ISymUnmanagedBinder2::GetReaderForFile2 Method

Given a metadata interface and a file name, returns the correct ISymUnmanagedReader interface that will read the debugging symbols associated with the module.

This method provides a more extensive search for the program database (PDB) file than the ISymUnmanagedBinder::GetReaderForFile Method method.

HRESULT GetReaderForFile2(
    [in]  IUnknown     *importer,
    [in]  const WCHAR  *fileName,
    [in]  const WCHAR  *searchPath,
    [in]  ULONG32      searchPolicy,
    [out,retval] ISymUnmanagedReader  **pRetVal);


  • importer
    [in] A pointer to the metadata import interface.
  • fileName
    [in] A pointer to the file name.
  • searchPath
    [in] A pointer to the search path.

Return Value

S_OK if the method succeeds; otherwise, E_FAIL or some other error code.


Header: CorSym.idl


This version of the method can search for the PDB file in areas other than right next to the module. The search policy can be controlled by combining CorSymSearchPolicyAttributes Enumeration. For example, AllowReferencePathAccess | AllowSymbolServerAccess looks for the PDB next to the executable file and on a symbol server, but does not query the registry or use the path in the executable file. If the searchPath parameter is provided, those directories will always be searched.

See Also


ISymUnmanagedBinder2 Interface
ISymUnmanagedBinder::GetReaderForFile Method