DataCacheSessionStoreProvider.GetItemExclusive Method (HttpContext, String, Boolean, TimeSpan, Object, SessionStateActions)


Returns and locks the read-only session-state data from the cache.

Namespace:   Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching
Assembly:  Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.Client (in Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.Client.dll)


public override SessionStateStoreData GetItemExclusive(
    HttpContext context,
    string id,
    out bool locked,
    out TimeSpan lockAge,
    out object lockId,
    out SessionStateActions actions
virtual SessionStateStoreData^ GetItemExclusive(
    HttpContext^ context,
    String^ id,
    [OutAttribute] bool% locked,
    [OutAttribute] TimeSpan% lockAge,
    [OutAttribute] Object^% lockId,
    [OutAttribute] SessionStateActions% actions
) override
override GetItemExclusive : 
        context:HttpContext *
        id:string *
        locked:bool byref *
        lockAge:TimeSpan byref *
        lockId:Object byref *
        actions:SessionStateActions byref -> SessionStateStoreData
Public Overrides Function GetItemExclusive (
    context As HttpContext,
    id As String,
    <OutAttribute> ByRef locked As Boolean,
    <OutAttribute> ByRef lockAge As TimeSpan,
    <OutAttribute> ByRef lockId As Object,
    <OutAttribute> ByRef actions As SessionStateActions
) As SessionStateStoreData


  • id
    Type: System.String

    The session identifier for the current request.

  • locked
    Type: System.Boolean

    When this method returns, contains a Boolean value that is set to true if a lock in the cache is successfully obtained; otherwise, false.

  • lockAge
    Type: System.TimeSpan

    When this method returns, contains a TimeSpan object that is set to the period of time that an item in the cache has been locked.

  • lockId
    Type: System.Object

    When this method returns, contains an object that is set to the lock identifier for the current request.

  • actions
    Type: System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateActions

    When this method returns, contains one of the SessionStateActions values. This indicates whether the current session is an uninitialized, cookieless session.

Return Value

Type: System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateStoreData

A SessionStateStoreData object populated with session values and information from the cache.


For more information, see the documentation for the base class SessionStateStoreProviderBase.

See Also

DataCacheSessionStoreProvider Class
Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching Namespace

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