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Metodo UndoContext.SetAborted

Rimuove tutte le modifiche ai documenti aperti partecipanti da aprire UndoContext oggetto.

Spazio dei nomi:  EnvDTE
Assembly:  EnvDTE (in EnvDTE.dll)


Sub SetAborted
void SetAborted()
void SetAborted()
abstract SetAborted : unit -> unit 
function SetAborted()


SetAborted imposta IsAborted proprietà di apertura UndoContext oggetto true.In questo caso, le modifiche hanno reso a documenti partecipanti da aprire UndoContext oggetto fino a UndoContext l'oggetto viene chiuso viene rimosso.


Sub SetAbortedExample()
   ' Before running, select text in an open document.
   Dim txtSel As TextSelection
   Dim strTS As String, strAnswer As String, bIsOpen As Boolean
   txtSel = DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection
   strTS = txtSel.Text

   ' Check to see if UndoContext object is already open.
   If DTE.UndoContext.IsOpen = True Then
      bIsOpen = True
      ' Open the UndoContext object to track changes.
      DTE.UndoContext.Open("RemoveNewLines", False)
   End If
   MsgBox("Current IsAborted value: " & DTE.UndoContext.IsAborted)

   ' Perform search for newline characters and remove them.
   If strTS <> "" Then
      strTS = Replace(strTS, vbNewLine, "", Compare:=vbTextCompare)
   End If

   ' Check to see if you want to discard changes.
   strAnswer = MsgBox("Do you want to discard all changes made?", vbYesNo & vbQuestion)
   If strAnswer = True Then
      MsgBox("Current IsAborted value: " & DTE.UndoContext.IsAborted)
   End If

   ' If UndoContext was already open, don't close it.
   If bIsOpen = True Then
      ' Close the UndoContext object to commit the changes.
   End If
End Sub

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UndoContext Interfaccia

Spazio dei nomi EnvDTE