.echotimestamps (Show Time Stamps)

The .echotimestamps command turns on or turns off the display of time stamp information.

.echotimestamps 0 
.echotimestamps 1 


Turns off the display of time stamp information. This is the default behavior of the Debugger.

Turns on the display of time stamp information.


Item Description
Modes User mode, kernel mode
Targets Live, crash dump
Platforms All

Additional Information

For more information about DbgPrint, KdPrint, DbgPrintEx, and KdPrintEx, see "The DbgPrint Buffer" in Reading and Filtering Debugging Messages.


When you use the .echotimestamps command without parameters, the display of time stamps is turned on or off, and the new state is displayed.

If you turn on this display, the debugger shows time stamps for module loads, thread creations, exceptions, and other events.

The DbgPrint, KdPrint, DbgPrintEx, and KdPrintEx kernel-mode routines send a formatted string to a buffer on the host computer. The string is displayed in the Debugger Command window (unless you have disabled such printing). You can also display the formatted string by using the !dbgprint extension command.

When you use .echotimestamps to turn on the display of time stamps, the time and date of each comment in the DbgPrint buffer is displayed.