November 2019

Volume 34 Number 11

Preparing for the Exponential Technology Revolution

[Exponential Technologies]

Preparing for the Exponential Technology Revolution

Mark Michaelis

The rapid uptake of smart phones presaged a revolution of exponential technologies that will fundamentally reshape our lives. As Mark Michaelis points out, developers are uniquely positioned to impact the coming transformation.

Backing Field and Owned Entity Changes in EF Core 3.0Column

[Data Points]

Backing Field and Owned Entity Changes in EF Core 3.0

Julie Lerman

In her final column in the print edition of MSDN Magazine, Julie Lerman focuses on changes in Entity Framework Core 3.0 that improve the experience working with encapsulating logic with backing fields and the mapping of value objects.

Iterating with Async Enumerables in C# 8


Iterating with Async Enumerables in C# 8

Stephen Toub

C# 8 and .NET Core 3.0 introduce async enumerables. This article explores the underpinnings of the language and runtime support for producing and consuming these helpful new constructs.

Python: FunctionsColumn

[The Working Programmer]

Python: Functions

Ted Neward

In the third (and last) part of his introductory series on Python, Ted Neward examines Python functions, and how to bundle code into named blocks that can be invoked repeatedly. He also takes a moment to bid farewell to readers.

Programming Smart Contracts in C#


Programming Smart Contracts in C#

John deVadoss

Smart contracts provide so many benefits in a blockchain environment, including improved standardization, security, latency, and transaction certainty. Learn how to develop, debug and deploy your first smart contract.

Exploring Face Detection and RecognitionColumn

[Artificially Intelligent]

Exploring Face Detection and Recognition

Frank La Vigne

Tools like the Microsoft Cognitive Services Face API have made face recognition broadly available. Frank La Vigne explores the fundamental science behind face recognition, and how it has created significant new opportunities and challenges.

3 Things: A Few Last Words on SoftwareColumn

[Cutting Edge]

3 Things: A Few Last Words on Software

Dino Esposito

Empathy is the ability to make sense of other people’s emotions. In software, empathy is the ability to look at the naked substance of a technology and applications. In this his final column, Dino Esposito ponders the naked substance of AI, Blockchain and over-engineering.

Mixture Model Clustering Using C#Column

[Test Run]

Mixture Model Clustering Using C#

James McCaffrey

If your data appears evenly distributed, then using the k-means algorithm (or one of its many variations) usually works well. But if the data appears skewed, a mixture model clustering approach such as the one James McCaffrey presents in this article often gives better results.

Exploring the Azure Functions Durable Entities PreviewWeb Column

[Data Points]

Exploring the Azure Functions Durable Entities Preview

Julie Lerman

Julie Lerman discusses Azure Durable Functions and its new Durable Entities feature in a bonus Data Points column for the Web. She walks through running and debugging a durable entity, with the hope that she can help developers avoid the pitfalls she encountered.

So Long and Thanks for All the FishColumn

[Don't Get Me Started]

So Long and Thanks for All the Fish

David S. Platt

For 10 years, back page columnist David Platt has been MSDN Magazine's ranter-in-residence. Today, he leaves the publication as he found it--in full throat.

Hail and FarewellColumn

[Editor's Note]

Hail and Farewell

Michael Desmond

Michael Desmond closes out the 33-year run of MSDN Magazine, by recognizing the amazing people who fueled its success.
