
A set is an ordered collection of tuples with the same dimensionality.


The following is an example of a set.

      ([Measures].[Reseller Sales Amount],
         [Date].[Calendar Year].[CY 2003]),
      ([Measures].[Reseller Sales Amount],
         [Date].[Calendar Year].[CY 2004])
FROM [Adventure Works]


Use curly braces {} to designate a set of tuples.

In the previous example, each tuple in the set has the same dimensionality because the first member of each tuple is a member from the Measures dimension and the second member of each tuple is a member from the Calendar Year attribute hierarchy. If the second member of either tuple were from a different attribute hierarchy in the Date dimension (such as Calendar Month), you would receive an error referring to the difference in dimensionality.

You can create a set with an alias, referred to as a named set. Using a named set makes your MDX query easier to understand or to reuse when working with complex MDX expressions. To use a named set, use the word "AS" followed by the desired alias name after the end of the set identifier.

참고 항목


MDX의 주요 개념(MDX)

큐브 공간




멤버, 튜플 및 집합 작업(MDX)

보이는 값 합계 및 보이지 않는 값 합계

MDX 언어 참조(MDX)

관련 자료

MDX(Multidimensional Expressions) 참조