task to which a list item is assigned.
Public class LookupSPUser Provides a workflow activity to lookup a SharePoint principal user or group with permission to control security.
Public class LookupSPUserProperty Provides a workflow activity to look up a specified property of a SharePoint principal user or group with permissions to control security.
Public class LookupWorkflowContextProperty Provides a workflow activity to lookup a specified workflow context property.
Public class LoopNTimes Defines a workflow activity that executes an activity a specified number of times.
Public class ModifiedBy Defines a workflow activity that specifies the user who modified an item in a document library.
Public class ModifiedInRange Provides a workflow activity that is conditional on whether an item was modified within the specified minimum and maximum timespan.
Public class OdataHttp Gets the requested OData HTTP headers.
Public class RegisterForSharePointEvent Provides a workflow activity that listens for the specified SharePoint event to occur.
Public class ReplaceEmailTokens This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code.
Public class RetryForDurationPolicy
Public class SetField Provides a workflow activity that sets the value of the specified field of the current item.
Public class SetItemIdInCache
Public class SetRelatedItem Provides a workflow activity that sets a related item for a list item.
Public class SetTimeField Provides a workflow activity that sets the time portion of the current item’s date/time field.
Public class SetWorkflowStatus Provides a workflow activity that sets the status of a workflow.
Public class SingleTask Defines a workflow activity that assigns a single task.
Public class SingleTaskConstants Defines constants used by single task activities.
Public class TaskEmailTokens Defines tokens in the email text that are passed in to a task activity (either by a single or composite task) that are replaced with runtime values.
Public class TranslateDocument Defines a workflow activity that translates a document into the specified document type.
Public class UndoCheckOutItem Defines a workflow activity that is used to undo the checkout of a document from its document library.
Public class UpdateListItem Defines a workflow activity that is used to update an item in a list or document library.
Public class WaitForCustomEvent Provides a workflow activity that waits for the specified custom workflow event to occur.
Public class WaitForFieldChange Provides a workflow activity that waits for the specified SharePoint field or field value to change for a given item in the document library.
Public class WaitForItemEvent Provides a workflow activity that waits for a specified item event to occur.
Public class WebUri Provides a workflow activity that gets the current site’s Web URI, including trailing / characters.
Public class WordsInTitle Provides a workflow activity that checks whether specified keywords are contained in an item’s title field.
Public class WorkflowInterop
Public class WriteToHistory Defines a workflow task that writes a message to the history of a workflow instance.