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IMFByteStreamTrident::GetByteRanges method

Applies to: desktop apps only

Queries the ranges of data that are either seekable or buffered.


HRESULT GetByteRanges(
  [in]   BYTE_RANGE_TYPE ByteRangeType,
  [out]  DWORD *pcRanges,
  [out]  QWORD **pparrStartOffsets,
  [out]  QWORD **pparrEndOffsets


  • ByteRangeType [in]
    The type of byte range to get, specified as a member of the BYTE_RANGE_TYPE enumeration.

  • pcRanges [out]
    Receives the number of ranges.

  • pparrStartOffsets [out]
    Receives a pointer to an array that contains the start of each range. Each start position is given as a byte offset from the beginning of the byte stream. The size of the array is returned in the pcRanges parameter. The caller must free the array by calling CoTaskMemFree.

  • pparrEndOffsets [out]
    Receives a pointer to an array that contains the end of each range. Each end position is given as a byte offset from the beginning of the byte stream. The size of the array is returned in the pcRanges parameter. The caller must free the array by calling CoTaskMemFree.

Return value

If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


Minimum supported client

Windows 8 Release Preview

Minimum supported server

Windows Server 2012



See also




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Build date: 7/18/2012