HTML Document Properties, Properties Window


The properties of an HTML document can be edited directly from the Properties window.

To open the Properties window

  1. In Visual Web Developer, create or open an existing HTML page.

  2. On the View menu, click Properties Window (alternatively, you can press F4).

    The Properties window typically displays in the bottom right corner of Visual Web Developer, under Solution Explorer, but you can move and resize the window.

  3. In the drop-down box in the Properties window, select DOCUMENT.

    You can now edit the properties of the entire document. The document properties that are displayed depend on the schema against which the document has been configured to validate.

    For example, the document properties that are displayed for HTML5 are different from those for HTML 4.01. For more information, see the table later in this topic. If the DOCUMENT Properties window is viewed when editing an .aspx page, it will display properties that are specific to ASP.NET.


    You can set the schema for the document by using the Target Schema for Validation box in the HTML Source Editing toolbar.


UI Elements

The document properties for HTML 4.01, XHTML 1.0 Frameset, and XHTML 1.0 Transitional documents are listed in the following table.

The document properties that apply to HTML5, XHTML5, and XHTML 1.1 documents are Charset, Class, ID, Style, and Title. These are noted in the table.




Sets the color of hyperlinks when they are chosen. For more information, see Hyperlink Dialog Box.


Provides the path to a background image for the page. For more information, see New Style and Modify Style Dialog Boxes, Background.


Sets a background color for the page. Select the ellipsis to choose from more colors. For more information, see More Colors and Color Dialog Boxes.


Selects the character set for the page. The charset property also applies to HTML5, XHTML5, and XHTML 1.1 documents.


Sets the class attribute of the body element in the document. The class is typically used to associate a particular style rule in a style sheet with the element. The class property also applies to HTML5, XHTML5, and XHTML 1.1 documents.


Sets the id attribute of the body element in the document. The id property also applies to HTML5, XHTML5, and XHTML 1.1 documents.


Sets the default color of hyperlinks before they are clicked. For more information, see Hyperlink Dialog Box.


Sets the style attribute of the body element. Style properties for the document include font, background, text, position, layout, and others. The style property also applies to HTML5, XHTML5, and XHTML 1.1 documents.


Sets the default color for foreground text on the page. Select the ellipsis to choose from more colors. For more information, see More Colors and Color Dialog Boxes.


Provides the text string inserted between the <title></title> tags within the <head> of the Web page. The title property also applies to HTML5, XHTML5, and XHTML 1.1 documents.


Sets the default color of hyperlinks that have been clicked. For more information, see Hyperlink Dialog Box.

See Also

Properties Window