Sample restriction code

Applies to: Outlook 2013 | Outlook 2016

The following sample code shows how to create a restriction that filters out all messages that do not contain the word "volleyball" in the subject line and were not sent to Sue from Sam. A tree of SRestriction structures is required, with the top node being an AND restriction implemented with an SAndRestriction structure. The three restrictions that are joined by the AND operation are a subobject restriction that searches for messages sent to Sue, a content restriction that searches for messages from Sam, and another AND restriction that searches for messages that have a subject containing "volleyball." Because PR_SUBJECT (PidTagSubject) is not a required property, an Exist restriction must be included.

This code uses dynamic allocation and initialization; it is possible to allocate and initialize statically as well. In the interest of brevity, the error checking that must occur following the allocation calls is not included in the sample.

HRESULT BuildRestriction (LPSTR pszSent, LPSTR pszFrom,
                                LPSTR pszSubjectText);
    LPSRestriction pRest, pAndRes, pObjRes, pSubjAndRes;
    LPSPropValue pRecip, pSender, pSubject;
    HRESULT hResult;
    ULONG ulResCount = 3, ulSubjCount = 2
    // Allocate and build  restriction to join criteria
    hResult = MAPIAllocateMore (sizeof(SRestriction)*ulResCount, pRest,
            (LPVOID *)&pAndRes);
    pRest->rt = RES_AND;
    pRest->res.resAnd.cRes = ulResCount;
    pRest->res.resAnd.lpRes = pAndRes;
    // Allocate and build subobject restriction to search recipient list
    hResult = MAPIAllocateMore (sizeof(SRestriction), pRest,
            (LPVOID *)&pObjRes);
    pAndRes[0].rt = RES_SUBRESTRICTION;
    pAndRes[0].res.resSub.ulSubObject = PR_MESSAGE_RECIPIENTS;
    pAndRes[0].res.resSub.lpRes = pObjRes;
    // Allocate and build content restriction to look for recipient
    hResult = MAPIAllocateMore (sizeof(SPropValue), pRest,
            (LPVOID *)&pRecip);
    pObjRes->rt = RES_CONTENT;
    pObjRes->res.resContent.ulFuzzyLevel =
    pObjRes->res.resContent.ulPropTag = pRecip->ulPropTag =
    pObjRes->res.resContent.lpProp = pRecip;
    pRecip->Value.LPSZ = pszSent;              // pszSent set to Sue
    // Allocate and build content restriction to look for sender
    hResult = MAPIAllocateMore (sizeof(SPropValue), pRest,
            (LPVOID *)&pSend);
    pAndRes[1].rt = RES_CONTENT;
    pAndRes[1].res.resContent.ulFuzzyLevel =
    pAndRes[1].res.resContent.ulPropTag = pSend->ulPropTag =
    pAndRes[1].res.resContent.lpProp = pSend;
    pSend->Value.LPSZ = pszName;                    // pszName set to Sam
    // Allocate and build  restriction to look for subject
    hResult = MAPIAllocateMore (sizeof(SRestriction)*ulSubjCount, pRest,
            (LPVOID *)&pSubjAndRes);
    pRest->rt = RES_AND;
    pRest->res.resAnd.cRes = ulResCount;
    pRest->res.resAnd.lpRes = pAndRes;
    // Create an  restriction to search for subject
    hResult = MAPIAllocateMore (sizeof(SPropValue), pRest,
            (LPVOID *)&pSubjAndRes);
    pAndRes[2].rt = RES_AND;
    pAndRes[2].res.resAnd.cRes = ulSubjCount;
    pAndRes[2].res.resAnd.lpRes = pSubjAndRes;
    // Exist restriction to check that PR_SUBJECT exists
    hResult = MAPIAllocateMore (sizeof(SPropValue), pRest,
            (LPVOID *)&pSubj);
    pSubjAndRes[0].rt = RES_EXIST;
    pSubjAndRes[0].res.resExist.ulReserved1 = 0;
    pSubjAndRes[0].res.resExist.ulReserved2 = 0;
    pSubjAndRes[0].res.resExist.ulPropTag = PR_SUBJECT;
    // Content restriction to check for "volleyball" in subject
    hResult = MAPIAllocateMore (sizeof(SPropValue), pRest,
            (LPVOID *)&pSubj);
    pSubjAndRes[1].res.resContent.ulFuzzyLevel =
    pSubjAndRes[1].res.resContent.ulPropTag = pSubj->ulPropTag =
    pSubjAndRes[1].res.resContent.lpProp = pSubj;
    pSubj->Value.LPSZ = pszSubjectText;
    return hResult;

See also