Membres SPWeb (Microsoft.SharePoint)

Represents a Windows SharePoint Services Web site.

Les tableaux suivants contiennent la liste des membres exposés par le type SPWeb .

Propriétés publiques

  Nom Description
Propriété publique Alerts Gets the collection of alerts for the site or subsite.
Propriété publique AllowAnonymousAccess Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether anonymous access is allowed for the Web site.
Propriété publique AllowAutomaticASPXPageIndexing Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the .aspx page within the Web site should be indexed by the search engine.
Propriété publique AllowRssFeeds Gets a Boolean value that specifies whether the Web site allows RSS feeds.
Propriété publique AllowUnsafeUpdates Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether to allow updates to the database as a result of a GET request or without requiring a security validation.
Propriété publique AllProperties Gets a hash table that contains metadata for the Web site.
Propriété publique AllRolesForCurrentUser Gets the collection of role definitions for the roles to which the current user is assigned.
Propriété publique AllUsers Gets the collection of user objects that represents all users who are either members of the site or who have browsed to the site as authenticated members of a domain group in the site.
Propriété publique AllWebTemplatesAllowed Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the available Web templates that are returned by the GetAvailableWebTemplates method comprise the complete set of templates.
Propriété publique AlternateCssUrl Gets or sets the URL for an alternate cascading style sheet (CSS) to use in the Web site.
Propriété publique AlternateHeader Gets or sets the URL for an alternate .aspx page that will be used to render the top navigation area in Windows SharePoint Services pages.
Propriété publique AnonymousPermMask64 Gets the base permissions for anonymous users of the Web site.
Propriété publique AnonymousState Gets or sets the level of access for anonymous users on the Web site.
Propriété publique ASPXPageIndexed Gets a Boolean value that specifies whether the .aspx pages of the Web site are automatically indexed.
Propriété publique ASPXPageIndexMode Gets or sets the .aspx page indexing that is used by the Web site.
Propriété publique AssociatedGroups Gets a list of the groups that are associated with the Web site.
Propriété publique AssociatedMemberGroup Gets the users who have been given contribute permissions to the Web site.
Propriété publique AssociatedOwnerGroup Gets or sets the associated owner groups of the Web site.
Propriété publique AssociatedVisitorGroup Gets or sets the associated visitor group of the Web site.
Propriété publique Audit Gets the audit log that is associated with the Web site.
Propriété publique AuthenticationMode  
Propriété publique Author Gets a user object that represents the user who created the Web site.
Propriété publique AvailableContentTypes Gets the collection of all content types that apply to the current scope, including those of the current Web site, as well as any parent Web sites.
Propriété publique AvailableFields Gets the collection of the available fields of the Web site.
Propriété publique CacheAllSchema Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether caching of all schemas on the Web site is enabled.
Propriété publique Configuration Gets either the identifier (ID) of the site definition configuration that was used to create the site, or the ID of the site definition configuration from which the site template that was used to create the site was derived.
Propriété publique ContentTypes Gets the collection of content types for the Web site.
Propriété publique Created Gets a date and time value that indicates when the site was created.
Propriété publique CurrencyLocaleID Gets the locale identifier (ID) that is used for currency in the Web site.
Propriété publique CurrentChangeToken Gets the change token that is used when the next change is logged to the Web site.
Propriété publique CurrentUser Gets the current user of the site.
Propriété publique CustomMasterUrl Gets or sets the URL for a custom master page file to apply to the Web site.
Propriété publique DataRetrievalServicesSettings Gets an object that represents the data retrieval service settings for the deployment of Windows SharePoint Services.
Propriété publique Description Gets or sets the description for the site.
Propriété publique DocTemplates Gets the collection of document templates that are used on the site.
Propriété publique EffectiveBasePermissions Gets the effective base permissions that are assigned to the current user.
Propriété publique EffectivePresenceEnabled Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether effective presence information is enabled on the site.
Propriété publique EmailInsertsEnabled Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether document libraries on the virtual server can accept e-mail attachments from public folders. Obsolète.
Propriété publique EventHandlersEnabled Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 event handlers can be used on the site.
Propriété publique EventReceivers Gets the collection of event receiver definitions that are currently available on the Web site.
Propriété publique ExecuteUrl Gets the URL that is called after the site definition for a business solutions site is instantiated.
Propriété publique Exists Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the Web site exists.
Propriété publique ExternalSecurityProviderSetting Gets the settings that are used by an external security provider for the site.
Propriété publique Features Gets the collection of Features that are currently activated in the Web site.
Propriété publique Fields Gets the collection of field objects that represents all the fields in the Web site.
Propriété publique FieldTypeDefinitionCollection Gets the collection of SPFieldTypeDefinition objects that represents type definition information for the fields of the Web site.
Propriété publique Files Gets the collection of all files in the root directory of the Web site.
Propriété publique FirstUniqueAncestor Gets the first ancestor Web site with unique permissions and where the access control list (ACL) for the current site is defined.
Propriété publique FirstUniqueAncestorWeb Gets the first parent Web site that has unique permissions.
Propriété publique FirstUniqueRoleDefinitionWeb Gets the Web site where the role definitions for the current site were defined.
Propriété publique Folders Gets the collection of all first-level folders in the Web site.
Propriété publique Groups Gets the collection of cross-site groups for the site.
Propriété publique HasExternalSecurityProvider Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the site uses an external security provider.
Propriété publique HasUniquePerm Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the site has unique permissions. Obsolète.
Propriété publique HasUniqueRoleAssignments Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the role assignments are uniquely defined for this Web site or inherited from a parent Web site.
Propriété publique HasUniqueRoleDefinitions Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the role definitions are uniquely defined for this Web site or inherited from a parent Web site.
Propriété publique ID Gets the GUID for the site.
Propriété publique IncludeSupportingFolders Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether supporting folders for files or folders in the site are included in enumerations of files or folders.
Propriété publique IsADAccountCreationMode Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether user accounts are automatically created in Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) when users are invited to the Web site.
Propriété publique IsADEmailEnabled Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether e-mail for Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS)is enabled on the site.
Propriété publique IsRootWeb Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the site is the top-level Web site of the site collection.
Propriété publique Language Gets the locale identifier for the language that is used on the site.
Propriété publique LastItemModifiedDate Gets the date and time that an item was last modified in the site.
Propriété publique Lists Gets the collection of all lists that are contained in the Web site.
Propriété publique ListTemplates Gets the collection of all list definitions and list templates that are available for creating lists on the Web site.
Propriété publique Locale Gets or sets the locale for the Web site.
Propriété publique MasterUrl Gets or sets the URL of the master page that is used for the Web site.
Propriété publique Modules Gets the collection of modules that are used on the Web site.
Propriété publique Name Gets or sets the name of the Web site.
Propriété publique Navigation Gets a navigation object that represents navigation on the Web site, including the Quick Launch area and the top navigation bar.
Propriété publique NoCrawl Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether searching is enabled for the Web site.
Propriété publique ParentWeb Gets the parent Web site of the specified Web site.
Propriété publique ParentWebId Gets the identifier (ID) of the parent Web site for the site.
Propriété publique ParserEnabled Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether parsing is enabled for the Web site.
Propriété publique Permissions Gets the collection of permissions for the Web site. Obsolète.
Propriété publique PortalMember Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the Web site is associated with a portal site.
Propriété publique PortalName Gets the name of a portal site that is associated with the site.
Propriété publique PortalSubscriptionUrl Gets the URL that is used for alerts within a portal.
Propriété publique PortalUrl Gets the URL to a portal site that is associated with the site.
Propriété publique PresenceEnabled Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether inline presence information is enabled on the Web site.
Propriété publique Properties Gets property settings for the site, such as the version of Windows SharePoint Services and the language locale. Instead use the new AllProperties property to return the settings for a Web site, because Properties returns only a subset of these settings.
Propriété publique Provisioned Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the Web site has been provisioned.
Propriété publique PublicFolderRootUrl Gets the URL of the public folder that is used for e-mail attachments in document libraries.
Propriété publique QuickLaunchEnabled Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the Quick Launch area is enabled on the Web site.
Propriété publique RecycleBin Gets the recycle bin of the Web site.
Propriété publique RegionalSettings Gets the regional settings that are currently implemented on the Web site.
Propriété publique RequestAccessEmail Gets or sets the e-mail address to which requests for access are sent.
Propriété publique RequestAccessEnabled Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether request for access to the Web site is enabled.
Propriété publique ReusableAcl Gets the reusable access control list (ACL) for the Web site.
Propriété publique RoleAssignments Gets the collection of role assignments for the Web site.
Propriété publique RoleDefinitions Gets the collection of role definitions for the Web site.
Propriété publique Roles Use the RoleDefinitions property to get the collection of role definitions for a Web site. In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, the Roles property was used to get the collection of site groups on the Web site. Obsolète.
Propriété publique RootFolder Gets the root folder for the Web site.
Propriété publique ServerRelativeUrl Gets or sets the server-relative URL for the Web site.
Propriété publique Site Gets the parent site collection for the Web site.
Propriété publique SiteAdministrators Gets the collection of the Web site administrators.
Propriété publique SiteGroups Gets the collection of cross-site groups for the site collection.
Propriété publique SiteLogoDescription Gets or sets the description of the Web site logo.
Propriété publique SiteLogoUrl Gets or sets the absolute URL of the Web site logo.
Propriété publique SiteUserInfoList Gets the UserInfo list of the site collection that contains the Web site.
Propriété publique SiteUsers Gets the collection of all users that belong to the site collection.
Propriété publique SyndicationEnabled Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether syndication is enabled in the Web site.
Propriété publique Theme Gets the name of the theme that is applied to the Web site.
Propriété publique ThemeCssUrl Gets the URL for the cascading style sheets file that is used in the theme for the Web site.
Propriété publique Title Gets or sets the title for the Web site.
Propriété publique TreeViewEnabled Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the Windows SharePoint Services TreeView is enabled in the left navigational area of Web site pages.
Propriété publique Url Gets the absolute URL for the Web site.
Propriété publique UserIsSiteAdmin Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the user has administrative rights on the Web site, including ManageSubwebs, ManagePermissions, and ManageWeb permissions.
Propriété publique UserIsWebAdmin Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the user is a member of the Administrator site group for the site.
Propriété publique Users Gets the collection of user objects that are explicitly assigned permissions in the Web site.
Propriété publique ViewStyles Gets the collection of view styles for the Web site.
Propriété publique Webs Gets a Web site collection object that represents all Web sites immediately beneath the Web site, excluding children of those Web sites.
Propriété publique WebTemplate Gets the name of the site definition that was used to create the site, or gets the name of the site definition from which the site template that was used to create the site is derived.
Propriété publique WebTemplateId Gets the identifier (ID) of the site definition that was used to create the site or the ID of the site definition from which the site template that was used to create the site is derived.
Propriété publique WorkflowTemplates Gets the collection of workflow templates of the Web site.

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Méthodes publiques

(voir aussi Méthodes protégées )

  Nom Description
Méthode publique AllowAllWebTemplates Resets the available Web templates on the Web site to the complete set of Web templates.
Méthode publique ApplyTheme Applies a theme to a Web site.
Méthode publique ApplyWebTemplate Surchargé. Applies the specified site definition object or site template object to the Windows SharePoint Services Web site.
Méthode publique BreakRoleInheritance Breaks inheritance of role assignments from the parent Web site.
Méthode publique BypassUseRemoteApis Accesses the Web site by bypassing the SOAP, WebDAV and Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007 interfaces.
Méthode publique CheckPermissions Checks the permissions for the Web site and raises an Access Denied error if the permissions fail.
Méthode publique Close Closes the Web site at the end of a request and releases resources.
Méthode publique CreateDefaultAssociatedGroups Creates the default security groups that are associated with a site.
Méthode publique CustomizeCss Customizes the specified style sheet for the Web site.
Méthode publique Delete Deletes the Web site.
Méthode publique Dispose Releases all unmanaged resources that are used by the Web site object.
Méthode publique DoesUserHavePermissions Surchargé. Checks the permissions of a user for a specified set of rights.
Méthode publique EnsureUser Checks whether the specified login name belongs to a valid user of the Web site, and if the login name does not already exist, adds it to the Web site.
Méthode publique Equals  Surchargé. (hérité de Object)
Méthode publique GetAvailableCrossLanguageWebTemplates Returns the collection of available cross-language Web templates.
Méthode publique GetAvailableWebTemplates Surchargé. Returns the Web templates that are available for creating subsites beneath the subsite.
Méthode publique GetCatalog Returns the list template gallery, site template gallery, or Web Part gallery for the Web site.
Méthode publique GetChanges Surchargé. Queries the change log and returns a collection of changes that have occurred in the Web site.
Méthode publique GetDocDiscussions Returns the collection of document discussion objects for the specified directory in the site.
Méthode publique GetFieldLocalizations Returns the collection of localizations for the Web site for the specified culture.
Méthode publique GetFile Surchargé. Returns the file object with the specified GUID or the file object that is located at the specified URL.
Méthode publique GetFileAsString Returns the contents of the file object located at the specified URL as a string.
Méthode publique GetFileOrFolderObject Returns a file or folder on the Web site with the specified URL.
Méthode publique GetFilePersonalizationInformation Returns the file level of a specified document as output parameters and also returns a value that specifies whether the document has personalized Web Parts.
Méthode publique GetFolder Surchargé. Returns the folder object with the specified GUID or the folder object that is located at the specified URL.
Méthode publique GetHashCode  (hérité de Object)
Méthode publique GetLimitedWebPartManager Returns the limited Web Part Manager for the specified Web Part page and view.
Méthode publique GetList Returns the list that is associated with the specified server-relative URL.
Méthode publique GetListFromUrl Returns the list that is associated with the first Web Part on the specified Web Part page. Beginning in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, use the GetListFromWebPartPageUrl method instead of the GetListUrl method.
Méthode publique GetListFromWebPartPageUrl Returns the list that is associated with the first Web Part on the specified Web Part page.
Méthode publique GetListItem Returns the list item that is associated with the specified server-relative URL.
Méthode publique GetListsOfType Returns a collection of list objects of the specified type from the Web site.
Méthode publique GetObject Returns a file, folder, or list item that is associated with the specified URL.
Méthode publique GetRecycleBinItems Returns a collection of recycle bin items that are based on the specified query.
Méthode publique GetSiteData Performs a query for list items across multiple lists, which can be located in multiple Web sites in the same Web site collection.
Méthode publique GetSubwebsForCurrentUser Surchargé. Returns the collection of subsites beneath the current Web site of which the current user is a member.
Méthode publique GetType  (hérité de Object)
Méthode publique GetUsageData Surchargé. Returns a table that contains information about the usage of a Web site.
Méthode publique GetUserEffectivePermissionInfo Get effective permissions that the specified user has and the role assignments related to this user within this scope.
Méthode publique GetUserEffectivePermissions Retrieves the effective permissions the specified user has within the current application scope.
Méthode publique GetViewFromUrl Returns a view of a list within the site based on the specified URL.
Méthode publique GetWebPartCollection Use the GetLimitedWebPartManager method of the SPFile class to return an SPLimitedWebPartManager object to manage Web Parts instead. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 the GetWebPartCollection method returned the collection of Web Parts on the page at the specified URL.) Obsolète.
Méthode publique InsertAlertEvent Surchargé. Inserts an event in the events table.
Méthode publique IsCurrentUserMemberOfGroup Returns a Boolean value that specifies whether the current user is a member of the specified group.
Méthode publique Statique OriginalBaseUrl Returns the base URL for the current request.
Méthode publique ProcessBatchData Processes the specified batch string of commands for sending multiple requests to the server per transaction.
Méthode publique RecalculateWebFineGrainedPermissions Recalculates whether the Web site contains a list or list item that has unique permissions, and updates the value of the AllowAutomaticASPXPageIndexing property.
Méthode publique Statique ReferenceEquals  (hérité de Object)
Méthode publique RemoveExternalSecurityProvider Removes the external security provider for the Web site.
Méthode publique ResetRoleInheritance Resets the role inheritance for the Web site.
Méthode publique RevertAllDocumentContentStreams Restores all files within the Web site to their original uncustomized state so that their logic becomes cached in memory (also known as "ghosted") rather than stored within the database.
Méthode publique RevertCss Reverts style sheet customization of a file to the default style sheet.
Méthode publique SaveAsTemplate Saves the Web site as a site template.
Méthode publique SearchDocuments Surchargé. Obsolete. For Rechercher, use the Execute method of the Microsoft.SharePoint.Search.Query.KeywordQuery class or the Microsoft.SharePoint.Search.Query.FullTextSqlQuery class instead. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, the SearchDocuments method searched documents in the Web site for the specified string.)
Méthode publique SearchListItems Surchargé. Searches list data in the Web site for the specified string.
Méthode publique SetAvailableCrossLanguageWebTemplates Specifies a set of language-neutral Web templates that are available for creating subsites below the Web site, regardless of locale.
Méthode publique SetAvailableWebTemplates Specifies the Web templates that are available for creating subsites below the Web site for the specified locale.
Méthode publique ToString Substitué. Returns the title of the Web site.
Méthode publique Update Updates the database with changes that are made to the Web site.
Méthode publique ValidateFormDigest Validates the form digest control that is used in the current request.

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Méthodes protégées

  Nom Description
Méthode protégée Finalize  (hérité de Object)
Méthode protégée MemberwiseClone  (hérité de Object)

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Voir aussi


SPWeb, classe
Microsoft.SharePoint, espace de noms