다음을 통해 공유

basic_path::operator/= 연산자

Appends a series of elements to the stored file name.

basic_path& operator/=(
   const basic_path& Pval
basic_path& operator/=(
   const string_type& Str
basic_path& operator/=(
   const value_type *Ptr

매개 변수

  • Pval
    basic_path 개체

  • Str
    A string of the same type as the stored file name.

  • Ptr
    A pointer to an array of characters. The character type is the value_type of the stored file name.

반환 값

*this after appending the specified string.

요구 사항

헤더: filesystem

Namespace: std::tr2::sys

참고 항목


basic_path 클래스

