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IWMSStreamHeaderList Object (Visual Basic .NET)

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IWMSStreamHeaderList Object (Visual Basic .NET)

The IWMSStreamHeaderList object provides a collection of IWMSStreamHeader objects and methods that describe each stream in a digital media stream.

  • Note   This object is available only on Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition; Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition; and Windows Server 2008.

The IWMSStreamHeaderList object exposes the following methods.

Method Description
AppendHeader Adds a new IWMSStreamHeader object to the list.
CheckPlaylistGenerationId Retrieves the playlist generation ID identifying the playlist entry that a command is associated with.
CloneStreamHeaderList Creates a copy of the IWMSStreamHeaderList object.
GetContainerFormat Retrieves the stream format of the digital media stream.
GetContentDescription Retrieves the content description list associated with the stream header list.
GetDataVersion Retrieves the unique identifier of the digital media stream.
GetExtendedAttribute Retrieves the value of an extended attribute that is defined by a plug-in.
GetHeader Retrieves a specific stream header from the list.
GetHeaderCount Retrieves the count of headers in the list.
GetIntegerAttribute Retrieves the value of an integer attribute.
GetNativeContainerHeader Retrieves the actual header of the digital media stream.
GetNthExtendedAttribute Retrieves the name and value of an extended attribute that is defined by a plug-in.
GetNumExtendedAttributes Retrieves the number of extended attributes.
GetStringAttribute Retrieves the value of a string attribute.
RecordPlaylistGenerationId Specifies the playlist generation ID identifying the playlist entry that a command is associated with.
RemoveAllHeaders Removes all stream headers from the list.
SetContainerFormat Specifies the stream format for the digital media stream.
SetContentDescription Specifies the content description list associated with the stream header list.
SetDataVersion Specifies the unique identifier of the digital media stream.
SetExtendedAttribute Specifies the name and value of an extended attribute that is defined by a plug-in.
SetIntegerAttribute Specifies the value of an integer attribute.
SetNativeContainerHeader Specifies the actual header of the digital media stream.
SetStringAttribute Specifies the value of a string attribute.


See Also

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