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Windows Media Player 11 SDK IWMPContentPartnerCallback::SendMessageComplete 

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Note This section describes functionality designed for use by online stores. Use of this functionality outside the context of an online store is not supported.

The SendMessageComplete method notifies Windows Media Player that the online store has finished processing a message.


  HRESULT SendMessageComplete(
  BSTR  bstrMsg,
  BSTR  bstrParam,
  BSTR  bstrResult



[in]  BSTR containing the message. See Remarks.


[in]  BSTR containing the message parameters.


[in]  BSTR containing the result.

Return Values

The method returns an HRESULT. Possible values include, but are not limited to, those in the following table.

Return code Description
S_OK The method succeeded.


The SendMessageComplete method is part of a chain of methods that are called to pass messages from the discovery page to the content partner plug-in. The following list describes the chain of calls.

  1. The discovery page calls External.sendMessage, which has two string parameters: Msg and Param. Those two strings are meaningful only to the online store; they are not interpreted by Windows Media Player.
  2. Windows Media Player passes the two strings (Msg and Param) along to the plug-in by calling IWMPContentPartner::SendMessage.
  3. When the online store has finished processing the message, it passes the same two strings back to Windows Media Player by calling IWMPContentPartnerCallback::SendMessageComplete. It also passes a third string to SendMessageComplete that indicates the result of the message-processing attempt.
  4. Windows Media Player passes all three strings back to the discovery page by firing the External.OnSendMessageComplete event.


Version: Windows Media Player 11

Header: contentpartner.h

See Also

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