Windows.UI.Core classes

In this section

Class Description

AcceleratorKeyEventArgs class

Provides the arguments returned by an accelerator key event callback.

AutomationProviderRequestedEventArgs class

Provides the arguments returned by an automation provider request event callback.

CharacterReceivedEventArgs class

Provides the arguments returned by the event raised when a character is received by the input queue.

CoreAcceleratorKeys class

Provides the basic behavior for an accelerator key.

CoreCursor class

Defines a cursor (visual pointer) object.

CoreDispatcher class

Provides the Windows Runtime core event message dispatcher. Instances of this type are responsible for processing the window messages and dispatching the events to the client.

CoreWindow class

Defines a window object and its input events, and basic user interface behaviors.

CoreWindowDialog class

Defines a child dialog of an app window.

CoreWindowEventArgs class

Contains the set of arguments returned to an app after a window input or behavior event.

CoreWindowFlyout class

Defines a child flyout of an app window.

CoreWindowPopupShowingEventArgs class

Defines a method for setting the desired size of a popup window.

CoreWindowResizeManager class

Defines a type used to manage CoreWindow.SizeChanged events.

IdleDispatchedHandlerArgs class

Defines the arguments returned by a IdleDispatchedHandler callback.

InputEnabledEventArgs class

Contains the window input state returned by the CoreWindow.InputEnabled event.

KeyEventArgs class

Contains the arguments returned by a virtual key event.

PointerEventArgs class

Contains the arguments returned by the last pointer event.

TouchHitTestingEventArgs class

Contains the arguments returned by the TouchHitTesting event.

VisibilityChangedEventArgs class

Contains the arguments returned by the event fired when a CoreWindow instance's visibility changes.

WindowActivatedEventArgs class

Contains the windows activation state information returned by the CoreWindow.Activated event.

WindowSizeChangedEventArgs class

Contains the argument returned by a window size change event.




Build date: 2/25/2013