IWDTFTarget2::GetValue method (wdtf.h)

Returns a value from the target that is associated with a specified attribute.


  [in]          BSTR    SDEL,
  [out, retval] VARIANT *pValue


[in] SDEL

An SDEL statement that specifies the attribute value to retrieve.

[out, retval] pValue

The address of a variable that receives the result of this method. The result can be any automation-compatible VARIANT.

Return value

If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


You specify the field that the GetValue method retrieves by using a regular SDEL statement. Typically, an SDEL statement can contain comparison operators and value specifiers to perform matches. However, you do not need these items for GetValue to work properly.

For every field that is specified in the SDEL statement (including iterating over a set of relations), this method collects a set of (non-VT_EMPTY) VARIANT values. If only one value is found, that VARIANT is returned. If more than one value is found, the values are packaged into a VARIANT that contains a SAFEARRAY. If no values are found, the method returns a VARIANT that contains VT_EMPTY.

Additionally, the AND operator will permit collection of the values on both sides of itself, but OR will allow collection of only the first value found (starting with the left).

For more information about using GetValue, see Simple Data Evaluation Language Overview.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP Professional
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008
Target Platform Desktop
Header wdtf.h

See also
