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CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder.Register Metodo


Rende l'oggetto CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder corrente persistente come impostazioni cultura personalizzate nel computer locale e rende tali impostazioni cultura disponibili alle applicazioni. Richiede privilegi di amministratore.

 void Register();
public void Register ();
member this.Register : unit -> unit
Public Sub Register ()


Le impostazioni cultura personalizzate sono già registrata.


Una proprietà dell'oggetto CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder corrente deve essere impostata affinché le impostazioni cultura possano essere registrate. Per tutte le impostazioni cultura, non associate ad alcun paese o specifiche, è necessario impostare le proprietà TextInfo e CompareInfo. Per le impostazioni cultura specifiche è necessario impostare anche le proprietà NumberFormat, GregorianDateTimeFormat e AvailableCalendars.

Questo metodo genera inoltre InvalidOperationException se le proprietà seguenti non sono definite:


Il valore di una proprietà dell'oggetto CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder supera la lunghezza massima consentita o non è valido.

L'utente non dispone dei privilegi di amministratore.


Nell'esempio seguente viene illustrato il Register metodo.

// This example demonstrates the System.Globalization.Culture-
// AndRegionInfoBuilder Register method.
// Compile this code example with a reference to sysglobl.dll.

using System;
using System.Globalization;

class Sample
    public static void Main()
    CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder cib = null;
// Create a CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder object named "x-en-US-sample".
    Console.WriteLine("Create and explore the CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder...\n");
    cib = new CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder(
                         "x-en-US-sample", CultureAndRegionModifiers.None);

// Populate the new CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder object with culture information.
    CultureInfo ci = new CultureInfo("en-US");

// Populate the new CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder object with region information.
    RegionInfo  ri = new RegionInfo("US");

// Display some of the properties of the CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder object.
    Console.WriteLine("CultureName:. . . . . . . . . . {0}", cib.CultureName);
    Console.WriteLine("CultureEnglishName: . . . . . . {0}", cib.CultureEnglishName);
    Console.WriteLine("CultureNativeName:. . . . . . . {0}", cib.CultureNativeName);
    Console.WriteLine("GeoId:. . . . . . . . . . . . . {0}", cib.GeoId);
    Console.WriteLine("IsMetric: . . . . . . . . . . . {0}", cib.IsMetric);
    Console.WriteLine("ISOCurrencySymbol:. . . . . . . {0}", cib.ISOCurrencySymbol);
    Console.WriteLine("RegionEnglishName:. . . . . . . {0}", cib.RegionEnglishName);
    Console.WriteLine("RegionName: . . . . . . . . . . {0}", cib.RegionName);
    Console.WriteLine("RegionNativeName: . . . . . . . {0}", cib.RegionNativeName);
    Console.WriteLine("ThreeLetterISOLanguageName: . . {0}", cib.ThreeLetterISOLanguageName);
    Console.WriteLine("ThreeLetterISORegionName: . . . {0}", cib.ThreeLetterISORegionName);
    Console.WriteLine("ThreeLetterWindowsLanguageName: {0}", cib.ThreeLetterWindowsLanguageName);
    Console.WriteLine("ThreeLetterWindowsRegionName: . {0}", cib.ThreeLetterWindowsRegionName);
    Console.WriteLine("TwoLetterISOLanguageName: . . . {0}", cib.TwoLetterISOLanguageName);
    Console.WriteLine("TwoLetterISORegionName: . . . . {0}", cib.TwoLetterISORegionName);

// Register the custom culture.
    Console.WriteLine("Register the custom culture...");

// Display some of the properties of the custom culture.
    Console.WriteLine("Create and explore the custom culture...\n");
    ci = new CultureInfo("x-en-US-sample");

    Console.WriteLine("Name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . {0}", ci.Name);
    Console.WriteLine("EnglishName:. . . . . . . . . . {0}", ci.EnglishName);
    Console.WriteLine("NativeName: . . . . . . . . . . {0}", ci.NativeName);
    Console.WriteLine("TwoLetterISOLanguageName: . . . {0}", ci.TwoLetterISOLanguageName);
    Console.WriteLine("ThreeLetterISOLanguageName: . . {0}", ci.ThreeLetterISOLanguageName);
    Console.WriteLine("ThreeLetterWindowsLanguageName: {0}", ci.ThreeLetterWindowsLanguageName);

    Console.WriteLine("\nNote:\n" +
        "Use the example in the Unregister method topic to remove the custom culture.");
    catch (Exception e)
This code example produces the following results:

Create and explore the CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder...

CultureName:. . . . . . . . . . x-en-US-sample
CultureEnglishName: . . . . . . English (United States)
CultureNativeName:. . . . . . . English (United States)
GeoId:. . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
IsMetric: . . . . . . . . . . . False
ISOCurrencySymbol:. . . . . . . USD
RegionEnglishName:. . . . . . . United States
RegionName: . . . . . . . . . . x-en-US-sample
RegionNativeName: . . . . . . . United States
ThreeLetterISOLanguageName: . . eng
ThreeLetterISORegionName: . . . USA
ThreeLetterWindowsLanguageName: ENU
ThreeLetterWindowsRegionName: . USA
TwoLetterISOLanguageName: . . . en
TwoLetterISORegionName: . . . . US

Register the custom culture...
Create and explore the custom culture...

Name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . x-en-US-sample
EnglishName:. . . . . . . . . . English (United States)
NativeName: . . . . . . . . . . English (United States)
TwoLetterISOLanguageName: . . . en
ThreeLetterISOLanguageName: . . eng
ThreeLetterWindowsLanguageName: ENU

Use the example in the Unregister method topic to remove the custom culture.

' This example demonstrates the System.Globalization.Culture-
' AndRegionInfoBuilder Register method.
' Compile this code example with a reference to sysglobl.dll.

Imports System.Globalization

Class Sample
    Public Shared Sub Main() 
        Dim cib As CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder = Nothing
            ' Create a CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder object named "x-en-US-sample".
            Console.WriteLine("Create and explore the CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder..." & vbCrLf)
            cib = New CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder("x-en-US-sample", CultureAndRegionModifiers.None)
            ' Populate the new CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder object with culture information.
            Dim ci As New CultureInfo("en-US")
            ' Populate the new CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder object with region information.
            Dim ri As New RegionInfo("US")
            ' Display some of the properties of the CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder object.
            Console.WriteLine("CultureName:. . . . . . . . . . {0}", cib.CultureName)
            Console.WriteLine("CultureEnglishName: . . . . . . {0}", cib.CultureEnglishName)
            Console.WriteLine("CultureNativeName:. . . . . . . {0}", cib.CultureNativeName)
            Console.WriteLine("GeoId:. . . . . . . . . . . . . {0}", cib.GeoId)
            Console.WriteLine("IsMetric: . . . . . . . . . . . {0}", cib.IsMetric)
            Console.WriteLine("ISOCurrencySymbol:. . . . . . . {0}", cib.ISOCurrencySymbol)
            Console.WriteLine("RegionEnglishName:. . . . . . . {0}", cib.RegionEnglishName)
            Console.WriteLine("RegionName: . . . . . . . . . . {0}", cib.RegionName)
            Console.WriteLine("RegionNativeName: . . . . . . . {0}", cib.RegionNativeName)
            Console.WriteLine("ThreeLetterISOLanguageName: . . {0}", cib.ThreeLetterISOLanguageName)
            Console.WriteLine("ThreeLetterISORegionName: . . . {0}", cib.ThreeLetterISORegionName)
            Console.WriteLine("ThreeLetterWindowsLanguageName: {0}", cib.ThreeLetterWindowsLanguageName)
            Console.WriteLine("ThreeLetterWindowsRegionName: . {0}", cib.ThreeLetterWindowsRegionName)
            Console.WriteLine("TwoLetterISOLanguageName: . . . {0}", cib.TwoLetterISOLanguageName)
            Console.WriteLine("TwoLetterISORegionName: . . . . {0}", cib.TwoLetterISORegionName)
            ' Register the custom culture.
            Console.WriteLine("Register the custom culture...")
            ' Display some of the properties of the custom culture.
            Console.WriteLine("Create and explore the custom culture..." & vbCrLf)
            ci = New CultureInfo("x-en-US-sample")
            Console.WriteLine("Name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . {0}", ci.Name)
            Console.WriteLine("EnglishName:. . . . . . . . . . {0}", ci.EnglishName)
            Console.WriteLine("NativeName: . . . . . . . . . . {0}", ci.NativeName)
            Console.WriteLine("TwoLetterISOLanguageName: . . . {0}", ci.TwoLetterISOLanguageName)
            Console.WriteLine("ThreeLetterISOLanguageName: . . {0}", ci.ThreeLetterISOLanguageName)
            Console.WriteLine("ThreeLetterWindowsLanguageName: {0}", ci.ThreeLetterWindowsLanguageName)
            Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Note:" & vbCrLf & "Use the example in the " & _
                              "Unregister method topic to remove the custom culture.")
        Catch e As Exception
        End Try
    End Sub
End Class

'This code example produces the following results:
'Create and explore the CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder...
'CultureName:. . . . . . . . . . x-en-US-sample
'CultureEnglishName: . . . . . . English (United States)
'CultureNativeName:. . . . . . . English (United States)
'GeoId:. . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
'IsMetric: . . . . . . . . . . . False
'ISOCurrencySymbol:. . . . . . . USD
'RegionEnglishName:. . . . . . . United States
'RegionName: . . . . . . . . . . x-en-US-sample
'RegionNativeName: . . . . . . . United States
'ThreeLetterISOLanguageName: . . eng
'ThreeLetterISORegionName: . . . USA
'ThreeLetterWindowsLanguageName: ENU
'ThreeLetterWindowsRegionName: . USA
'TwoLetterISOLanguageName: . . . en
'TwoLetterISORegionName: . . . . US
'Register the custom culture...
'Create and explore the custom culture...
'Name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . x-en-US-sample
'EnglishName:. . . . . . . . . . English (United States)
'NativeName: . . . . . . . . . . English (United States)
'TwoLetterISOLanguageName: . . . en
'ThreeLetterISOLanguageName: . . eng
'ThreeLetterWindowsLanguageName: ENU
'Use the example in the Unregister method topic to remove the custom culture.


Il Register metodo archivia le impostazioni cultura personalizzate come file nel computer locale, nella sottodirectory Globalization della directory restituita dalla funzione GetWindowsDirectory Win32. Questo processo viene chiamato registrazione delle impostazioni cultura personalizzate. Dopo la registrazione delle impostazioni cultura personalizzate, è possibile creare una nuova cultura personalizzata specificando il nome delle impostazioni cultura in un CultureInfo costruttore o quando si chiama il CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture metodo.

Le impostazioni cultura personalizzate possono essere rimosse chiamando il Unregister metodo .

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