Propriété NetworkProtocol

Gets or sets the network protocol used to establish the connection to the server.

Espace de noms :  Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common
Assembly :  Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo (en Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo.dll)


Public Property NetworkProtocol As NetworkProtocol
Dim instance As ConnectionSettings
Dim value As NetworkProtocol

value = instance.NetworkProtocol

instance.NetworkProtocol = value
public NetworkProtocol NetworkProtocol { get; set; }
property NetworkProtocol NetworkProtocol {
    NetworkProtocol get ();
    void set (NetworkProtocol value);
member NetworkProtocol : NetworkProtocol with get, set
function get NetworkProtocol () : NetworkProtocol
function set NetworkProtocol (value : NetworkProtocol)

Valeur de propriété

Type : Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common. . :: . .NetworkProtocol
A NetworkProtocol object value that specifies the network protocol used to establish the connection to the server.