
StatusInfo のメンバー

Describes the status of an import or export operation.

StatusInfo データ型で公開されるメンバーを以下の表に示します。

パブリック コンストラクター

  名前 説明
  StatusInfo Initializes a new instance of the StatusInfo class.


パブリック プロパティ

  名前 説明
BlobUri Optional. Gets the URI of the DACPAC file being used that is stored in Azure Blob Storage. For import this is the DACPAC that is being imported. For export this is the destination for the resultant DACPAC file.
DatabaseName Optional. Gets the name of the database that is being used. For import this is the name of the newly created database that is being imported into. For export this is the name of the database being exported.
ErrorMessage Optional. Gets the error message of the request if the request failed in some way.
LastModifiedTime Optional. Gets the last time the operation status changed.
QueuedTime Optional. Gets the time at which the import or export request was queued and the process initiated.
RequestId Optional. Gets the request ID of this import or export request. This can be used to continue to track this operation using GetStatus.
RequestType Optional. Gets the type of the operation. This can be either: Import or Export.
ServerName Optional. Gets the name of the SQL Database server holding the database that the import or export operation is utilizing.
Status Optional. Gets the status of the import or export request.


パブリック メソッド

(プロテクト メソッド も参照)

  名前 説明
Equals  (Object から継承)
GetHashCode  (Object から継承)
GetType  (Object から継承)
ToString  (Object から継承)


プロテクト メソッド

  名前 説明
Finalize  (Object から継承)
MemberwiseClone  (Object から継承)




StatusInfo クラス
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Sql.Models 名前空間