EdbgRegisterClient (Target Device)

This function registers a client for an Ethernet debug service.

BOOL EdbgRegisterClient(
char *ServiceName,
UCHAR Flags,
UCHAR WindowSize,
UCHAR *pBufferPool );


  • pId
    [out] Pointer to an identifier to pass to Edbg* functions.
  • ServiceName
    [in] Char that contains the service name, NULL terminated, with a maximum length equal to MAX_SVCNAME_LEN.
  • Flags
    [in] Unsigned character that contains one of the EDBG_CFGFL_* flags, defined in the header file Ethdbg.h.
  • WindowSize
    [in] Unsigned character that contains the size in bytes of the protocol window (default is 8 bytes).
  • pBufferPool
    [in] Unsigned character that contains the buffer pool to use for EDBG packet buffers. The size of the buffer must be equal in size to WindowSize*2*1500 bytes, unless the flag STOP_AND_WAIT is set, in which case, it only needs to be 2*1500 bytes. For default OS services, pBufferPool may be NULL.

Return Values

TRUE indicates success. FALSE indicates failure.


Each Ethernet debug service has a unique name that identifies it. Certain service names---for example, DBGMSG---are reserved for default OS services. Other names may be used for user-defined applications. Registration does not finish until a peer client has registered for this service. If the peer address is known, the application begins sending configuration messages to the development workstation application (that is, the peer application). Otherwise, a passive connection is made, and the target device application waits for the peer application to connect to the development workstation. For user applications, this means that this function suspends until the peer application is started on the development workstation.

This function is implemented in the Ethdbg.lib library file, which is linked into the kernel on the target device.


Runs on Versions Defined in Include Link to
Windows CE OS 2.10 and later Ethdbg.h   Ethdbg.lib

See Also
