WZCRefreshInterface function

[WZCRefreshInterface is not supported as of Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008. Instead, use the Native Wifi API, which provides similar functionality. For more information, see About the Native Wifi API.]

The WZCRefreshInterface function refreshes interface information for a specific wireless LAN interface.


DWORD WZCRefreshInterface(
  _In_  LPWSTR      pSrvAddr,
  _In_  DWORD       dwInFlags,
  _In_  PINTF_ENTRY pIntf,
  _Out_ LPDWORD     pdwOutFlags


pSrvAddr [in]

A pointer to a string containing the name of the computer on which to execute this function. If this parameter is NULL, then the Wireless Zero Configuration service is called on the local computer.

If the pSrvAddr parameter specified is a remote computer, then the remote computer must support remote RPC calls.

dwInFlags [in]

A set of fields to be refreshed along with specific refresh actions to be taken. This is a bitmask that can contain any combination of the following flags.

Value Meaning
Refresh the interface description for a wireless LAN interface.
The refreshed interface description can be retrieved by calling the WZCQueryInterface function with the INTF_DESCR bit set in the dwInFlags parameter. The interface description is returned in the wszDescr member of the INTF_ENTRY structure pointed to by the pIntf parameter that is returned by the WZCQueryInterface function.
Refresh the NDIS media information for a wireless LAN interface.
The refreshed NDIS media information can be retrieved by calling the WZCQueryInterface function with the INTF_NDISMEDIA bit set in the dwInFlags parameter. The NDIS media information is returned in the ulMediaState, ulMediaType, and ulPhysicalMediaType members of the INTF_ENTRY structure pointed to by the pIntf parameter that is returned by the WZCQueryInterface function.
Refresh all of the NDIS OIDs for a wireless LAN interface. This option refreshes most of the data for a wireless LAN interface.
The refreshed information can be retrieved by calling the WZCQueryInterface function.


pIntf [in]

A pointer to an INTF_ENTRY structure that contains the key of the interface to be refreshed.

pdwOutFlags [out]

A set of fields that were successfully refreshed.

Return value

If the function succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS.

If the function fails, the return value may be one of the following return codes.

Return code Description
The storage control blocks were destroyed. This error is returned if the Wireless Zero Configuration service has not initialized internal objects.
The system cannot find the file specified. This error is returned if the GUID in the wszGuid member of the INTF_ENTRY structure pointed to by the pIntf parameter did not match any of the wireless LAN interfaces on the local computer.
A parameter is incorrect. This error is returned if the pIntf parameter is NULL. This error is returned if the wszGuid member of the INTF_ENTRY structure pointed to by the pIntf parameter is NULL.
Various error codes.



The wszGuid member of the INTF_ENTRY structure pointed to by the pIntf parameter must contain an interface GUID for a wireless LAN interface. A list of wireless LAN interfaces can be retrieved by calling the WZCEnumInterfaces function.


The Wzcsapi.h header file and Wzcsapi.lib import library file are not available in the Windows SDK.



Requirement Value
Minimum supported client
Windows XP with SP2 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
End of client support
Windows XP with SP3
End of server support
Windows Server 2003

See also


