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The ConferenceServices class provides assistance in conference scheduling.

ConferenceServices Constructors

The ConferenceServices class has no public constructors.

ConferenceServices Properties

The following are the public properties on the ConferenceServices class.

// Gets or sets the pool name for building pool-targeted requests.
public string PoolName {get; set;}

ConferenceServices Methods

The following are the public properties on the ConferenceServices class.

// Initiates the scheduling of a conference.
public IAsyncResult BeginScheduleConference(
    ConferenceScheduleInformation information,
    AsyncCallback userCallback,
    object state);

// Waits for the pending asynchronous scheduling operation to complete..
public Conference EndScheduleConference(IAsyncResult result);

// Initiates the creation of a conference.
public IAsyncResult BeginUpdateConference(
    ConferenceScheduleInformation information,
    AsyncCallback userCallback,
    object state);

// Gets the results from a conference creation request.
public Conference EndUpdateConference(IAsyncResult result);

// Deletes the scheduled conference.
public IAsyncResult BeginCancelConference(
    string conferenceId,
    AsyncCallback userCallback,
    object state);

// Gets the results from deleting a conference.
public void EndCancelConference(IAsyncResult result);

// Gets the conference settings for a specific conference.
public IAsyncResult BeginGetConference(
    string conferenceId,
    AsyncCallback userCallback,
    object state);

// Gets the results from the retrieval attempt.
public Conference EndGetConference(
    IAsyncResult result);

// Gets the basic conference settings for the currently scheduled conferences.
public IAsyncResult BeginGetConferenceSummaries(
    AsyncCallback userCallback,
    object state);

// Gets the results from the retrieval attempt.
public Collection<ConferenceSummary> EndGetConferenceSummaries(
    IAsyncResult result);

// Retrieves the available conferencing options to the organizer.
public IAsyncResult BeginGetConferenceCapabilities(
    AsyncCallback userCallback,
    object state);

// Gets the results of the BeginGetConferenceCapabilities operation.
public ConferencingCapabilities EndGetConferenceCapabilities(IAsyncResult result);

// Checks whether the conference passcode is optional.
public IAsyncResult BeginCheckPasscodeIsOptional(
    RealTimeAddress conferenceAddress,
    AsyncCallback userCallback,
    object state);

// Gets the results of checking whether the conference passcode is optional.
public bool EndCheckPasscodeIsOptional(IAsyncResult asyncResult);

// Verifies whether the supplied passcode is valid for the conference.
public IAsyncResult BeginVerifyPasscode(
    RealTimeAddress conferenceAddress,
    string passcode,
    AsyncCallback userCallback,
    object state);

// Gets the result of verifying the passcode.
public bool EndVerifyPasscode(IAsyncResult asyncResult);

// Generates a syntactically valid conference ID.
public static string GenerateConferenceId();

// Generates a conference passcode for use in the conference.
public static string GeneratePasscode();

// Generates a numeric conference passcode of the given length.
public static string GenerateNumericPasscode(int length);

// Generates an anonymous URI.
public static string GenerateAnonymousUri();

// Translates a Phone conference ID to a conference URI.
public IAsyncResult BeginGetConferenceUriByPhoneConferenceID(
    string phoneConferenceID,
    AsyncCallback userCallback,
    object state);

// Gets the results of the BeginGetConferenceUriByPhoneConferenceID operation.
public string EndGetConferenceUriByPhoneConferenceID(IAsyncResult result);

ConferenceServices Events

There are no events on the ConferenceServices class.