WSManReconnectShell function (wsman.h)

Reconnects a previously disconnected shell session. To reconnect the shell session's associated commands, use WSManReconnectShellCommand.


void WSManReconnectShell(
  [in, out] WSMAN_SHELL_HANDLE shell,
            DWORD              flags,
  [in]      WSMAN_SHELL_ASYNC  *async


[in, out] shell

Specifies the handle returned by a call to the WSManCreateShell function. This parameter cannot be NULL.


This parameter is reserved for future use and must be set to zero.

[in] async

Defines an asynchronous structure to contain an optional user context and a mandatory callback function. For more information, see WSMAN_SHELL_ASYNC. This parameter cannot be NULL.

Return value



Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 8
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2012
Target Platform Windows
Header wsman.h
Library WsmSvc.lib
DLL WsmSvc.dll