Language Reference

Windows CE supports most (but not all) desktop MFC library classes. Those classes that are supported are not always supported in all their methods, or may be supported for one Windows CE platform but not for another. To review a summary of the differences, see Differences from Desktop MFC. To obtain the most detailed and current information on a specific class, use the Reference topics that follow.

A typical reference page (topic) includes the following elements:

  • Syntax
    Appears in a shaded area near the top of the page.
  • Parameters
    Provide details regarding the arguments in the syntax
  • Remarks
    Consist of explanations and notes for using the element.
  • Sample code
    Provides a snippet to demonstrate use of the element.
  • Requirements
    Provides information on the
    • Version of Windows CE required.
      Example: Windows CE versions: 2.11 and later
    • Name of the header file that contains the declaration code. Header files are found in an include directory under each SDK.
      Example: Header file: Afxext.h
  • See also
    Provides links to related topics.

The title bar at the top of each topic includes quick-view buttons for


  See Also