
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Package Namespace


  Class Description
Public class ActiveConfigurationChangedEventArgs
Public class AfterProjectFileOpenedEventArgs Event raised just after a project file opens.
Public class AssemblyReferenceNode A node in the project hierarchy that represents a managed assembly reference. It represents one of the assembly nodes under the References node of a project in Solution Explorer.
Public class AuthoringScope Encapsulates information about the source as obtained from a parsing operation.
Public class AuthoringSink This class is used by the parser to gather information about the source being parsed.
Public class AutomationBrowsableAttribute Represents whether or not properties are visible to automation.
Public class BeforeProjectFileClosedEventArgs Event raised just before a project file opens.
Public class BuildableProjectConfig Manages a project configuration's build operation.
Public class BuildActionConverter Converts BuildAction values to and from enumeration types and strings.
Public class BuildDependency Represents a build project which is a dependency of another project. It implements the IVsBuildDependency interface.
Public class BuildPropertyPage Defines the properties on the build property page and handles loading and saving the properties.
Public class CodeWindowManager Wraps an IVsCodeWindow object for use in a language service.
Public class ColorableItem Provides a default implementation of the VSIP interface IVsColorableItem.
Public class Colorizer This class implements the IVsColorizer interface and is used to support syntax highlighting in an editor.
Public class CompletionSet Represents an IntelliSense completion list that is displayed in the current text view.
Public class Completor Wraps and applies multiple changes to a text view as a single operation.
Public class CompoundAction Manages a group of edit operations that are treated as a single operation.
Public class CompoundActionBase Used to create CompoundAction objects.
Public class CompoundActionFactory Creates CompoundAction objects based on specific source files and views.
Public class CompoundViewAction Manages multiple edit actions that are treated as a single operation, optimized for a text view.
Public class ComReferenceNode A node in the project hierarchy that represents a COM component reference. It represents one of the nodes under a project's References in the Solution Explorer. A COM component may be a type library, a dynamic link library, an ActiveX component, or an executable.
Public class ConfigProvider Implements the functionality of IVsCfgProvider. It is used for managing configuration information for the project.
Public class ConnectionPointContainer Contains the set of event handlers that deal with events of type SinkType.
Public class DebugModeConverter Converts DebugMode values to and from enumeration types and strings.
Public class Declarations Manages a list of declarations to be shown in an IntelliSense drop-down list.
Public class DefaultFieldValue Infrastructure. Associates a default value with a field name as defined in a code snippet template for a language service.
Public class DefaultSortOrderNode A set of constants that specify the default sort order for different types of hierarchy node.
Public class DeleteToken Stores the token to be deleted.
Public class DependentFileNode Defines logic for dependent file nodes.
Public class DependentFileNodeProperties
Public class DesignPropertyDescriptor A specialization of PropertyDescriptor that allows customization of the display name of the property in the property grid.
Public class DocumentManager Abstract class that handles the opening and saving of items.
Public class DocumentProperties Provides support for document-specific properties associated with a language service.
Public class DocumentTask Represents an item for a language service in the Error List Options window.
Public class DropDownMember Represents a single entry in a combo box on a drop-down bar.
Public class EditArray Merges multiple edit operations to create a single operation.
Public class EditorControl Handles the editor window.
Public class EditorFactory This class provides a default editor factory implementation that hosts the Visual Studio core editor.
Public class EditorFactory.EditorInfo Contains data about a specific editor.
Public class EditSpan Describes an edit operation.
Public class EnumDependencies An enumerator for build dependencies. This class implements IVsEnumDependencies.
Public class ExpansionFunction Provides support for expansion functions in code snippets for a language service.
Public class ExpansionProvider Provides support for inserting code snippets into source code.
Public class FileDocumentManager Handles the opening and saving of files in the project hierarchy. It is a file-specific implementation of DocumentManager.
Public class FileNode A node in the project hierarchy that represents a file.
Public class FileNodeProperties A set of custom properties for file nodes.
Public class FilePathUtilities Static utilities for getting and setting file paths.
Public class FolderNode A node in the project hierarchy that represents a folder.
Public class FolderNodeProperties Provides a simple collection to use to store a set of properties for a folder hierarchy item.
Public class HierarchyNode A parent node that has zero or more child nodes, each of which may itself be a hierarchy. This is the base class for hierarchy elements such as FileNode and FolderNode.
Public class ImageHandler
Public class LanguagePreferences Provides support for language service-specific preferences.
Public class LanguageService This is the base class for a language service that supplies language features including syntax highlighting, brace matching, auto-completion, IntelliSense support, and code snippet expansion.
Public class LocalizableProperties Defines the dynamic properties of the project. This class is an implementation of ICustomTypeDescriptor.
Public class MethodData Provides support for the IntelliSense method tip operation.
Public class Methods Represents a collection of method signatures obtained from a parsing operation in a language service.
Public class MsBuildGeneratedItemType Defines the constant strings used with the build item types returned from MSBuild.
Public class MsBuildTarget Defines the constant strings used with the MSBuild target for the project.
Public class NestedProjectBuildDependency Describes a build dependency to a nested project.
Public class NestedProjectNode Represents a project node that is nested under another project node in the hierarchy.
Public class NodeProperties To create your own localizable node properties, inherit from NodeProperties and add public properties decorated with your own localized display name, category and description attributes.
Public class OleServiceProvider Manages the different services needed by the package. It maintains an internal collection of services that can be added, removed, and queried.
Public class OutputGroup Defines a project's build output group. Implements IVsOutputGroup and IVsOutputGroup2.
Public class OutputTypeConverter Converts OutputType values to and from strings.
Public class ParseRequest Provides information to execute a parsing operation in a language service.
Public class PlatformTypeConverter Converts PlatformType values to and from strings.
Public class ProjectConfig Holds project-specific configuration data.
Public class ProjectConfigProperties Represents the configuration-dependent project properties.
Public class ProjectContainerNode An abstract class that represents the solution node (the top node in a hierarchy with nested projects). It handles adding and removing the subprojects.
Public class ProjectDocumentsListener
Public class ProjectElement Represents a project item (usually a file) and allows getting and setting attributes on it.
Public class ProjectFactory Creates projects within the solution.
Public class ProjectFileAttributeValue Defines the item type literals for items added to the project.
Public class ProjectFileConstants Defines the constant strings used with project files.
Public class ProjectNode Manages the persistent state of a Visual Studio project, including references, options, and files. Has a graphical user interface in the form of a hierarchy.
Public class ProjectNodeProperties Defines the properties of the project node. To create localizable node properties for a given project, subclass this class and add public properties decorated with your own localized display name, category and description attributes.
Public class ProjectOptions ProjectOptions are used to pass parameters to the invoked a compiler.
Public class ProjectPackage The base class for project packages. Handles solution listeners.
Public class ProjectPropertyChangedArgs Represents arguments for the OnProjectPropertyChanged event.
Public class ProjectReferenceNode A reference node in the project hierarchy that represents a referenced project.
Public class ProjectReferencesProperties Defines the properties specific to project reference nodes.
Public class ProjectSecurityChecker
Public class PropertiesEditorLauncher Launches the Project Properties Editor.
Public class PropertyPageTypeConverterAttribute A type converter attribute that holds the type with which it was constructed. Obsolete. Use PropertyPageTypeConverterAttribute instead.
Public class ReferenceContainerNode This class is the container for all the reference nodes in the project. It corresponds to the References node of a project in the Solution Explorer.
Public class ReferenceNode Represents the project references (assemblies, COM components, referenced projects) in the project hierarchy. ReferenceContainerNode is responsible for creating all types of reference nodes.
Public class ReferenceNodeProperties Defines the properties specific to reference nodes.
Public class ReplaceBetweenPairToken Represents the token that is to be replaced between a pair of markers.
Public class ReplacePairToken Represents a token that is to be replaced.
Public class SelectionListener
Public class SettingsPage Base class for property pages.
Public class SimpleEditorView The abstract class that represents a generalized simple editor view.
Public class SingleFileGeneratorFactory
Public class SingleFileGeneratorNodeProperties
Public class SolutionListener The abstract class that listens to different modifications to the solution.
Public class SolutionListenerForProjectOpen Monitors open project events.
Public class SolutionListenerForProjectReferenceUpdate Monitors the project for modifications to project references.
Public class Source Represents a source file in the language service and controls parsing operations on that source.
Public class TextSpanHelper A utility class that provides useful methods for manipulating and comparing instances of the TextSpan class as well as validating positions.
Public class TextTipData Provides a default implementation of IVsTextTipData for use in the IVsTextTipWindow for displaying tool tips.
Public class TokenInfo Provides information about a particular token encountered by a language service's language parser.
Public class TokenProcessor Manages tokens and handles token processing.
Public class TypeAndMemberDropdownBars Provides support for the combo boxes showing type and member information as offered by a language service.
Public class UIHierarchyUtilities
Public class UpdateSolutionEventsListener
Public class UserProjectSecurityChecker
Public class Utilities A collection of static utility and helper methods.
Public class ViewFilter This class handles various editing and IntelliSense commands for a language service.
Public class VsMenus Makes menu commands and command sets available to managed package code.


  Structure Description
Public structure CommentInfo Provides the characters that define comments for a language service.
Public structure Variant Represents an object that can be interpreted as more than one type.


  Interface Description
Public interface IBuildDependencyOnProjectContainer Defines how to handle a build dependency on a project container.
Public interface IBuildDependencyUpdate Stores and manipulates build dependencies.
Public interface IProjectConfigProperties Defines the configuration-dependent project properties.
Public interface IProjectEvents Specifies events associated with projects.
Public interface IProjectEventsListener Specifies whether an object receives project events.
Public interface IProjectEventsProvider Specifies events for a project events provider.
Public interface IReferenceContainer Defines a container for project references.
Public interface IReferenceContainerProvider Defines the handling of the project reference container.
Public interface IScanner Used as the interface for a language parser in a language service.
Public interface ISingleFileGenerator Runs a generator on the current project item.


  Delegate Description
Public delegate OleServiceProvider.ServiceCreatorCallback Specifies a service creator callback delegate.
Public delegate ParseResultHandler Used to define a delegate for a parsing operation completion handler in a language service.
Protected delegate ReferenceNode.CannotAddReferenceErrorMessage Handles the error message when the reference cannot be added.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration BuildAction An enumeration that describes the type of action to be taken by the build.
Public enumeration CommandOrigin Defines the component from which a command was issued.
Public enumeration DebugMode Debug values used by DebugModeConverter.
Public enumeration GlobalProperty
Public enumeration HierarchyAddType Enumeration for the type of item to be added to the hierarchy.
Public enumeration IndentingStyle Represents the different indenting styles supported by language services.
Public enumeration ModuleKindFlags Defines the type of the module.
Public enumeration MSBuildResult Defines the current status of the build process.
Public enumeration OutputType Defines the type of output the build should make.
Public enumeration ParseReason Provides reasons for a parsing operation in a language service.
Public enumeration PlatformType Defines the version of the CLR that is appropriate to the project.
Public enumeration ProjectFileSecurityCheck
Public enumeration ProjectLoadOption
Public enumeration ProjectNode.ImageName Defines images for the different types that live under the project.
Public enumeration ProjectTrustLevel
Public enumeration PropPageStatus Defines the current status of the property page.
Public enumeration QueryStatusResult Defines the possible results returned for various status calls such as QueryStatusOnNode.
Public enumeration Severity Specifies the severity of a parser error in a language service.
Public enumeration TokenColor Provides initial values for color indices as reported by an IScanner scanner.
Public enumeration TokenReplaceType Defines the kind of token to be replaced.
Public enumeration TokenTriggers Specifies a set of triggers that can be fired from an IScanner language parser.
Public enumeration TokenType Specifies the different types of tokens that can be identified and returned from a language service scanner.
Public enumeration UIHierarchyElement Defines the UI type of the element.
Public enumeration Variant.VariantType Specifies the type of a variant object as used by a managed package framework (MPF) language service class.
Public enumeration WindowFrameShowAction Defines the type of action to be taken in showing the window frame.
Public enumeration WrapperToolAttributeValue Specifies whether a COM interop assembly is a primary assembly or a local one.