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January 2014

Volume 29 Number 1

January 2014 Code Downloads

Data Points - Code First Goodies in Entity Framework 6

Julie Lerman rounds out her coverage of Entity Framework 6 with a discussion of new Code First features relating to mappings and migrations.
VB Version

SQL Server - Unit Testing SQL Server OLAP Cubes Using C#

Much time can be wasted testing complex OLAP Cubes only to find they weren't created correctly. Mark Nadelson draws on his real-world experience to show how to unit test Cubes to ensure they were built the right way.
VB version

Test Run - Frequent Item-Sets for Association Rule Learning

Extracting frequently occurring item-sets from a list of transactions is a surprisingly tricky but useful task. This article explains the Apriori algorithm and presents a complete demo program.
VB Version

Windows 8.1 - Create Modern Microfiche with the Chronicling America API

Chronicling America provides a straightforward API that enables access to historical newspapers for apps used in research, education, and family histories.

WPF - Build Fault-Tolerant Composite Applications

Learn how to host Windows Presentation Foundation plug-ins in separate processes to improve robustness and increase flexibility.
VB Version