WdfWmiProviderGetTracingHandle function (wdfwmi.h)

[Applies to KMDF only]

The WdfWmiProviderGetTracingHandle method returns a handle to the event logger of a WPP software tracing session.


ULONGLONG WdfWmiProviderGetTracingHandle(
  [in] WDFWMIPROVIDER WmiProvider


[in] WmiProvider

A handle to a WMI provider object that the driver obtained by calling WdfWmiProviderCreate or WdfWmiInstanceGetProvider.

Return value

WdfWmiProviderGetTracingHandle returns a handle to the event tracing logger.

A bug check occurs if the driver supplies an invalid object handle.


If a driver sets the WdfWmiProviderTracing flag in the Flags member of the WMI provider object's WDF_WMI_PROVIDER_CONFIG structure, it can call WdfWmiProviderGetTracingHandle to obtain a tracing handle after a provider instance has been registered. The driver can use the tracing handle as input to the WmiTraceMessage routine.

For more information about the WdfWmiProviderGetTracingHandle method, see Supporting WMI Event Tracing. For more information about WMI, see Supporting WMI in Framework-Based Drivers.


The following code example obtains a handle to a WPP tracing session's event logger.

ULONGLONG tracingHandle;

tracingHandle = WdfWmiProviderGetTracingHandle(wmiProvider);


Requirement Value
Target Platform Universal
Minimum KMDF version 1.0
Header wdfwmi.h (include Wdf.h)
Library Wdf01000.sys (see Framework Library Versioning.)
DDI compliance rules DriverCreate(kmdf), KmdfIrql(kmdf), KmdfIrql2(kmdf), KmdfIrqlExplicit(kmdf)

See also


