.dvalloc (Allocate Memory)

The .dvalloc command causes Windows to allocate additional memory to the target process.

.dvalloc [Options] Size 


Options Can be any number of the following options:

/b **** BaseAddress
Specifies the virtual address of the beginning of the allocation.

Reserves the memory in the virtual address space but does not actually allocate any physical memory. If this option is used, the debugger calls VirtualAllocEx with the flAllocationType parameter equal to MEM_RESERVE. If this option is not used, the value MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE is used. See the Microsoft Windows SDK for details.

Specifies the amount of memory to be allocated, in bytes. The amount of memory available to the program will equal Size. The amount of memory actually used may be slightly larger, since it is always a whole number of pages.


Item Description
Modes user mode only
Targets live debugging only
Platforms all


The .dvalloc command calls VirtualAllocEx to allocate new memory for the target process. The allocated memory permits reading, writing, and execution.

To free this memory, use .dvfree (Free Memory).