SLPersistRTSPayloadOverride function (slpublic.h)

Associates information with the specified product for both online and phone activation.


HRESULT SLPersistRTSPayloadOverride(
  [in]           HSLC       hSLC,
  [in]           const SLID *pApplicationId,
  [in, optional] const SLID *pProductSkuId,
  [in]           BYTE       *pbData,
  [in]           DWORD      cbData


[in] hSLC

Type: HSLC

Handle retrieved by previous call to the SLOpen function.

[in] pApplicationId

Type: const SLID*

A pointer to the identifier of the application ID to be used for the fast policy queries.

[in, optional] pProductSkuId

Type: const SLID*

A pointer to the identifier of the ACID to be used for the fast policy queries.

[in] pbData

Type: BYTE*

A pointer to the byte data that will be sent during activation.

This function assumes the data is composed of a 20-bit value stored in the first three bytes:
Byte[0] is the LSB of the HIWORD, Byte[1] is the HSB of the LOWORD, and Byte[2] is the LSB of the LOWORD.
Any value composed of these three bytes that exceeds 20 bits will be rejected with E_INVALIDARG.

[in] cbData


The number of bytes that will be stored. This must be set to 3.

Return value


If this function succeeds, it return S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.

Return code/value Description
One or more arguments are not valid.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 8 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2012 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header slpublic.h
Library Slc.lib
DLL Slc.dll