WdsCliObtainDriverPackagesEx function (wdsclientapi.h)

This function obtains the driver packages (INF files) that are applicable to the specified WDS driver query XML. The WdsCliFreeStringArray function can be used to free the array of string values allocated by this function. The WdsCliGetDriverQueryXml function can be used to generate the required driver query XML string.


HRESULT WDSCLIAPI WdsCliObtainDriverPackagesEx(
  [in]  HANDLE hSession,
  [out] PWSTR  pwszMachineInfo,
  [out] PWSTR  *ppwszServerName,
  [out] PWSTR  **pppwszDriverPackages,
  [out] ULONG  *pulCount


[in] hSession

A handle to a session with the WDS server. This handle is returned by the WdsCliCreateSession function.

[out] pwszMachineInfo

A pointer to a string containing WDS driver query XML which can be generated by calling the WdsCliGetDriverQueryXml function.

[out] ppwszServerName

A pointer to a pointer to a string value that receives the IP address of the server hosting the driver packages.

[out] pppwszDriverPackages

An array of string values that are the full paths for the driver packages (INF files.) The Internet Protocol (IP) address, rather than a computer name, is returned as part of the path. For example, a string value \\REMINST\Stores\Drivers\driver.inf in the array gives the full path to driver.inf.

[out] pulCount

The number of driver packages returned by pppwszDriverPackages.

Return value

If the function succeeds, the return is S_OK.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 8 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2012 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header wdsclientapi.h
Library WdsClientAPI.lib
DLL WdsClientAPI.dll